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We finished eating our dinner at 10 and the movie at 12. Jimin told Hyesung to go to bed because even if it was Saturday the next day he was still only 5. Me and Jimin were still awake sitting in the living room playing some random show on TV. None of us were paying any attention to TV because it was really awkward between us.

"U-Uh Jimin would you like coffee, I-I mean if you have any coffee beans then I make coffee for us", I asked Jimin awkwardly. "O-Oh sure they are in the 5th drawer from the left, I think", I nodded and literally ran toward the kitchen. It was really awkward so I wanted to escape.

I opened the fifth drawer finding it empty. 'As I thought there's no way he know where coffee beans are', I sighed and started searching for the coffee beans but they were on the shelf.

I made coffee and wasted two or three minutes before going back to that awkward atmosphere. Jimin had turned off the TV and was staring in a corner. I sat next to him and cleared my throat. Jimin flinched and looked at me. I smiled handing him the coffee.

"Here", "A-Ah thanks", he took the mug from my hand and took a sip sighing in relief as the warm liquid went into his stomach warming up his throat. We both just sat there drinking our coffee we didn't noticed what time it was, "Ah Yoongi-Hy-", "Call me Yoongi I feel a little too old being called hyung by you", I chuckled scratching my back of head and Jimin glared at me playfully.

"So what were you going to say?", "Yoongi would you listen to me?", he asked a little unsure and I smiled nodding my head lightly. "Sure".

"Ok so"

"I was pretty playful when I was young, my father was really strict he would sometimes hit me so I can be serious and know discipline, I, like I said was playful so I was never serious. My mother used to play a lot with me. I was a good friend with Shin Soehee. We both were really close and I trusted her a lot. My father died when I was 17 so I was told that I would have to take over the company when I turn 18 or 19, My father said something to my mother before dying so my mother turned strict. She kept forcing me to find a trust worthy woman till 18 and make a new heir with her. Of course this type of things said to a 17 years old was not the best thing. I studied hard, I stopped laughing as often gradually the laughter stopped only smiling then smiling also felt exhausting. I was never able to find a trust worthy woman so I asked Seohee because she was the only girl I trusted. She agreed saying she likes me anyway. I never paid attention to love. I just married her when I turned 19 and took over the company. I had sex with her on our supposed to be honeymoon for a new heir. She got pregnant. I did everything I could, even in my tight schedule I would work harder and go home for Seohee. Then after Hyesung was born my mother told me that father said on his deathbed that, 'Jimin, that kid I don't think he will be able to run a company. After my death, it is the end of Park Inc. Such a disgrace', I was hurt and angry that I stopped thinking about anything else but work. I came home only for dinner sleep and breakfast and then left. I had Sunday free and I would bring paper work at home to do. My mind was totally clouded. Then Seohee had enough. I know I made a mistake but she was also really wrong. But after her I was stressed on how to take care on Hyesung, he had became so obedient so I worked hard for Hyesung but again with work clouding my vision I relied too much on the poor baby. That fog that was in my skull for 5 years was cleared today when I saw him in the hospital and when you... Well punched me".

"So what I'm trying to say is, thank you Yoongi for everything I treated you so badly yet you helped me, I will never forget your this kindness", Jimin told all the story and I couldn't help but feel sad. He was a kid but had to go through that so it's no surprise that he changed to the Jimin now. Because whatever or however kind someone is, they break at some point also.

I leaned and wrapped my arms around Jimin's neck pulling him close to me and hugged him. Jimin placed his head on my chest and laid us down on the couch while I played with his fluffy hairs. Hah they both are so cute, both Park Jimin and Park Hyesung.

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