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"Guys! Can I come in yet?" Stella asked through the closed nursery door.

"It's not done yet, hold on!" Kelly called as he hung a small turnout coat and helmet on the wall.

"When will it be done? You two have been working in there all day! It's 9 o'clock pm!" She said, her and Gabby itching to see the room.

"Give us two more minutes!" Matt called, draping the firefighter blanket over the edge of the crib.

"Fine. Come on, baby boy, let's go get a snack." Stella said, holding her pregnant belly as she went to the kitchen.

As Stella finished a bag of chips, the guys walked into the kitchen. "It's done." Kelly sang.

"Let's see it!" Stella said, throwing the chip bag on the counter and hurrying to the nursery.

On the shut door in red letters was Mason's name.

"I love that!" She said, running her hand over the letters before opening the door and covering her mouth with her hands.

"This. Is. Amazing." She said, taking it all in. "Oh my god, I'm actually happy I lost the bet! This is better than I could've imagined!"

"Our baby is going to be so damn cute." Kelly said, hugging Stella from behind and resting his hands on her belly, suddenly feeling something.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Our son really likes this room of his. He just kicked!"

"Daddy sure loves you, Mason. You're my little firefighter." Kelly said, kneeling in front of Stella and talking to her stomach.

"Aww! Look how sweet." Gabby teased, snapping a picture of the couple and sending it to everyone from the firehouse.

"Yeah, sure, mock me. I'm not ashamed of loving my girlfriend and my baby." Kelly grinned.

"Ya know, we can't mock them too much, babe. We are exactly like them now." Matt told his wife.

"Wait a second..." Stella said. "Do you mean...?"

"We're pregnant!" Gabby announced.

"Oh my god! No way!" "Congratulations, guys!" Stella and Kelly yelled, the four hugging each other.

"How far along are you?" Stella asked.

"12 weeks. We wanted to wait until after the first trimester to tell anyone, which was especially hard, if you were wondering." Gabby laughed.

"We're only 6 weeks apart!" Stella realized.

"Oh God, help us." Matt told Kelly.

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