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"What do you want? Hurry up I don't have time", Park Jimin said checking his watch as he returned after placing Hyesung in the car. I bowed, "I'm sorry for the outburst today in the morning. I know I am gay and I can't have kids but I do love them a lot. So I decided to work here so I can be close to children. I enjoy working here and taking care of them so I got angry when you said that about firing me", I said he looked at me shocked but changed his soft expressions immediately. "U-Uhm is this all, Y-You know I don't have all day".

Now it was my turn, my eyes turned cold as I looked at him. "I want to talk about Hyesung", "What?", "You know he's still a kid, please try and pay attention to him too", at this he again looked annoyed and walked toward me. "Oh you mind your own business. I know how I am taking care of Hyesung", I looked straight into his eyes, "Are you even taking care of him?". He flinched at my comment but grabbed my collar and pulled me closer.

If I say I wasn't scared I would be totally wrong I was really scared thinking he would punch me or something but I never showed other on my face. Jimin stared at my face burning holes in it and pushed me back releasing me and tched, "Listen, mind your own business ok? I know what I am doing", he said as he turned around and started walking away. "Wait Park Jimin! Jimin!", I tried calling him but he ignored me and drove away. I sighed and massaged my temple, 'Maybe he will think about it, maybe'.

'But I was wrong'

Days like this passed. Hyesung tried looking normal and tough but I could see through him. I could tell that Park Jimin didn't thought of anything I said. Honestly I wanted to punch him but I can't cuz if I do he would do anything to ruin my life, he already hate me enough.

"MR. MIN!", I heard screaming outside and I immediately ran out looking at what happened. "What happened!?", I asked the kids. "Mr. Min Hyesung just collapsed like this we don't know what happened to him", my heart felt like it stopped beating as I looked at Hyesung laying on the ground breathing heavily.

I hurriedly ran up to him and picked him up holding him close to me. His body was too hot obviously he had a burning fever. I felt angry at myself that I never noticed his temperature as I ran inside. "Teacher please look after the students, Hyesung got burning fever I need to get him to the hospital", they all looked at me and then at Hyesung in my arms and hurriedly nodded.

I ran to the hospital that was not far away from the school with teary eyes. They took Hyesung in emergency and I tagged along. While all the chaos I took out my phone and called Park Jimin. I had the numbers of all the children's parents so I obviously had Park Jimin's too.

"Hello", a bored voice came from the other line. "Park Jimin! It's me Mr. Min, Hyesung's teacher", "Oh what do you w-", "Can you please hurry up and come to XXX hospital, Hurry!", I knew he was annoyed when he knew who called him but I interrupted him cuz I didn't had the time to explain. "Wh-", "Just hurry up please it's Hyesung!", I said and hung up cuz my voice had started to tremble and I knew I would cry if I speak anymore.

I was pacing back and forth outside the room Hyesung was in. They were running him through some tests and I was waiting for Park Jimin outside as well. I finally heard foot steps behind me and I immediately turned around.

Park Jimin stood there out of breath. "What is it, Is Hyesung okay? Tell me hurry up, I have work you know", I growled when he mentioned work and that he was in a hurry. "You!", I stepped forward and *PUNCH* I punched him straight on his face with everything I had.

His eyes widened in shock and he stumbled but I grabbed his collar and gave him a jerk. "FOR FUCK'S SAKE DON'T THINK OF WORK FOR ONCE!", I shouted at his face that was still processing with what happened. "YOU FUCKING GOT A SON LAYING THERE INSIDE ICU AND ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS WORK!? DO YOU KNOW WHAT HYESUNG IS GOING THROUGH!?  EVEN IF I STAB YOU 100 TIMES IT WOULD STILL BE LESS THEN WHAT THAT BOY IN THERE IS FEELING". I could clearly see the sign of guilty now being painted in his face.


"I-I never knew he felt that way, he always said he was alright b-but", tears started coming out of his eyes and I sighed, now, great cry and make me feel guilty. He fell on his knees. I, feeling really really guilty helped him get up and sit on the chair. Just as he sat down he pulled me closer to him by my waist and wrapped his arms around my waist burying him face in my stomach.

I had more to say but what can I do now. I sighed and combed his hairs with my fingers. "I-I'm sorry", he sniffed and I smiled. "Yeah just be careful next time". Suddenly a doctor came out of the room Hyesung was in, I unwrapped Park Jimin's hands from my waist and ran to the doctor followed by Jimin.

"Is he alright!?", "Yeah the kid's alright he just had a high fever and high stress level. I don't know what happened but please be careful he is really young and already had such high stress level. It can cause depression and trust me it's not the best thing", we both nodded our heads. "Can we go inside?", Jimin asked, "Sure go ahead, the kid's awake but too much moment will make him dizzy so be careful", we nodded and ran inside.

"Hyesung-ah!", Jimin called and ran to Hyesung wrapping his arms around other's small body and hugged him tightly like his life depended on it. Hyesung immediately responded by hugging Park Jimin and I stood at the door smiling at the beautiful scene in front of me, of a son and a father crying their hearts out in each other's arms, I couldn't help but feel emotional.

A/N here I will bless you with another chapter :')

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