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Yoongi POV:
'What have I done!?', I grabbed my hairs as I looked at the magazine in front of me. The picture of the person on the front page is the same as the one I slept with yesterday. Not like I wanted it but still and if I am reading right it says the most popular CEO of South Korea Park Jimin. 'Fuck'


I was on my way to home from the kindergarten I work at. It was almost evening so the weather was really cold. It was November so the days were cold but not much but the nights were too cold. I blew on my hands as I rubbed them to warm them up. I put my hands in my huge jacket's pockets as I hid my face in the scarf around my neck.

'Maybe I should grab warm canned coffee', I thought as I was passing by a grocery store and entered it. I went to the vending machine took a black canned coffee and started walking home. "PARK JIMIN I AM FUCKING SICK OF YOU. DO YOU EVEN KNOW THAT YOU HAVE A HOME OR YOUR OFFICE IS THE ONLY PLACE YOU HAVE TO LIVE IN". I was shocked by the loud noise and looked toward it to find a guy with his head lowered and a woman standing in front of him looking really furious, 'Scary', I thought as I continued watching them.

"You don't have to be so loud, I'm sorry", I felt really bad for the the poor guy. "YOU THINK SORRY CAN MAKE UP FOR EVERYTHING YOU DID, i don't care anymore i am leaving i was with you only for your money anyway I have someone else now so I am fine without your money now, YOU CAN GO AND FUCK YOURSELF IN YOUR OFFICE", 'Woah what a bitch'. The guy looked at the girl in shock. "B-But what about Hyesung!?", "If you think I care I don't, you keep it". The woman said as she walked away.

The guy looked down again and fell on his knees. I was shocked as I ran to him. "Hey you okay?", the guy looked up hearing my voice. "You should get up it's dangerous if you sit here", I said as I offered him a hand. He looked at me and then my hand and got up without taking the offer.

I awkwardly took a step back giving him space to stand comfortably. "Are you okay? Can I help you?", I asked him cuz he looked really sad. "Why would you bother helping a stranger?", he asked frowning. "Well even if you're a stranger it's not written anywhere that you can't help a stranger also I can't help but offer help to someone who look sad I can't see someone sad", I replied smiling.

"Then come and drink with me", The stranger said looking in my eyes. "U-Uh I don't drink but I sure can accompany you", "That would be enough". We both walked to the closest bar. The guy ordered alcohol while I just drank my canned coffee, it wasn't as hot as before but was enough.

I looked at the stranger with concern he was on his 14th shot and was asking 15th and surely was  totally drunk. "I-I think you should stop now, you drank enough already", "You just shut up!", he growled. I flinched at the drunk man's harsh tone but sat back.

Finally after his 20th shot I had enough. I grabbed his bisep and pulled him off the chair. He struggled but I managed, 'Damn he was drunk but still he was too strong'. The shocking thing was that since he offered to drink with me I thought he might let out his problem and talk instead he just drank like a maniac.

I paid for the drinks and went out of the bar. 'Maybe I should bring him to my house for the night', I thought as I dragged him to my apartment. It was difficult but I managed to drag his heavy body to my apartment. I sat him on the bed and sat on the floor myself catching my breathe.

I looked at the guy now noticing how handsome he is. He looked really beautiful with plump lips and  a small nose. He had a cute face with a strong and muscular physique and personality. He was wearing pant coat so I think I should change him but my clothes would be too small for him. So I took off his shoes and socks. And Unbuckled his belt and took off his coat.

I untied his tie and when I unbuttoned his shirt's top two buttons he grabbed my wrist and pulled me on top of him. I looked up at him in shock and he was looking at me with half eyes open. He was still drunk you could tell. "Uh I'm sorry I just thought sleeping in pant coat would be un-", before I could finish he slammed his lips on mine. My eyes widened and I tried to struggle. He grabbed my hair from the back of my head and pushed his lips harder on mine deepening the kiss. I tried to get away from his firm grip but he was too strong and my hair :'(

"Wh- Mis", Finally after he released my lips I tried to catch my breathe. "Wh-What are you doing!?", I asked with a shocked tone. He looked in my eyes and his eyes looked so sad and tired. He was so beautiful my heart skipped a beat. I sighed and laid back not like it's my first time. I just laid back and let him do whatever he wanted as he started leaving kisses on my neck.


I woke because I was cold I looked around to find the bed empty next to me. Only my clothes were on the floor. I sigh, "So that's it huh", I said massaging my forehead even if it wasn't my first time I did felt used and hurt but it is my fault as well so why bother regretting now. I thought as I got up but my feet couldn't support me and I fell back on my bed, "Fuck, my bottom hurts".

I, with much struggle got up, took a shower and went to prepare my breakfast. I sat the table and started eating and reading the day's magazine when my eyes widened.


I sighed and took a sip of my coffee. 'There's no helping it now'. I turned on the television to watch the daily news and weather forecast. It was still 5.30 so I had time to go to work.
Breaking: Park Jimin the most popular, young, handsome and richest CEO of South Korea was divorced yesterday. The news is going wild and the girls and guys who had their eyes on the Young CEO are going crazy saying that maybe it's their chance, is it?
Apparently the reason of divorce by his wife, formerly Park Seohee now Shin Seohee, stated that her husband, Park Jimin wasn't home most of the time and used to sleep around despite having a beautiful wife. Is it true now? We don't know we will, though ask Mr. Park Jimin himself in an interview.
End of breaking news..

"WHAT THE FUCK SHE WAS HIS WIFE!? No fucking way. I-I made him cheat on his wife", I looked at my hands in guilt. 'I am so fucking pathetic. The Pathetic Min Yoongi...."

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