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Yoongi's life felt like ending right at that moment. He couldn't see anything else except for the lifeless body of Park Jimin laying on the cold Street. The blood started rushing out of the wounds as it saw the opening. Yoongi fell on his knees scratching them as he couldn't look away or find any words to say. His throat felt clotted and chest felt heavy as his stomach dropped and warm tears started collecting in his eyes as he slowly came back to his senses.

"J-Ji-Jimin", He started crawling to his fiance's lifeless and bleeding body. "I-It's a-a joke r-right, it-it's no-not tr-true", Yoongi whispered as tears started running down his face. He sat next to Jimin and placed his head on his lap. "J-Jimin it-it's not f-fu-funny, WAKE UP YOU BASTARD. IT'S NOT FUNNY AT ALL, WAKe up please", At this point Yoongi was a crying mess(so am I), his breathing was shallow as he hugged Jimin's body.

The car of none other than Kim Seungjoon stopped at a distance and he stepped out, not noticing all the media which was at a distance he walked toward Yoongi, "We could've done it the simpler way, it's your fault that things had to turn out this way", Yoongi looked up with his bloodshot red, from crying eyes while still hugging Jimin as if his life depends on it, "I'll kill you", He whispered, "Huh? What did you say?", Seungjoon said in a teasing manner as he picked his ear and leaned closer to Yoongi.

"I said I will kill you, you fucking piece of shit!", This time Yoongi said it louder. "You think you can do it? Huh?", Seungjoon said as he grabbed Yoongi's collar and stood him up. "You're nothing but talk, you can't even tear, that's much more far away, you can't even touch a hair of my body and you're gonna kill me!? Hah what a joke! I can bury you alive before you can even lift a finger. If I can't have you then no one can or will!", He laughed out as Yoongi glared at him.

"You bet?", Yoongi again whispered, "Huh? What did you say?", He said as he leaned closer but felt a piercing pain in his left lower region. "WH-What did yo-you do?", Seungjoon let out a trembling breathe as he placed his hands on his left kidney side. "I said you bet?", Yoongi said as he looked at a crouched down Seungjoon with lifeless and cold eyes and threw a small pocket knife filled with blood on his side.

"You!", Seungjoon whispered but suddenly the horns of Police and ambulance were heard. Police car stopped a little far from Yoongi and Seungjoon and an officer who arrested Seohee stepped out, and the ambulance stopped where Jimin's body was and some male nurses came out.

"Kim Seungjoon you're under arrest for attempting murder of CEO Park Jimin and kidnapping his fiance Min Yoongi, You have the right to remain silent, Anything you say, can and would be used against you in the court of law", The officer said as he put handcuffs on Seungjoon's bloody hands, who groaned in pain. "What about me, he stabbed me!!", Seungjoon yell as he was dragged to the police car.

Officer Yoo looked toward Yoongi who look was looking toward the ambulance taking Jimin's body with lifeless eyes. "Son, did you actually do it?", Yoongi changed his gaze toward the officer and nodded, "I did, I stabbed Seungjoon", He said and looked down at his hands. "You did that for self defense?", Yoongi again looked up.

"I don't know, it was for revenge too, he purposely did that accident and then he grabbed me by my collar and kind of threatened me, so I did it cuz of my anger and for revenge", "So you did it for self defense", "Huh?", Yoongi looked at the middle aged officer, about in his mid 30s who smiled. "Go to your fiance he must need you, I'll give the statement about you, plus you don't look much good too", Officer Yoo said pointing at Yoongi's bleeding knees.

Tears filled Yoongi's eyes as he hugged the officer without a second thought and cried, "Thank you", honestly Yoongi needed someone to comfort him right now and hug him but he had no one present there so he did what he did, Officer Yoo smiled gave Yoongi a comforting hug back. "Now go, you Fiance's son's at some friend of his called Yoon Jungyeom, if you know him then call his parents for Park Hyesung", Yoongi nodded and ran toward the ambulance and climbed it next to Jimin's stretcher and held is hand, "Be safe please".

"The condition is critical, send this patient to emergency!", The nurses were almost shouting as they reached the hospital. They got Jimin out of the ambulance and now were running to get him to the emergency room. Yoongi of course tried going, at least till the ICU but his knees didn't helped him.

He just sat out of the room and prayed, "Please be safe my Jiminie", After a while a nurse came up to Yoongi and asked him to get his knees treated. Yoongi helplessly nodded and let the nurse drag him inside a room. Yoongi winced as the doctor cleaned the wounds and bandaged them.

"You're not afraid of injection right?", Yoongi shook his head and doctor nodded as she started filling the syringe with some transparent liquid. "What is this for?", Yoongi asked as she lined the injection on a nerve in his arm. "It's for the wound to not get an infection. If you get a wound or scratch cuz of Street you can get infections", Yoongi nodded as the female Doctor injected the liquid in his arm. "Thank you", Yoongi said and walked out.

After washing his face from the bathroom Yoongi again walked toward his destination. As he reached in front of Jimin's room, Hyesung stood there with wet cheeks in Seokjin's arms. "Hyesung-ah", Yoongi whispered as he felt relief wash over him.

Hyesung turned around immediately as he heard his dad's voice. "DAD!", He shouted and started struggling as more tears started running down his eyes. Seokjin politely placed him down and he ran as fast as he could with his small legs to the crouched down Yoongi and wrapped his arms around Yoongi who immediately returned the hug.

"Da-Dad, P-Papa is hu-Hur-", "I know, shhhh baby be strong for papa, H-He wil- he will be *Sniff* fine soon", tears started running down his own eyes as both Yoongi and Hyesung cried while hugging as their lives depend on each other. While the whole Bangtan gang stood there and smiled at the cute scene in front of them.

Ahhhhhhhh I actually got emotional while writing the first scene :( I hope Yoongi's Jiminie's safe 

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