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It's been two weeks since me and Jimin are together now(after the press). Everything went smoothly, media first didn't let us live peacefully but now it's better. They are not chasing after us anymore. My parents did called me after the heard the news and saw me on television with Jimin. It was awkward but they gave me their blessing in the end. It almost felt like they accepted me but they were still working on it.

Jimin ex. wife was being a bother. She kept calling everyday but Jimin reported her number. She can't call anymore but who knows that she won't bother us too anymore. Jimin's been busy but he also spend perfect time with his family. Sometimes if he can't pick us up from KG then me and Hyesung walk to our home.

Hyesung finally fully accepted mine and Jimin's relationship, he do sometimes playfully argue with his father. And let me tell you it seriously is most childish thing ever. I feels like I'm a caretaker of two babies, But I love them.

For Seungjoon, He never contacted me after that day. Not like he can but like Seohee, we still don't know if he's done bothering us or not.

Lastly for me and Jimin, we still are stuck on kissing and being horny. Jimin did sometimes tried really hard to exceed but Hyesung was our cute obstacle. I don't really mind tho. Cuz even if everything is okay, I'm still a little insecure.

Today was Monday. The day was seriously the worst cuz Jimin and Hyesung don't sleep early at night on Sunday and then the two demons don't wake up early in the morning. And me like a good mother(at least that's what I feel like I am) have to use half of my stamina to wake the two kids up and then my whole day is tiring as heck.

"I'll pick you both up at 4.30pm, okay?", Jimin informed as he dropped Hyesung and me at the Kindergarten. "Okay", I replied as Jimin pecked mine and Hyesung's cheeks. I used to get flustered at that but now I'm used to this small gesture. I smiled and waved at Jimin with Hyesung as he drove away to his work.

Every teacher in kindergarten knew about our relationship and thankfully they supported me. I was grateful to that cuz there were some really bad responses first on internet when Jimin first announced about us in public. And then Jimin and these teachers were the ones that helped me get over all the insecurities.

Hyesung comes really early with me now. I told him that he can appear later but the baby wanted to be with me the whole time as he now is the first kid to appear and greet others with me. Jimin also now goes to his work early but due to that he can spend more time with us at night. After 7pm it's our family time and that's the best part of the day that the three of us enjoys the most.

Finally at 7.13am the kids started appearing. According to the headteacher, I will have new student in my class. His name is Yoon Jungyeom, Age 4.

"Hey", a lady around her 30s greeted me, she has never been here before so I knew that she must be the mother of the new student. "Hey, Nice to meet you", I greeted and bowed slightly, she stared at me for a while, like trying to remember where she have seen he before.

"Oh my, aren't you the spouse of Park Jimin? You're actually so beautiful", I blushed at her remark. "Thank you, I appreciate it, you also are really beautiful, and we're not married just dating", the lady laughed lightly, "Oh don't worry, he announced your relationship in public like that means you'll get married eventually too", I laughed and blushed slightly at that.

"Oh my where are my manners, Anyway my name is Yoon Jangmi, and this is my son, Yoon Jungyeom", just then I noticed a small hand gripping the trousers of Ms. Yoon and a little boy hiding behind her legs. I sat down on my knees and looked at the boys who hid behind his mother's legs even more after seeing me. "Come on baby, greet your teacher", the boy peeked out and slightly showed himself. I smiled at the beautiful little creature.

The boy held out his small left hand, "H-Hey nishe to m-meet you", the boy greeted in a timid voice. I chuckled at his cuteness and held out my right hand. "Nice to meet you too love. And you shake your right hand with someone when you greet them", I said softly to the fragile boy in front of me who blushed a deep shade of red and quickly held out his right hand and shook it with my waiting one.

"I have a son too (yup son in those two months Hyesung is totally my son, my cute little baby) would you like to meet him. Then maybe you both can be friends", I asked the shy boy in front of me. He looked up at his mother for approval who smiled and nodded in reply. Jungyeom then again looked at me and nodded shyly with a blush. I smiled and called Hyesung who came running from the playground toward me.

"Yes Yoongi-Hyung?", Hyesung said but stopped as his gaze fell on the new boy. He came and stood next to me mostly leaned on me. He looked for a little bit at Ms. Yoon and bowed to her then his gaze again fell on the little boy who also stared back at Hyesung, both looked at each other with a sparkle in their cute round eyes.

I squealed internally at the little encounter of fate then started, "Hyesung-ah he's your new classmate starting today, the one I told you about. You will take care of him right?", Hyesung just stared dreamily at the boy and nodded slightly. He held out his hand to the boy and greeting, "Nice to meet you", Jungyeom also nodded at his mother who told him to be good to Hyesung and shook hand with Hyesung, "Nishe to meet you too, I. will. be. in. your. care", Jungyeom completed the line word by word.

Hyesung glowed up at that and looked at me for approval with a huge grin on his face. I chuckled and nodded. "Let's go inside", Hyesung squeaked out. Jungyeom also smiled brightly and looked at his mother for approval and when he got what he wanted they both ran inside.

"I should be get going now. Take care of my baby, he's a little shy... But I guess he would be okay now cuz of Hyesung-ssi, you know", She smiled and winked at, I chuckled lightly and nodded. "I will. And Hyesung too. We'll take care of Jungyeom", Ms. Yoon smiled and nodded and walked away. I smiled and checked the list of students to see that everyone has arrived and went inside.

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