Floor Sleeper

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The next morning, Stella woke up and didn't see Kelly beside her. Thinking he must've gotten up early, she got up and to go see if he was in the kitchen.

However, on her way, she saw Kelly asleep on the floor beside the bed, hugging a pile of blankets.

"Okay, that's adorable." She whispered, taking out her phone and putting a picture of him on her Instagram story. Afterwards, she sat beside him and put her arms around him.

"Why are you on the floor?" She whispered into his ear, waking him up.

Kelly stretched and looked at her. "You kicked me off the bed last night."

"No, I did not."

"Yeah, you kinda did."

"Kelly, I barely move in my sleep! I did not kick you off the bed!" Stella laughed.

"Well, I kinda fell off and didn't feel like getting back up, so, this happened." He said, motioning to the pile of blankets.

"You fell off the bed?"

Kelly nodded, making Stella laugh.

"Are you 3 years old? Do you need to be sleeping in a crib?" She teased.

"No, I don't need a crib. For your information, I only fell off because I dreamt I had to jump from a building and I guess I actually jumped."

"Ya know, I thought I heard something last night, I just figured your phone fell or something."

"Something fell. It wasn't a phone though." They laughed and Stella kissed Kelly.

"How're you feeling today?" She asked him, gently touching his burned face.

"Better. I can pretty much breath again and the burn doesn't hurt as much, either." He said.

"Well, if you can breath again, you know what we could do...that is, if you're up for that."

"If I ever say no to that, you can end me. You have my permission." He said as he took his shirt off.

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