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Jimin's POV:
I woke up cuz of the absence of the warmth next to me. I looked at the time and it was 10:21pm. 39 more minutes till the plane lands. I looked at Mr. And Mrs. Yoon and they both were looking at something on the cellphone with hand frees on. The kids were asleep and Yoongi was missing.

"Um excuse me where's Yoongi?", I asked catching Yoons's attention. "Ah Mr. Min, I think he went to the restroom cuz when we woke up he wasn't here". "oh ok thanks", I said with a nod and they nodded back.

I don't know but I had these bad guts feelings, like something was wrong. Too wrong and like Yoongi needed me. I sighed and decided to follow my gut feelings and went to the restroom. As I entered the washroom, my gut feelings were confirmed.

There was a trembling Yoongi standing, facing the wall, his hands tied behind him with a belt and tie on his mouth. His shirt unbuttoned and dropping down his shoulders, his right shoulder bleeding and his pant slightly down and a creepy looking guy unbuttoning his own jeans. I could see it all cuz the door of the stall was completely open.

I just saw dark at that moment and growled furiously before walking toward them and grabbed the guy by his shoulder and punched him hard. The feeling of my punch colliding his jaw felt amazing. Yoongi slid down still facing the wall and trembling furiously.

The shivering of his fragile body angered me even more as I punched the guy once more and a loud scream escaped his mouth. I grabbed his mouth shutting him up and kicked his stomach but unfortunately the staff came running in probably after they heard the guy's scream.

"Please stop what are you doing", they said as they grabbed my biseps and tried to stop me from killing the guy. His mouth was already bleeding and he vomited blood as he tried to get up. Finally after a good 5 minutes of hard struggling I got myself out of their hold and glared at the injured guy on the floor.

"Sir why did you do that!?", "Oh fucking bullshit, ask this shit there why he did that to my Yoongi, consider yourself lucky you bastard these people came in or right now your existence would have vanished from the world!", I growled at the whimpering guy on the floor.

The staff members apologized and handcuffed the guy taking his for first aid. "Sir should we treat your boyfriend?", A staff member asked me to confirm if she can touch Yoongi or not but I growled at her and she bowed slightly before walking away getting my meaning, I know it was rude but I was too angry to control it right now.

Finally after controlling my anger I walked up to my Yoongi and placed my hand on his bleeding shoulder. He flinched at the sudden skin contact. "Yoongi", I called lightly as I sat down behind him and turned him around. His eyes were red because of crying so hard and his hair were messy cuz of all the sweat, he was trembling so violently that it angered and saddened me at the same time.

Seeing me, he struggled to free himself. I took off the dirty tie around his mouth and the sight angered me to the point of seeing red again. His beautiful lips were bleeding. This only had one meaning that fucking crazy bastard bit his lips and shoulder that they were bleeding. "Jimin-ah", He whimpered between his sobs and cries. His voice broke my heart, he sounded so scared. Just as I untied his hands, he shoot up and hugged me tightly. He squeezed my neck in his arms and I caught his trembling body immediately and brought it closer to mine.

He sobbed hard in my neck while I rubbed my hand on his back. I was so angry at myself and at that guy. Cuz I was so late for my baby, I let something so scary happen to him and that guy fucking tried to do such a thing to my Yoongi.

"I-I'm s-so so-sorry", Yoongi stammered in a heartbreaking tone and I tightened my arms around him. "Why the hell are you apologizing!?!?", I replied a bit too harshly. Of course the rudeness wasn't meant for Yoongi but he still flinched a little and tightened his hold on me.

"B-But I can't e-ev-even pr-protect m-my own se-self!", his voice was trembling so it came out in a loud squeak. "That's what I'm here for. To protect you. That my job and I fucking failed........ Dammit I'm so fucking sorry. I couldn't even protect you. Someone so precious to me. I just feel so angry at myself that-", before my harsh words could get even harsher toward myself Yoongi quietened me.

He placed his bloody lips on mine. I sighed in relief at the soft feeling of the familiar warm lips and deepened the kiss. When I licked Yoongi's lips getting the metallic spreading in my whole mouth Yoongi pulled away not giving me what I wanted. He looked at me with still teary and red eyes. "I was so scared Jiminie", he said in such a fragile tone that I hugged him again.

"I'm sorry my love, I'm so damn sorry. I promise that I'll always protect you. I won't let anyone touch you from now own and never. Never let anybody touch something that already belongs to me, you", I whispered into his bare neck and pecked the warm skin.

"Let get you cleaned up my love", I said getting up with Yoongi, who quietly nodded. He fixed his jeans and buttoned up his shirt after cleaning the wound on his shoulder and finally washed his face and fixed his hair. After fixing himself Yoongi straightened up, still shivering lightly but gave me a trembling smile and walked out with me behind him.

We both sat back on our seats. The Yoons were still talking to each other while both kids were now awake and watching an animated movie. Hyesung turned back and looked at us, when he noticed Yoongi who had his eyes closed and head resting on my shoulder with my arm around him, he gave me a worried look. I just simply smiled at him telling him nothing's wrong. He, still unsure nodded but again went back to watch despicable me which both kids were watching.

I looked at Yoongi who had clung to me tightly not leaving any space between us despite being on different chairs. I smiled at the beautiful boy next to me and gently combed his hair with my fingers. "Baby take a light nap, We'll reach Japan in almost half more hour", I informed and felt him nodding against my shoulder. I kept looking at Yoongi, lightly brushing my thumb against his cheek and smiled at the plan I had for Yoongi in Japan. "Sleep well my love, we'll be there soon", I said and pecked his forehead.

A/N I love them so damn much (┳Д┳)

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