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Big Fat M~

I pulled Jimin down crashing my lips on his plump one's. Jimin kissed me with the same force. After a few seconds Jimin licked my lower lip asking for entrance that I gladly gave. The soft feeling of his lips against mine was so good, after a soft kiss we both separated from each other and smiled looking into each other's eyes. We knew that we can't go any further cuz it will be a disaster if the little Prince woke up.

We cuddled for a while before we got hungry and I went in the kitchen to make dinner, yup it was dinner time already. Jimin went to wake his son up and came back with a sleepy and messy Hyesung in his arms rubbing his eyes. He won't let Jimin sleep tonight I know. I giggled at the thought before I felt a hand slide around my waist from behind.

"What's so funny?", there stood Jimin behind me after placing the sleepy Hyesung on the couch. "I'm laughing cuz it's gonna be a long night", Jimin's face lightened before I immediately added, "For you.... of course", "Ouch", I chuckled at the cute acting of my cute boyfriend.

Jimin went to the washroom as I finished preparing the food and placed it only to find Hyesung again in deep sleep on the couch. I shook my head at Jimin, "You had one job", I muttered and started waking up Hyesung.


"Yoongi-Hyung can't you stay for the night pleajj", Hyesung pleaded with puppy eyes from his father's arms who had the same expression. "Haha you both are so cute but I seriously can't", I replied feeling guilty but I really needed to go home today. "Then let me at least take you to your home by car", "No need, thank you though but I don't want to bother you", "you'll never!", Jimin replied but I seriously can't bother Jimin everytime for a ride to anywhere.

"Why don't you both be good boys then I'll make sure to spend the whole next week at yours. Of course including this weekend?", and that's the reason I can't stay today. They both aggressively nodded their heads at my statement and I chuckled.

"OK then goodbye, and take care both of you survive the night without me", I joked as I kissed both their cheeks before realizing that I already did it and in front of Hyesung. I gasped lightly and looked at Hyesung who giggled, "Papa and Yoongi-hyung are so cute", He giggled while we blushed lightly before smiling.


It was a cold night. Even with my thick jacket I felt cold. I rubbed my hands together for warmth. I smiled as I was only a street away from my house now. But suddenly I was hit by a strange cold feeling. Like I'm being watched. I got alert but didn't showed it physically as I fastened my pace toward the building a little.

Finally reaching it I quickly entered it and used stairs instead of elevator. When I reached my 8th floor I quickly went to my house but with slightly trembling and cold hands I struggled to get the key out of my thick jacket's pocket. But when I finally did, *SLAM!!!*, I was grabbed by my bisep and slammed on the wall beside my apartment's door.

I winced at the pain that spread through my back that collided the hard ass wall. "Shit", I cursed lightly. "You're seriously cursing in this situation", I heard a familiar voice and my eyes widened as I looked up.

"Seungjoon!!", The devil in front of me chuckled. "Yup your one and only", "Hah one and only my ass", I replied as I tried to get out of his grip around me arms and I did. "Wait wait wait, wait babe not so fast", he said grasping my bisep again. "What the hell do you want?", I asked coldly. "Oh don't be so cold". "Just shut up and answer me", "Bruh what do you think I will say Huh? You know better then anyone what I'm here for", "Oh no I don't bloody know that your pathetic little lonely ass is here for me".

"Wow sarcastic as always I see", "Why are you bothering me now?", I asked rudely yanking my arm from his grip and started unlocking my door. "Let me in we'll talk inside", I looked at him ridiculously but let him enter my house anyway.

"Look I'm sorry for wha-", "Excuse me? Listen here man. If you seriously think that you can just appear in front of me and apologize saying I was the only one for you and blah blah shit and I'll walk right into your web for arms again, think again before muttering another word", I said as I placed a cup of coffee in front of him. "Bu-", "I said think again before you say a shit", I interrupted rudely.

Seungjoon placed his cup down and came at me. "Look Yoongi I'm sorry OK. I know what I did was too wrong. I shouldn't have done it and today what happened at that school...... I'm sorry OK I know I can't be forgiven but I was jealous. I couldn't see you with someone else. So come back to me...", I laughed bitterly at his non-sense.

"First It is not some drama that you're gonna say some emotional shit and I'll be back in your arms right away, Second Jealousy? Hah jealousy my ass you even know what it is even like to be jealous, THIRD! You know how much jealous I was when you! Posted your pictures on the social media with that girlfriend of yours FORTH!-", "Yoongi-", "JUST SHUT UP AND FUCKING LISTEN TO ME YOU BASTARD!! YOU LEFT ME FOR AN YEAR EVEN WHEN YOU KNEW HOW SEVERE MY DEPRESSION WAS AND NOW THAT I HAVE GOTTEN SOMEONE TO LIVE FOR AGAIN YOU EXPECT ME TO LEAVE THEM FOR YOUR FUCKING ASS, ALSO IF YOU REALLY WANTED TO GET BACK WITH ME YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER THEN CALLING ME A SLUT BACK THEN, NO, MORE THEN THAT RIGHT NOW I WOULD PREFER BEING A SLUT THAN GETTING BACK WITH YOU!!!", I took deep breath trying to control myself and my red face.

"I'm sorry but I'm not a selfish jerk like you Kim Seungjoon, I'm happy on my way right now so you should go on your way too. Leaving me was your decision don't you think I had a main role in our relationship too and now it's my turn to make the decision and it, of course is not to get back with you", Seungjoon stayed quiet for a while before opening his mouth, "You think Jimin won't leave you?", and it hit me though I kept a calm mask on my face, "Even if he do leave me you think I won't be able to handle it when I could after you left?", "Yoongi you've changed", "And I wonder who made me?", I replied sarcastically.

"Yoo-", "Seungjoon, you know what just leave", I said pointing toward the door, "Wha-", "This topic will keep on going with no end and I'm tired right now so leave, leave when I'm asking nicely", I said still breathing heavily and he snorted. "Just remember one thing Min Yoongi, I won't give up", "Yeah yeah now fuck off", and he left not before slamming the door hard enough to wake the neighbors up.

Just as Seungjoon left I fell and my knees and clenched my chest. "Will- Will Jimin leave too?", I said to myself as I felt tears slide down my cheeks and literally passed out on the floor bent down with my chest on my knees.

AND BAAMM!! I lied to y'all. It wasn't M XD.
Anyway how're guys. Did you missed me?? Cuz I did. And I'm all better now, my mind's clear and well now. thanks for waiting for me if you did<3 Bless y'all, take care of yourselves.

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