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Yoongi's POV:
"Papa!! Hurry or we'll be late!", Hyesung yelled from the front door. Both me and Hyesung were waiting for Jimin whose lazy ass refused to wake up early and now is making us wait. "Yoongi-hyung are you excited!!!", Hyesung asked me bouncing happily. I smiled at the cute boy, "Of course I am. It's been a while since I last went outside to enjoy", "Huh? Why?", Hyesung, now standing at one place asked me, "Well..... I was busy?", I actually wasn't busy but I actually never thought of going somewhere out like this.

"Then aren't you just like Papa?", "What!? Noo! I don't bury my head in mountain of work. And well more importantly I didn't really had anyone to go with so what's the points in going alone right?", "Oh really so I just bury my head in the mountain of work?", Jimin suddenly asked walking to us. "Papa!!", Hyesung exclaimed and ran to Jimin who picked him up.

Honestly I was too much absorbed in him as I checked him out and Goddammit he looked too hot for me to handle in his ripped jeans and sweater that was clinging to his body showing off all the curves and delicious looking muscles he had. I think I stared at his body a little too much cuz he smirked as he looked at me.

I cleared my throat to help myself wake up. "N-No correction, Mountains* of work", I said as I turned around with heated cheeks. "L-Let's go now", I stuttered as I started walking outside. "Yeah Yeah", Jimin said as he wore his coat and walked past me with Hyesung in his arms.

We sat in Jimin's car same as usual. "Yoongi-hyung your turtle neck shirt looks soo good today", Hyesung exclaimed with eyes resembling hearts. I chuckle, "Thank you, but right now you look so cute that I can eat you up", "Not now when we're alone", I actually was shocked at what he said and laughed out loud, "HAAHAHAHA Hyesung-ah you're so cute", I said while Jimin frowned. "Hyesung!", he scolded. "And you know Papa is sitting right here why don't you tell me how I look too?", Then he whined, "Papa you look really handsome!", Hyesung cheered, "Right Yoongi-hyung", 'This is really cute but why drag me in, cuz that amused and 'looking forward to' flirty expression on Jimin face is really annoying'.

"Y-Yeah", I replied with a red face and looked out of window to calm my burning face. Jimin then had a cocky smirk on his face rest of the way and Hyesung was excitedly humming in my lap. "We're here", Jimin said and Hyesung hurriedly unbuckled his and mine seatbelt and ran out opening the door. "Be careful", I said getting out of the car myself and Jimin came toward us.

"let's go!!!", We smiled and walking inside. Honestly it's been so long that I went out to enjoy. My partners that I loved more than myself, never really took me out on a date. I adored them but they seriously were not worth it. I actually enjoyed my time after quite a long time. My life's been boring and quite, I don't know, sad? everyday until I met Jimin so of course I feel affection toward him. "Yoongi-Hyung look the dolphins are actually greeting us", Hyesung squealed happily catching my attention. I smiled as the dolphin actually greeted us from behind the glass.

It was cute but I hate dolphins. Like it attract small weak fish to itself and then feast on them. I have met many people like that and was used many times, I know it's pointless to hate on dolphins for that reason but I just can't like them. Sharks are much better at least everyone know it's dangerous and it doesn't set a trap. It's up to other fish to not go near it if they love themselves. (A/N I don't hate dolphins not a fan of em either. Tho these are my true thoughts of them lol I know my dumbass is stupid asf XD).

I knew I was a little upset but it was cuz this moment won't stay. I want the time to stop here. "Yoongi you said that you didn't had anyone to go out with..... Why?", Jimin asked as we sat on the bench in the middle of the room while Hyesung was attached to the glass that had the big fish in it. "I wonder", I replied staring at the trainer that was in the water swimming with the fish. "No I didn't meant to offend you! I mean where are your parents and...... ", "Boyfriends?", I completed his sentence that he couldn't. "Y-Yeah", I chuckled bitterly. "W-Well my relation with my parents was good like a normal family, when I came out to them they accepted me saying I can't control for whom I catch feelings for, of course I could see the little disappointment on their faces even when they tried to hide it behind a smile. But after that we weren't like usual. Even tho when they said they didn't cared about my orientation they still separated themselves from me, Without they themself noticing. So when I got the chance I totally separated myself from them, the thing they hesitated to do, of course I don't hate them tho I love them but it's hard for me to see them ignoring me mostly daily", I sighed as I continued. "I first used to visit them once in a while, then it was once in a month then 2 3 months and now it's more then a year since I last saw them....... And about boyfriends you can call them customers and me a hooker, we never really went out on a date it was just sex, sex, sex and them breaking up with me for some reason", I finished as I stood up. "Yoongi I-", "Right now I feel so good that it actually don't feel like it's real, that I really want the time to stop here but like hell it's possible so let's just enjoy the moment not ruin our own moods, no?" I said as I turned to Jimin and smiled brightly. Real bright smile. Jimin returned it with a light chuckle and got up as well, "Yeah".

"And what's with you now. Where are your last night, 'I am the Damn king, fear me. I am a scary and possessive jerk' vibes?", I asked as I smirked, "oh shut up enjoy my this personality as long as you can it will be gone in a while", he replied, "Oh hey you're back?", I joked to which he chuckled. "Papa, Yoongi-hyung can we go to eat, I am hungry!", Hyesung appeared excitedly. We both looked at him and smiled at his cuteness as Jimin picked him up, "Sure buddy". He said as we walked out of the aquarium.

Heyyyyy how are you all? My college started I'm a senior  in college now(I'm in 12th grade and that make me a senior in college in my country I don't know the educational system in your countries) dammit I can't believe it. Honestly I wanted to make things serious in this chapter but I couldn't cuz they were so happy XD so I didn't do that >< T^T

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