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The rest of the flight was quiet. Yoongi was not sleeping but he was still slightly trembling under Jimin. Jimin was worried but he could understand. "Baby the plane's about to land. Sit properly and wear your seat belt", Jimin told Yoongi as the news of landing was announced. Yoongi looked at Jimin with still frightened eyes, the fear he was trying not to show but was in his eyes. Jimin smiled slightly and interlinked his fingers with Yoongi's, "I'm here with you", Yoongi sighed in relief and sat back properly wearing his seat belt.


"Do you like it?", Jimin asked as they entered the VIP hotel room he had booked for his family. Yoongi smiled lightly and nodded, admiring the beauty of the room. "The Yoons are living a floor below ours. Their room is not VIP cuz they told me they wanted the normal one but it's still large enough", "Okay", Jimin smiled at his boyfriend.

"Papa", Hyesung called and Jimin looked at him. Yoongi was still observing the room. He wasn't really paying attention to anything anymore as his mind was again drifted away to what had happened earlier. "Papa, what happened to Yoongi-hyung", ".............Baby he had a really bad experience today earlier in the airplane. But thankfully I saved him, tho the ugly event is, itself traumatic enough", Jimin explained in whispers and short words but he knew Hyesung understood.

"You'll still do that right?", Hyesung asked with sad eyes. "Of course", Jimin said and pecked the small guy's forehead as he ran to Yoongi who was sitting on the bed doing nothing but staring at the blank TV screen in the front.

"Hyesung, baby you'll sleep with us right?", Yoongi asked quietly to the boy in his lap. "Of Course! We'll sleep together today. All three of us right", Hyesung exclaimed excitedly as Jimin walked up to them with a smile on his lips and ruffled Hyesung's hair.

"Wanna all three take a bath together? Then unpack?", Jimin asked his boyfriend and son while looking for clothes to wear. "No how about we unpack first and then bath?", Yoongi asked with a smile. He was trying but the fear, quietness and sadness was still there.

"Welllllllll~ s~ur~e I gue~ss", Jimin whined, "Yeah yeah I know you two. You would complain about the cold after the shower and sleep leaving all the work to me so no thank you please", Yoongi said getting up and crossing his arms. "Bruh", Both the kids whined and started unpacking their own stuff.


"Papa, Yoongi-Hyung! Look at this I have horns", Hyesung said showing his hair to his parents, that he had fixed with the leather in the bath tub. They all three were in the huge bathtub they had in the bathroom of the fancy hotel room. Yoongi was still quiet, would smile at things, like right now he was smiling at his boyfriend and kid messing around making fun of each other.

"Yoongi-hyung you're so pale and slim how!?", Hyesung asked Yoongi while looking at his naked body then his own small but round tummy touching it lightly. "Well that's just how I was born", Yoongi replied softly at which Hyesung pouted. Hyesung and Jimin were trying to cheer him up but right now Yoongi was too much into thoughts to even notice their hard work.

Finally after a good long family bath the three got ready for bed. "Yay I'll sleep in the center", Hyesung shouted as he jumped on the bed. "Brat", Jimin replied jokingly as he sat down on his left side while Yoongi simply laid down on the other side.

"Goodnight", Yoongi said softly and turned away going to sleep. Jimin and Hyesung looked at him feeling worried but also laid down after Jimin turned the lights off hoping that Yoongi will be back as before tomorrow.

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