Cut Off

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"Stella, come in the water." Kelly told his wife after spending hours with the guys and the kids swimming.

"I would rather not." Stella said from where she was lying on a towel in the sun.

"You know you want to." He said, wringing out his soaking wet shorts onto her.

"Kelly!" She screamed, kicking him in the leg.

"Just come in the water. The kids would love it."

"I will stand in the water, but I am not swimming."

"Chicken." Kelly teased as she got up.

For a few minutes, Stella enjoyed just watching the guys play with the kids as she stood in the shallow water.

"Hey, Mommy! Look at our castle!" Olivia called to her, causing her to turn her back on the guys for a minute.

While her back was turned, Kelly hurried up behind her and grabbed her, pulling her into the water as she screamed at him.

"Kelly! I am going to kill you! Put me down!" She yelled as Kelly laughed hysterically, tossing her into the water a few feet away from him once he was waist-deep in the lake.

"Look, Buck, your mom's about to kill your dad." Antonio told Caleb as they watched the scene go down.

"Uh-oh!" Caleb laughed.

"Dad is in so much trouble." Mason muttered as they all watched Stella resurface.

"You are cut off." Stella told Kelly calmly, wiping the water from her face.

"Cut off?" Kelly questioned, the amusement wiped from his face.

"Cut off."

"From what?"

Stella looked around, saw the kids listening, and whispered, "Me."

"Stell, please, no, it's just a joke."

Stella said nothing as she walked out of the water with a smirk.

"What's that mean? Cut off?" Caleb asked Antonio.

"It means, uh, no more ice cream for your dad for awhile." Antonio said, not sure what else to say.

"Haha! Dad got grounded!" Mason teased.

"C'mon guys! Lunch time!" Sylvie called from the blanket set up in the sand, where she had food sitting out for everyone.

As they all ate, Olivia made a face. "Something stinks."

"I smell it too." Sophia agreed.

"Me too!" Liz agreed.

"What is that?" Stella wondered, everyone sniffing for the smell.

"Eww! It's Mason!" Olivia suddenly yelled, smelling her brother.

"Oh yeah, I haven't showered in a week." The boy said with a chuckle.

"Are you kidding!?" Stella yelled.

"Nope, I've gone a week without showering. It was easy, too! I just said I showered on the days you guys work!" He smiled, clearly proud of himself.

"Boys." Gabby said with an eye roll.

"I've gone 6 days without showering. Mason, Spencer, and I had a bet." Josh admitted.

"Spencer?" Sylvie questioned her son.

"I got to 8 days!" He announced.

Sylvie gave Antonio the look, the one that said 'you're to blame.'

"Hey, that's not my son, that's your son." Antonio laughed as all the boys high-fived.

"Well, looks like your chance might be coming." Gabby said, looking up as storm clouds rolled in.

"I think it's time to go." Sylvie said as thunder rolled.

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