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The next day was like usual except I had a deadly headache. I was feeling really bad so I went to the kindergarten late. I apologized to the teacher who was in my class in my place and was kind enough to ask me if I wanted help the whole day today cuz I didn't looked good and I agreed to the kind request cuz I seriously was really tired right now to do all the work myself.

Hyesung was busy drawing something on the paper when I walked up to him. "What are you drawing?", Hyesung flinched at my interruption but his eyes lightened up when he saw who it was. "Mr. Min! You're here. I and papa, when he dropped me here were so sad when you weren't present. He even called you but you didn't picked up", He explained sadly.

I was confused cuz I didn't got any call. I couldn't even check my cell in the morning cuz I woke up late. And as soon as I reached the school I submitted it to the office. Maybe the battery was dead? I thought and shrugged and patted Hyesung's head gently. "I'm sorry baby, I wasn't feeling well today", "Why!? Are you OK now?", He asked worried and I smiled at his cuteness.

"Yup better then ever", I replied smiling which he returned, "Please take care of yourself", Hyesung said pecking my cheek lightly.

"I will", The whole day went away like usual and again like always me and Hyesung waited for the daddy bear to arrive and I was right my phone's battery was dead and I didn't noticed. I was feeling a little uncomfortable cuz of the incidence yesterday. I just hope Seungjoon won't appear today. His words from last night were still hunting me. That he won't give up and Jimin won't stay.

Finally Jimin's car pulled up at the parking lot and he came out walking toward us. My heart thumped painfully when I looked at him smiling and walking toward us. "Hey baby and babe", I flushed at his remark. I was happy to see him but I don't know, frustrated? It felt like my windpipe was knotted or like something was stuck in my throat. "Papa!", Hyesung excitedly went to his father who picked him up and looked at me confused waiting for me to reply or greet him back.

I wanted to say something but I couldn't. My head was thumping now again. It felt like my heart was in my temple. It hurts, my knees felt weak as I fell on them when I tried to reach for Jimin. I couldn't see anything. My head was killing me. I grabbed fists full of my hairs and pulled em to stop the pain. I tried to shout but I couldn't. I suddenly saw black and white dots covering my vision and fainted.

Jimin's POV:
I was worried about yoongi the whole day. Cuz when I sent greeting and good morning message to Yoongi he didn't replied. Then he wasn't present at the school either. And when I again called him he didn't picked up. And the whole bloody day felt like a century. I was worried about Yoongi and if Yoongi didn't go to school then Hyesung was all alone too, dammit.

I finally finished my worked and sped my car toward the kindergarten. I had planned to visit Yoongi at his house if he didn't went to the school the whole day. But fortunately he was there, with Hyesung by his side. He first looked happy to see me and when I greeted and flirted he blushed but suddenly his expressions changed to a pained one, he looked like he was suffocated. Like he was trying to speak but couldn't. 

And when he tried to reach his hand toward me he fell on his knees. I hurriedly but carefully placed Hyesung down and sat next to Yoongi trying to calm him. He had his hairs in his fists and he looked like he was shouting but no voice was coming out. I hurriedly picked him up bridal style and just as I did he passed out. In my arms.

I quickly went to my car Hyesung opened the back seat door and I placed Yoongi in it. Hyesung got in with Yoongi, his cheeks were now wet because of tears and he was mumbling something like I told him to take  care but I couldn't get myself to pay attention, I myself was panicking right now but I controlled myself a little and went to the driver seat.

We reached the city hospital in maximum 15 minutes and I again picked Yoongi and ran inside. The nurses were shocked to see me but quickly called the Doctor when they noticed Yoongi in my arms.

They took him to the emergency room and asked me to wait. It was funny how we were here for Hyesung first and now it's he himself. I was questioned about Yoongi which I answered and paid the hospital bill.

Finally after a little while the doctor came out. "The kid is fine. The reason of him fainting was overthinking and stress. He is asleep for now but will be awake after a short while and then we would have to question him a little but be careful he don't take too much stress again", I sighed in relief seeing me Hyesung also sighed in relief. He clearly didn't understood what the doctor said.

I went in Yoongi's room and sat on the chair next to his bed while Hyesung climbed up on his bed. He looked too calm sleeping as soft light snores escaped his thin lips. Oh how much I wanted to kiss does majestic lips right now but Hyesung was there.

And I was worried. What is it that he was so much stressed out about? so much that it lead him to faint? That he never showed me? Was it because of Seungjoon but he looked just fine when he went to our house. Did something happened when he left to go to his own house? These thoughts were killing me. I was brought out of my thought when my cell phone rang.

It was from my secretary. I frowned, 'why would he call me at this time?', but picked the call up anyway. "Park Jimin speaking?", "Sir! Sorry for calling at this time but it's an emergency!", "Calm down, what is it?", "Sir, did you saw the news", "No why?", "Apparently you took a guy who was fainted in your arms to the hospital who appears as your current lover right now", "The F-", I stopped myself from cursing when I saw Hyesung looking at me curiously, I stood up.

"Baby you stay here with Yoongi-Hyung. I need to take this call, I'll be right back", I said as I patted his head and he nodded. I smiled and walked outside the room. "How did they found out", "It's not known, someone took your photos and sold them to the TV stations and please if you're still in the hospital hurry up and leave. The news reporters must be on their way and will reach there soon enough cuz your location is given out too", "Oka-", I couldn't finish my sentence when I heard rampage from the ground floor, "Shit".

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