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Finally it was the time of the year. The winter vacation(A/N I accidentally wrote 2months instead of 2weeks in the last chapter. I have corrected it but if you're confused. In the starting of the story it was November, then after sometime it was 2weeks time skip and now it's end of December, and Christmas time). Hyesung was totally crazy for Christmas cuz he said I will spend that day with his new lovely friend 'Jungyeom', it's only been a few days since they met and Hyesung already liked the kid so much.

Now whenever we return home, Hyesung's talk with his father mostly consist of him and Jungyeom which was himself and me at first. It was good that Hyesung was finally friend with someone from his class.

I smiled at the sweet scenario of a Father sitting on the couch and his 5 years old son in his lap beside me. They both were talking with a blanket around them. Just staring at them warmed me up. I was lost in them, the lovely moment so I couldn't exactly hear what they were saying even after we were sitting so close.

Suddenly they both stopped taking and looked at me with a questionable gaze. I blinked my eyes coming out of my daze. "What?", I asked, "Yoongi-hyung don't look at us so lovingly or I will fall for you again", I laughed at Hyesung's cute remark.

"Yoongi what were you thinking about? You were looking at us with such a loving gaze that I fell head over heel for you again", I blushed lightly, "I was thinking of you two, that how beautiful you two looked", Jimin and Hyesung looked at each other and then me before both gave me a close eyed wide smile.

Jimin spread his and Hyesung's blanket and held out his arm wrapping it around my waist. I smiled and got close to him myself as he wrapped the blanket around three of us. Now there was no distance between us. It was a good thing and a bad thing.

Good thing that I was now sitting so close to both my baby and babe and bad thing that I can't look at the father son interaction anymore. Hyesung hurriedly moved from Jimin's lap to mine and I placed my head on Jimin shoulder while I combed Hyesung's hair lightly with my fingers as we sat there in front of the fire.

"Finally Winter vacations are starting tomorrow. And then it's Xmas in 6 days", I whispered. Jimin hmmed while Hyesung turned around and faced us. "Papa what will you get me on Christmas?!?", he asked excitedly.

"Hmm baby why would I get you something. You have to tell Santa Claus what you want", "Oh Papa you know I know that Santa don't exist", I laughed lightly while Jimin just stared dumbfounded at him son.

"So what do my baby want for Christmas?", I asked. Hyesung looked at me with sparkling eyes. And tapped his small chin with his index finger trying to thing of something. "I Know!!!!!", He suddenly yelled.

"And what do you want from me and your new mama?", Jimin asked smirking. I glared at him. "How dare you. It should be dad or daddy that sounds so nice, Why Mama!?", I jokingly said. "What no! That would be so awkward, Hyesung calling you daddy and then you calling me daddy, I'll die from cringe", I gasped and slapped my hand on Jimin's mouth who smirked under my hand and raised an eyebrow looking at me.

"Hyesung is a Kid!! And even if I was planning on calling you daddy before forget it now!", I whispered yelled and kind of blackmailed Jimin, actually not really but that was what it sounded like to Jimin. A blackmail who gasped. "I'm sorry OK?", I glared at Jimin before turning to Hyesung who looked at us with so innocent big and confused eyes that I almost melted.

"Ignore your papa baby, and tell me what you wanted for you present?", Hyesung suddenly remembered and his eyes lit up again. "I want to go somewhere. Like for more then one day. With Papa and Yo- MAMA!!!(A/N This is why I added Jungyeom in this story ><)", Hyesung yelled excitedly. My mouth fell open and Jimin smirked beside me as he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me as close as possible to him with a flirting gaze that burned into my temple.

"You know what I'm not playing anymore", I said as I pouted and looked away as a blush made its way on my face. Jimin let out a deep laugh which made my already burning cheeks more red. Hyesung also giggled on my lap. I pouted even more, "You should respect your elders you brats", I complained.

Finally when Jimin's laugh reduced to a chuckle he put his warm hand on my face and made me face him before slid the same hand behind my head and his fingers played with my hair a little and pulled my burning red face closer to his which still had a teasing expression on it.

Jimin pecked my nose, I still glared at him but he didn't cared, "You know my darling-", Jimin started and pecked my lips quickly, I fought the urge to relax my frowning face, silently and secretly loving the moment.

"There is no elder younger in a married couple", Jimin said as he again brought his face closer to mine but I stopped him by placing my hand on his chest. I looked at Jimin with an amused expression now. "Did you just called us a married couple?", I chuckled lowly. I suddenly heard Hyesung giggle. We turned toward him and he looked at us with affection filled eyes.

"Papa hurry and marry Yoongi-hyung so he can actually be my Mama", My heart softened at Hyesung's innocent confession. Jimin smiled at him. "I will my baby, soon", I chuckled, "And I don't even know?", I said and Jimin winked at me. "You know", He replied and pecked my lips again. This time I returned the sweet kiss.

"Yoongi-hyung what do you want for Christmas?", Hyesung excitedly asked. I smiled in return, "I just want my Baby-", I said as I looked at Hyesung, "And my Love-", I continued but changed my gaze to Jimin, "To be with me forever", I said and Jimin's eyes softened and his hand on my waist squeezed it lightly as a sign of possession.

Hyesung awwed and then looked at Jimin, "What about Papa!?", Jimin soft smiled changed to a smirk and oh god here goes the innocent atmosphere again. Jimin motioned to Hyesung who leaned closer. Jimin whispered something in his ear while his eyes were still on me. I tried to listen but it was impossible.

After a few second Hyesung got away from Jimin with sparkling eyes and looked at me with a wide smile. I looked at him with pleading eyes but the son of Satan immediately looked away. "What did you told him Jimin?", I asked silently pleading Jimin who smirked and pulled me closer and whispered in my ear, "I said I want to fuck you and release all the stress and desire I've been holding inside me for past few weeks inside you, Cuz they are really hard to hold back now", He confessed and licked my earlobe which sent shivers down my spine and moved away. Then looked at me with such an innocent face that it was hard to believe that this is the same person who just made such a lewd remark.

I blushed hard and gulped, I know that's not what he told Hyesung but damn I don't even wanna know the truth now. I looked down while the father and son Highfived for successfully making me embarrassed.

"You both are too much", I whispered and they chuckled. "Anyway Hyesung-ah if you want to go somewhere as a present that what about your stay at Ms. Yoon's?", Hyesung pouted as realization hit him.

"Can't we take Jungyeom with us?", he asked hopefully. Jimin also looked at me, "Um I don't know he's really shy you know. But I'll still try asking Ms. Yoon", Jimin smiled at Hyesung who looked at me with a wide smile which I returned with a smaller one.

Heyy, I'm sorry that the story is not the same as it was before, like it was so much better in the starting. But I'll try my best to do a satisfying ending. If not then kill me, I don't know anymore😂😅😅. And pray for my deadass, I've got mid terms starting tmr yayy! :') ToT

And like just asking. Does anyone like Avengers? If so did you watched EndGame's trailer and IF SO then let's cry together.

And Banana Fish too. They are ending in like a week. A day before my midterms end and a day before my winter vacations. I'm gonna cry whole vacations(┳Д┳)\(;´□`)/, cry because I know the damn fucking ending. I'm dead.


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