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Jimin POV:
Yoongi went to put Hyesung to his bed while I was still on the couch picking my nose while spacing out.

Like not actually picking my nose. But I was spacing out not knowing what to do when I heard a buzz sound. I looked around for my cell but I hadn't received any notification, I heard a buzz sound again and looked around finding Yoongi's cell on top of the table whose notification light was on.

I got curious but left it as it was not wanting to check his cell without his permission, when his cell buzzed again two three times at once, I again thought of ignoring it but it kept buzzing and finally getting annoyed I picked his cell phone up and turned it on. Surprisingly he didn't had any lock on. I opened his SMSs, dumb decision I know but I couldn't help it I was curious asf.

I was shocked at the amount of messages he had from an unknown number.
Hey Yoongi's, How're you?

Oh sorry it's me Seungjoon.

Yoongi I want to tell you something can we meet again?

Are you ignoring me?

Ok I'm sorry about before but I seriously need to talk to you.



How long will you ignore me

I am serious OK?

God dammit reply already!

Fuck it just meet me OK

Babe I know what I did was wrong but I had a reason OK?

But don't worry I got over it I seriously couldn't move on from you so I want to give you another chance

Of course I want another chance as well

Maybe you're busy rn but make sure to reply when you read these texts

Ok babe I have to go now. I miss you<3

Send message...

I don't know who the hell it is but I hate it. I mean it sound too selfish. More than me. 'Woah whoever you are I hate you so much', I knew I was making a scary face but I don't know just imagining Yoongi with another person like that make me angry I felt too possessive I don't know why.

"Ji-Jimin-ah what are you doing!?", I suddenly heard Yoongi voice and I looked up with the still scary expression and he flinched lightly causing me to almost feel bad.

"I know I was wrong to check your cell. Tho it kept buzzing unstoppably so I got mad and curious. I'm sorry I was wrong". I apologized sincerely (A/N read this scene in the last chap and then this one lol). "Wh-who was messaging?", he asked crossing my fingers nervously. "I don't know it's an unknown number", "Ca-Can I check", it was amusing and cute how he is asking my permission to check his own phone. "Why are you asking me? It's your phone", I said and passed him his phone.

He lightly frowned at the messages and lightly looked up to see my reaction. "Who is it?", I asked lightly, "H-He is-", ''HE' I knew it', "So it's he huh?, He is what?", I said as I stood up and walked toward him. While Yoongi stayed frozen on his spot. "W-why are you so angry?", he asked with force, tightly shutting his eyes. 'huh? Angry?', "I am not angry, I am just asking you a question", I replied in a deep voice, "B-But your face looks too scary", 'What was that!? It felt like an insult! I was confident about my looks dammit', "Well my apology for having a scary face", I replied in a sarcastic voice "N-No! only right now otherwise its not scary", he squeaked out, I suddenly felt better and felt this strong urge to tease him inside me, "Hooo then what is it like normally?", I smirked as I took rounds around him eyeing him up and down. "Y-you are....", He was blushing too hard as I now stood still in front of him, "I am?", I smirked and took a step closer to him. "You are really handsome!!!", he again shut his eyes tight before almost shouting the sentence. Suddenly my chest and head felt light and somewhat....  happy? I couldn't explain this feeling but I couldn't control myself as well, as I held his waist and pulled him onto my chest. He opened his eyes and looked at me innocently and had relief written on his face as he stared at my now calm face

I was happy but then I remembered he still haven't answered me yet, "That's good now answer me who is that person texting you?", "H-He is my ex", he answered quietly his eyes not leaving my eyes once it looked like he was lost in my eyes but his Ex huh? I again felt this tightness of possession and dominance as I pulled him, if possible, even closer into my chest. "Ex huh, Don't dare even reply. He is a mere ex. More like block him. If you answer him or even look at him now I will make sure to tell you who possesses you now", I said in a dominant voice I knew what he was thinking, he felt unfair but he knew he was mine now. "Y-Yes", he replied "Very well". I said as I took his cell and blocked the number with Yoongi still attached to me.

After I blocked that sucker I threw Yoongi's cell on the cushion and again pushed my attention to the kitten on my chest. I observed his face that had a confused look on it, I don't know this feeling in my chest right now but I have this strong urge to make him totally and consciously mine right here and right now. It wasn't lust but possessiveness and dominance and the need to mark him. I with all these feelings pushed him on his back. Yoongi stumbled losing his balance and fell on his back on the couch. I immediately climbed on top of him before he could get up, I again observed his whole face and leaned down smirking.

Again thank me later lolol XD











Yoongi gulped nervously as I leaned so close to his face that our noses were touching. I licked my lips, eyes never leaving his as I pressed my lips against Yoongi's it wasn't rough yet. I smooched his lips and backed up a little and damn I loved it. Yoongi on the other hand was a blushing mess. I again leaned down for an actual kiss as Yoongi place his long veiny hands on my ches-, "Papa? Yoongi-hyung?", I blinked in confusion and looked up to see Hyesung standing at living room door in his sleeping suit rubbing his eyes with one hand and a teddy bear on the other.

We quickly got up before he could look. I admit he looked cute asf. B-but, co-cockblocked? I almost fell of the couch and Yoongi sighed in disappointment. Wait disappointment means he was looking forward to it!?!?, and hell man I feel better again “ψ(`∇´)ψ.

Congrats my college is reopening again tomorrow!!!!(T▽T)

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