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Jimin x Yoongi

"Baby", "hmm?", "Can you stop that and pay attention to me now?", Yoongi laughed and looked up from their photo album of their wedding. "No", He chuckled, "Wow, it's like the millionth time you're looking at it. Your Husband lacks affection, Aweeeeeee", Jimin fell back on bed and started to whine. "Give me my affection", Yoongi chuckled but continued to look at the pics.

Jimin opened one eye finding Yoongi still not paying any attention to him. "I swear I'm gonna burn that album", "Don't you even dare", Yoongi finally closed the album as he placed it on the side table and looked at Jimin. "UWU now tell me what you want".

Jimin sat up and pulled Yoongi on his lap. "You know what I want, Hyesung is spending the night at Jungyeom's today and we're both alone. You still question what I want?", Yoongi blushed as Jimin placed a hand in his face. "I guess you need punishment".

Yoongi chuckled and placed his lips on Jimin's kissing him deeply. "Yes please", "Yoongi-ah, you're gonna regret ignoring me, ps I'm horny as fuck right now", Yoongi chuckled and opened his legs wide. "Punish me then, any way you want". Jimin smirked, "Don't complain later", "U wish".

"Yoongi-ah call me oppa", Jimin whispered in Yoongi's ear, as he had three fingers buried deep inside him. "N-NAhn", "don't be so stubborn my honey", Yoongi moaned loudly ah Jimin pushed his fingers against his prostate.

"J-JimINAh", "No you know what to call me then I'll let you cum", "N-No", "Is that so", Jimin smirked and pulled his fingers out and turned Yoongi around now having his ass facing him. "What a cute little ass", Yoongi moaned loudly as Jimin gently but sexually caressed it.

"Wonder what it will look like with red hand prints on it?", Yoongi eyes widened at this, "Wha- NO-AH!", suddenly a slap sound echoed through the room. Causing Yoongi to moan. "Woah, you like it?", Yoongi with bed sheet between his teeth, shook his head. "N- AH!", Jimin smirked as another sound echoed through, "Well your body and moaning says otherwise", Jimin said as he again pushed three fingers inside Yoongi, "Look at you, so wet and ready to take me whole in", "Th-Then give me", Yoongi said in between the moans.

"You know the magic word", "N- AHNN!", Jimin smirked as he pushed the forth finger in. "J-Jimin-ah, Ahn I-I need y-You ple-please Oppaaa!", Jimin felt electricity pass through his body as he pulled his fingers out and slammed inside Yoongi without a warning causing him to moaned loudly.

"O-Oppaaa I-I can't see you", Jimin grabbed Yoongi's thighs and turned him around. The moment the two looked at each other's faces they grew 1 inch more.

Jimin thrusted inside his husband at full speed and attached his lips with Yoongi's, and started filling the milky white body underneath him with red petals like marks. "I love you so much!", they said at the same time as they released their seeds.

"Go Away you asshole. Don't appear in front of me!", Yoongi shouted as he kicked a sleeping Jimin out of bed, "Wh-What happened!?", Jimin asked with wide eyes as he woke up from the sudden pain. "You jerk. What did you do to me? I can't feel my bottom", Jimin looked at him for a while but suddenly burst out in laughter. "I told you, don't complain later", Yoongi lightly sniffed. "Whatever go away asshole", "You're gonna stay like this the whole day? Not gonna take a shower", Yoongi suddenly realized and looked at Jimin who winked back.

"Son of a bitch", Yoongi said as Jimin laughed and picked Yoongi up bridal style. "Well that? I am", He said and pecked his husband's lips who blushed and hugged Jimin back. "I love you", Jimin cooed at the cuteness. "I love you too my princess".


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