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After all the tears we went to the doctor. "Doctor can we take him back home?", "Yes you can", Doctor said and looked at his clipboard. "Ah wait", both me and Jimin looked at Doctor. "Take care of his nutrients and health. From what I see is, the kid eat a lot of unhealthy food. They are no good. Feed him something high in nutrients and take care of his diet, it will help him a lot", I was shocked hearing that and glared at Jimin. He totally was avoiding eye contact with me and nodded to the doctor. It looked like he was sweating.

As we started walking toward Hyesung's room I asked Jimin, "What do you feed him?", I glared at him and he was still avoiding eye contact. "A-Ah I, actually I can't really cook and so can't Hyesung-", "What do you mean you want a 5 year old to cook for you now!?", I stopped walking and turned toward Park Jimin, so did Park Jimin but he still didn't looked at me. "N-No it's not like that okay! What I mean is that we can't cook so-ah we mostly order fast food-", "You eat fast food daily!? You know that you still can order healthy food!", "I didn't knew okay?", "Yeah yeah how are you gonna know you don't even have time for your own kid, how will you make time for food, do you even eat?", I said sarcastically. "I do eat!", "Tch", I started walking toward Hyesung's room with a sore face.

"Hyesung-ah let's go home shall we?", I said as I picked him and pecked his forehead. "M-Mr. Min you can't do this in front to Papa, he will find out!", Hyesung blushed as he hugged my neck and hid his red face. "Find out what?", Jimin asked from behind and I chuckled. "It can't be helped I guess, me and Mr. Min are a thing", Jimin eyes widened as he looked are me frowning. "Hyesung stop creating misunderstandings and Park Jimin what do you teach your kid", I said laughing at Park Jimin's face.

"No not yet. But in next 10 years Mr. Min will be mine", "What do you mean!?", Jimin said taking Hyesung from me. "Of course what I mean is that I like Mr. Min but he say that I am too small, so in 10 years when I will be big I will take Mr. Min", "But you'll be only 15 years old and Mr. Min will be...", Jimin said and looked at me curiously, so did Hyesung.

I blushed, "A-Ah I will be 38 years old", both their eyes widened, "WHAT!?", "SHHHHH don't be so loud", "Mr. Min you are 28 years old I thought you were just 20 or something", Jimin said with a shocked tone. "Ahaha call me Yoongi please", "Yoongi-hyung I am Park Jimin 26 years old, I am sorry for my disrespectful behavior!", "A-Ah I don't mind, A-Anyway I think we should get going now, it's late already".

"Mr. Min please come to our house, I don't want to be alone today", Hyesung said. I came to the same level as him, "What do you mean, Park Jimin will be with you from now own, I will make sure of it", I said and glared at Jimin who scratched his back of neck. "N-No still for today please, AH! please come cook for us or we will die eating fast food daily", "B-", "Please, papa tell him", Hyesung said and looked up at Jimin pouting. Jimin looked at Hyesung then at me nervously, "I-If you don't mind then p-please", I thought for a while, "O-Ok", "Yayy!", Hyesung cheered happily I smiled at him. He was finally acting his age.

We went outside and entered the car. I was going to sit in the back but Hyesung insisted and I sat in passenger seat with Hyesung in my lap. "Do you guys have vegetables and meat at home to cook?", I asked cuz I had to be sure. "Ah! We don't!", "I knew it!", I glared at Jimin. 'Great we have to shop for food too now', I scowled and looked outside the window.

"Mr. Min how do you look so young at this age? Papa look like an old man when he is younger than you", Jimin coughed and I laughed. "No baby, Papa only look old because he just need rest and the young man will come out of this old mask", I explained laughing.

"Hmm Papa my wife will be older than you", Hyesung said, "Baby you are too young don't talk like this", Hyesung pouted, "Okay", I smiled and patted his hairs. "Park Jimi-", "Call me Jimin please", "Ohhh so one thing can change someone's behavior that easily huh? Anyway Jimin how long??", "We're almost at the market. And I apologized okay and it doesn't change what you did to me", "Oh you sure 'I' did it to you. You lost control, don't forget you were drunk not me", "Oh really and how can I know that I did it", "I don't know maybe I should slap or punch you again so you can remember what you did that day. You also left just like that in the morning and then it was announced that you and your wife got divorced cuz you slept around. You know how guilty I felt, it was eating me", I said half joking half serious. Jimin simply huffed and stopped the car in front of a super market. He looked at me before getting out and our eyes met. At that time I felt like something exploding inside me. I don't know what it is but I can't get myself to look away. I felt lost, deep in those dark brown eyes like a sea, "Yo-", "What are you both talking about?", we both were snapped out at the innocent voice. My heart was going crazy It was beating so loudly that I felt like everyone can hear it, 'No it c-can't be', I thought, 'I t-toward J-Jimin', "Mr. Min why is your heart beating so fast?", I almost screamed at being exposed and my face was hot I could tell I was blushing really hard. Jimin looked at me shocked his face was also red, 'Damn Hyesung' I felt like crying.

A/N I am pretty satisfied by this story so far XD

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