Double Date

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"Ugh! Why do we have shift today!?" Stella groaned as the alarm blared. Kelly snoozed the alarm and rolled over, burying his face in Stella's neck.

"Five more minutes." He said before falling asleep instantly, snoring lightly into Stella. And soon, the alarm went off again.

"We should get up this time." Stella sighed.

"If somebody hadn't kept me up all night, this wouldn't be as painful." Kelly teased.

"Oh, so, you mean to tell me, you didn't enjoy every second of last night?"

"I never said that." He smirked.

Before either of them could say anything else, Kelly's phone rang.

"Who calls at this ungodly hour?" She groaned as he picked up his phone and answered.

"Casey, what's up?....We're not even up yet, man... Give us 20 minutes and we'll be there." He said before hanging up.

"Where are we going?"

"Gabby and Matt want to grab breakfast together before work. Kind of a short, improper double date, I guess."

"Oh, well in that case, maybe we should just shower together, ya know, for time purposes." Stella hinted, her eyebrows raised.

"Strictly for time purposes." Kelly smirked.


"You guys are late, we almost started to think you forgot to come." Gabby said as Stella and Kelly entered the bagel shop.

"We got a little, uh, sidetracked." Stella said, elbowing Kelly as he smirked.

"Yeah, they were having sex." Matt said, causing Gabby and Stella to hit him in the head.

"There are some things we don't say out loud, Matthew." Gabby corrected him.

"You don't want to start playing the game of calling each other out every time we know the other couple has been fooling around. Otherwise, Boden would have to fire us all." Kelly laughed.

"Well, he might have to anyway if we don't hurry up. We're all going to be late." Matt said, looking at his phone.

"We just got here, though." Stella whined, taking the first bite out of her bagel.

"Well, whose fault is it you two are late?" Matt questioned, eyebrows raised.

"Yours." Kelly told Stella, making everyone laugh.

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