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The next day was like usual I woke up early, had breakfast and went to the school. Right now the kids had started to show up. I was at the door greeting them and the parents one by one as they left and the kids entered. "Hey Mr. Min", I heard a familiar voice as I looked up and saw Hyesung coming toward me waving his one hand and other in Park Jimin's hand.

I smiled and waved back at him. He came greeted me and went inside and I simply bowed to Park Jimin, yeah I decided to forget about what happened since now I know it wasn't my fault. I decided to act like strangers. I checked the list to find that everyone was here. As I turned around to go inside as well, "Oye", I turned back around to see who called me and Park Jimin was looking at me with an serious and dangerous expressions.

"You are gay right?", I was shocked at first but lightly nodded my head. "I advice you to stay away from my son", "Huh?", I looked at him with an annoyed expression like I am his teacher how can I stay away from him. "I don't want Hyesung around fags", his said coldly. "What did you say!? Of course it's not possible I am his teacher so I have to be around him like other kids". "Then resign because I am sure other parents also won't enjoy or be at ease knowing that their children's teacher is a fag".

I got angry at this, "Who do you think you are? I am confident that I am not teaching my students anything bad. I teach them what a normal teacher of kindergarten would, It got nothing to do with me being gay", "You know who I am right? so I can easily get you fired by simply talking to the principal", All this time his expressions didn't changed. I with an angry expressions stepped forward and grabbed his collar, "You think you can blackmail m-", "Mr. Min the class's starting", we both looked behind me and saw Hyesung standing at the door looking confusingly at us. "O-Oh I'm coming". I said turning around releasing Park Jimin's collar. "Remember my warning", he whispered before going away himself. I frowned but smiled at Hyesung and shook my head in 'nothing' cause he was looking at me suspiciously and confusingly.

The day is going fine so far but Park Jimin's words kept revolving in my mind causing me to sigh often. "I told you to choose me instead", I jumped at sudden voice that woke me up from my day dream. I looked up and, "Hyesung-ah! What are you doing shouldn't you be in the playground playing with everyone else?", I asked as I got on my knees and came face to face with him. "No only kids play, I am a big man I don't play. If you want to play I will play with you", I chuckled lightly at his answer. "Ohk big boy, but you know men should play sometimes too or their brains get rusted", I said ruffling his hairs.

"But Papa works 24/7, won't his brain get rusted too?", "Well his brain sure will be rusted", "But he still works all the time", he said looking down and playing with his shirt. "Hyesung-ah how much time do Papa spend with you?", I asked as I saw his sad expressions. "Uh He just pick me up from here and drop me here". My eyes widened, "And who lives with you at home", "No he is in his office in our house all the time he do left sometimes but I don't really know when he leaves so I think he is home all day so I don't feel lonely", I was feeling angry like what the hell is with him. He got a kid for God's sake take care of him a little. I felt so bad for Hyesung he is a baby and he is so mature for his age. I can tell by looking at him that he want to play with everyone else but he tries to act mature.

I pushed my anger behind for later and got up picking Hyesung who was shocked at my action. I kissed his forehead, "Well then your papa and I need to have a serious talk, and cure his rusted brain", I said as I smiled at Hyesung. He blushed different shades of red and hid his face in the crook of my neck. "Mr. Min please don't do it or I won't be able to control myself", He mumbled in my neck and I laughed at his cuteness.

It was finally off time, 'Jung Sungho' The kids had started to leave. And like yesterday everyone left except Hyesung. He looked sleepy as we sat on the bench in playground. We waited and waited all the teachers had left as well. He could barely stay awake now so I picked him up. I knew he was sad as he simply put his head on my shoulder and hid it in the crook of my neck. "Baby you ok?", I asked. "Y-Yeah", I felt something hot and wet on my shoulders and felt Hyesung's body trembling slightly in my arms so I knew he was crying.

Honestly I felt like crying as well. He is only 5 and have to go through a lot. "Mr. Min do-does papa ha-hate H-Hyesung *sniff* t-oo? Does he think I am 'i-it' t-too", it broke my heart. So he watched Park Jimin's interview yesterday.

"No baby Papa is just busy he'll be here soon. You're are a good boy right so don't think like that",  I said rubbing his back gently and he just nodded lightly. "Mr. Min I am sorry for crying on your shoulder and wetting it", Hyesung said while still sniffing lightly.

"Oh no baby just let it out", I said and received no reply so I knew he was crying as he hugged my neck more tightly. After good 10 or 15 minutes I heard soft snores. I smiled and sat down on a bench. After good 30 more minutes I heard a car approaching and Park Jimin came out I controlled my anger for now. Just as he saw me he ran toward and with an angry expression he snatched Hyesung from me. "I told you to don't be near him right?", "Park Jimin", I said coldly and he looked up at me with an annoyed expression. "Can you please put Hyesung in the car and then come here, I have something to talk about". He looked at me disgustingly and nodded anyway.

A/N to be honest I don't think I am writing an Yoonmin book. It just feel like a simple bl book but I still am enjoying writing it😅😅😅

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