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We had just reached home. Hyesung was already in his room asleep. He, of course usually slept with us but Jimin told me to put him on his own bed in his room tonight. I was currently sitting on the bed after a shower while Jimin was taking one.

I was bored so just decided to use social media. And seriously it was creepy how mine and Jimin's faces were all over the news. Suddenly Jimin's phone started ringing. I checked it and it was an unknown number.

"Jimin you got a call", I shouted to Jimin in shower, "Who is it from?", "Uh I don't know it's an unknown no.", "Can you pick it up and tell them, whoever it is to wait a second", "Sure". I could tell Jimin was almost done showering so I picked up the call.

"Hell-", "Who the hell are you? Where's Jimin?", it was a female's voice. "U-Uh I-, Um Jimin is currently taking a shower, can you please wait a minute", The person on the other line snorted and rudely replied, "Okay", 'Wow what an asshole', "Um can I know who are you?", "It's none of your business who I am. Just hurry and tell Jimin to come out already", I frowned. What the hell is wrong with this person. Finally I heard the washroom door open. And Jimin came out with only a towel around his waist, of course he had boxers under the towel. "Who is it?", He asked as I passed him his phone.

"I don't know, the person didn't said it", Jimin frowned but nodded. "Hello?", he said into the phone and frowned as soon as the other person replied. "What the hell do you want?", Jimin suddenly sounded angry. I quickly got up and grabbed his other hand sating him beside me. And took a hold of his hand so he wouldn't lose control. "I choose who I want and don't!", There was a long pause means the other person was taking. I just remained quiet and listened to Jimin. Of course I knew it was about me. Jimin, whenever was about to lose control either gave my hand a squeeze or just looked into my eyes. And his hardened eyes softened. "We are not disgusting at all. You're a bitch, a disgusting, shameless bitch and a whore", I frowned at his inappropriate language. But he was really angry right now. "YOU-!", Before he could shout further I quickly patted his back and head so he could calm down.

It would be troublesome if he shout now and Hyesung wake up. Jimin immediately cooled down as I did so. "Just listen here, we are nothing and were nothing. Just get a goddamn life and don't bother me and my boyfriend again. And don't forget if you don't, I have ways to hunt someone down", Jimin said bitterly but calmly and hung up before the person could reply.

After hanging up the call Jimin looked at me and lifted me up sating me on his lap facing me and hugged my waist putting his head on my shoulder. I gently combed his head. "Who was that?",....... "My ex wife", Jimin replied after a long pause and I stiffened. But relaxed as his arms tightened around my waist. "Yoongi, there are gonna be so many ups and downs now, at least for now", Jimin said, "hmm", "Promise me, promise me that you'll be with me in those....... Please", he mumbled and I smiled lightly at his remark. I lifted his head from my shoulder, by placing my palms on his cheeks. I gently pecked his plump lips. "I promise that we will go through this all together and then live in a happy ending in the end", Jimin gave me my favorite eye smile and hugged me tightly. I returned the hug by wrapping my arms around his neck.

Jimin lifted his face from my shoulder and looked at me with a gentle expression. "Can I kiss you", I slightly blushed but nodded. "Thank you", He whispered before sealing my lips with his own.

Our lips were locked together perfectly and sealed all the unspoken promises. It was filled with emotions. No tongue or roughness involved just emotions and gentleness. Finally after a minute which felt like a second we separated. Jimin looked into my eyes with so many emotions and a strange spark which got me giddy inside. I could see my own eyes in his eyes and they contained the same spark.

The spark that showed that we were happy. It felt like that no one could stop us anymore. Today was the biggest challenge in our relationship and if we can accomplish it nothing can come into our way anymore. "I love you..... So much that I might go crazy", I whispered the precious words so lightly that only Jimin could hear em no one else. "I love you too, my precious", Jimin replied and locked his lips with mine again. After another sweet kiss. We just looked at each other with the soft expressions. "I need you", Jimin said. I knew what he meant and honestly I needed him too. "I want you too. But Hyesung?", Jimin frowned lightly and again placed his forehead on my shoulder. "True", He replied with a sad expression.

I just sighed because this was a problem we can't solve right now. "Jimin lets just sleep for now, no?", Jimin tiredly nodded. I knew he was tired from so much pressure today. Jimin simply turned us around and placed me on the bed. He took of his towel and stayed in this boxers.

My head met with the soft pillow and Jimin placed his own head under my chin. And almost laid on me. I smiled at the muscled cutie on top of me and pulled the blanket on both of us. Jimin's arm tightened around my waist and I sighed in relief at the safe feeling.

I gently placed my hand on Jimin's head and started playing with his hairs lightly. Jimin growled lightly and softly at the feeling and after a while slow and calm sound of breathing was heard telling that the Prince has fallen asleep. I smiled at the beautiful boy on me and kept playing with his hair before darkness took over me and I was drifted away into the wonderland.

This book is getting on my feels. I don't know why.

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