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Finally home sweet home. We got off of the plane as we landed in Korea. It took almost half hour for us to get off, collect our luggage. As we stepped out of the airport the place was filled with media. "Fuck", Jimin cursed under his breath and called someone.

"I've called the driver to start the car. Let's bear this for a moment", "Yeah", I breathed out. It was easy for Yoons as they escaped the crowd, but media kept blocking our way. Even airport security tried stopping them but damn.

"Jimin-ssi are you and Yoongi-ssi married now!?", "Mr. Park, did you heard the statement Seohee-ssi released!?", "Jimin-ssi, Will you really give Hyesung to his mother now!?", At this all three, Jimin, Yoongi and Hyesung's ears stood up. "What did you just say?", Jimin said in a threatening voice as he turned to toward the person who asked him this question. "J-Jimin-ssi w-will you give Hyesung-ssi to S-Seohee-ssi now?", The guy's forehead started to sweat as he looked at and stuttered out the question again to a dangerous looking Jimin.

"And why would I do that?", "Last night after you confirmed your engagement with Yoongi-ssi, Seohee-ssi released a statement saying she want Hyesung back", Jimin let out a ridiculous laugh and snatched the mic from the guy's hand. "Well now I'll released this statement here and right now. 'I will never give mine and Yoongi's Hyesung to a selfish, gold digger bitch now. He's mine and that was her own choice. If the problem is Yoongi, that two guys will affect Hyesung's way toward adulthood then don't worry Yoongi is a better mother or dad whatever then you could ever be. So step down. Or I won't hesitate doing what you can't even imagine'", Saying this Jimin passed the mic again to the anchor and started walking again pulling Yoongi closer placing a hand on his waist.

Yoongi blushed at the statement just now and smiled down at Hyesung before picking him up in his arms, who was looking up at him with a hesitant expression.

Jimin's mood was clearly ruined after all the bullshit he just had. As they reached home Jimin didn't said a word and went inside his office. Yoongi could understand, like after everything they were finally happy and Seohee decided to ruin everything. "Dad is papa okay?", Yoongi smiled at Hyesung. "Of course baby", "Then why is he so angry?", Yoongi pecked his forehead. "Because he love you so much, love", Hyesung face lit up at this. "Well you must be tired now, let's get you to bed", "Okay", Hyesung squeaked as they walked toward his room.

"Jimin-ah, how're you feeling", Yoongi asked as he placed a mug of coffee on Jimin's table and leaned on it with a mug in his own hand, in Jimin's office", Jimin eyed the coffee and picked it up. "To be honest......... I'm not okay", Jimin said as he sipped his coffee and massaged his forehead lightly. "I seriously don't get what she want now. She started it all and now that I'm happy she's want to ruin that too", "Come to the room. We just returned from a flight I don't want you to stress yourself out, you already must be tired physically don't tire yourself mentally too", Yoongi said as he grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled him toward the room, their coffee long forgotten on the kitchen counter now. Jimin smiled at their hands as Yoongi pulled him toward their room. "Yeah like I said you really are the perfect wife and mother anyone could ever ask for", Yoongi blushed as he entered the room and untied Jimin's suffocating looking tie. "Shut up you asshole. Of course it's my duty", Jimin looked at him fiance's face with so much affection in his eyes that Yoongi couldn't even look into his eye. "So what service are you giving me?", Jimin chuckled and Yoongi glared at him.

"Well right now cuddling is the best", "I'll love it", Jimin, now shirtless said as he suddenly picked Yoongi up bridal style, causing him to squeak. And placed him on the bed. Then took his own shoes off before climbing on the bed himself beside Yoongi.

"Seriously this place is the best shelter I can ever ask for, Always here for me", Jimin said as he snuggled his head beneath Yoongi's chin placing light kisses here and there on his neck and collar bone. "Well it's always here for you so don't ever find another shelter anywhere else", Yoongi said as he played with Jimin's soft hair. "Mhm", Jimin smiled and sighed in relief before closing his eyes. "I'm really lucky, thank you Yoongi, for everything", Jimin said and Yoongi smiled before pecking the top of Jimin's head. "Sleep well my love".

On the other hand:
"I seriously can't fucking believe this. He chose that man whore over me!? Fuck him I'm gonna make him pay", Seohee shouted in her room as she looked at the news of Jimin. Suddenly her doorbell rung. "Who the fuck is this!?", She shouted, "Open the door", hearing an unfamiliar voice she opened the door finding a good looking Young man in his late twenties standing there. The guy without Seohee's approval invited himself in. "Wow I never thought that the ex of a billionaire would be living in such a....... small? And dusty apartment", The rude male said as he looked around the small apartment. "Shut up my new boyfriend broke up with me and kicked me out", "Hmm?", The guy said as he looked at the couch and sat down on it placing him legs on the table in front of him, "Who the hell are you, and the fuck are you doing in my place acting like you own it!?", Seohee said as the guy smirked.

"My name in Kim Seungjoon, nice to meet you Seohee-ssi. I'm Yoongi's ex", Hearing Yoongi's name Seohee face got red cuz of anger. "What the fuck d-", "Miss listen to me first", Seungjoon interrupted with a smirk. "I heard the news. So I assume you want your ex back and I planned this. You want that asshole of Park Jimin and 'His' son back, while I want 'my' Yoongi back, so let's work together and get what we want till we get em, what do you think wanna make a deal and work together for a while?", Seungjoon said as he leaned back on the couch, a smirk still playing on his lips. Seohee looked at him for a while before a smirk made it's way on her lips as well. "Deal", She said as he lifted a hand for Seungjoon which he gladly accepted.


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