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"What are you cooking today?","Seafood fried rice and eel and some side dishes", "Ohhhh", Jimin came from behind and picked up a fried shrimp putting it in his mouth and started munching, I glared at him and he laughed nervously putting his hands up in surrender and I sighed, "Where's Hyesung?", "Watching TV", "Oh ok", ", "Need any help?", "Uh sure can you cut the eels into smaller pieces?", "Oh sure", I admit I was a little bothered by the text but right now I was more comfortable then ever. "Hey is this okay?", Jimin called me pulling me out of my thoughts, "What?", "I asked if these are okay", he said showing me the eel he had just cutted. "What the hell is this!?", "Eh.... Hehe", Jimin laughed in an awkward and silly way scratching the back of his neck.

I sighed, "Jimin you go accompany Hyesung, I'll handle the dinner", he gently nodded looking like a lost puppy and gave me the eels. I smiled realizing his disappointment and walked closer. "Aw don't be disappointed. I don't mind making dinner for both of you at all", I said trying to lift his mood up. "Hah I'm sorry for the trouble", "Hahaha no it's not troublesome at all. I like it that you enjoyed my cooking enough to give me another chance", Jimin finally smiled and ruffled my hairs, "We enjoyed it a lot", "Yah! Don't do that, I am older than you!", I said playfully slapping his hand from my head and tried to hide my blushing red face, "Hahaha yeah but you don't look like it so shut up", Jimin said again playfully ruffling my hairs more harshly messing them up and walked away to Hyesung leaving my blushing mess standing there trying to cover and fix my head.

About after an hour I finished cooking and we ate. "Yoongi-hyung you will stay till the morning right!?", Hyesung asked me excitedly while Jimin played movie for us to watch. "Yeah sure", I replied smiling at the cute boy, "Yay! Papa let's go to aquarium tomorrow or zoo!", "Huh? Then let's go to aquarium", "YAY! Hyung do you know I like that Killer whale in fish", "Hmmm really but they are not present in aquariums are they?", "No but I still like them".

"Papa like fighter fish Hahaha lammee, they are like this small", Hyesung attached his forefinger and thumb showing me the size of a fighter fish and I chuckled, "Shut up brat they are cute unlike those giant creatures and you have never even seen a killer whale lame", Jimin said as he walked and sat next to Hyesung ruffling his hairs harshly messing them up. "No they are not lame you are lame", "Huh! What did you say you little brat!?", I chuckled at the father and son arguing. "Stop it now the movie's starting", they both huffed, "Only because Yoongi-hyung told me to"/"Only because the movie's starting", they both said in unison and Hyesung stood up and ran to my other side pushing me into Jimin and snuggled into me himself.

I blushed at the position I was in, Hyesung was literally in my lap and Jimin so close to me on the other side as we continued our marvel marathon. By the time the movie ended Hyesung again was fast asleep in my lap. And Jimin unconsciously had his arm around my shoulders. "Ahh it was such a good movie", Jimin sighed and stretched his arms "Y-Yeah", I seriously couldn't keep a straight face right now. I stood up awkwardly lifting Hyesung with me. "U-Uh I should place him in his room now", "huh? He's asleep? Should I help you let me do it", "No it's okay", Jimin nodded and smiled, "Thanks then".

When I was done with Hyesung I walked back in the living room only to find Jimin with my phone in his hand. 'What would he be doing? Not like I care I don't have anything private anyway', then I suddenly remembered the texts earlier. "Ji-Jimin-ah what are you doing!?", He looked at me kind of scary.

"I know I was wrong to check your cell. Tho it kept buzzing unstoppably so I got mad and curious. I'm sorry I was wrong". He was apologizing but it didn't sounded like an apology. He looked so scary. "Wh-who was messaging?", I asked still standing and crossed my fingers nervously. "I don't know it's an unknown number", "Ca-Can I check", even if it's my phone but he looked too scary right now. "Why are you asking me? It's your phone", Jimin said and passed me my phone.

'Damn as I expected', I lightly looked up at Jimin's expression. "Who is it?", 'Why is he so angry!!', "H-He is-", "So it's he huh?, He is what?", Jimin said as he stood up and walked toward me. I, on the other hand, was frozen in my spot. "W-why are you so angry?", "I am not angry, I an just asking you a question", 'Damn his dominant aura was too much for my recessive one', "B-But your face looks too scary", "Well my apology for having a scary face", "N-No! only right now otherwise its not scary", I squeaked out, "Hooo then what is it like normally?", He smirked as he took rounds around me like a predator around its prey. "Y-you are....", I was blushing too hard under his gaze that was now stationary in front of me, "I am?", Jimin smirked as he took a step closer to me. "You are really handsome!!!", I shut my eyes tight before almost shouting the sentence. I felt like me cheeks will burst cuz of the heat. I still had my eyes closed when I felt something around my waist and I collided with something hard. I opened my eyes to find Jimin chest on mine and his dark and deep orbs digging holes on my face. His face now calmer though.

"That's good now answer me who is that person texting you?", "H-He is my ex", under his hard and somewhat soft gaze I felt like I will puke every secret or answer any question he will ask right now. "Ex huh, Don't dare even reply. He is a mere ex. More like block him. If you answer him or even look at him now I will make sure to tell you who possesses you now", I was scared under that dominant power. I wasn't his but I felt like Jimin possessed me right now. "Y-Yes", "Very well". He said as he took my cell and blocked the number.

After he finished his job he threw my cell on the cushion and again looked at me with a strange gaze. He observe my confused stare and pushed my on the couch. I, losing my balance fell on my back on the couch. Jimin climbed on top of me before I could get up and again looked at me with a strange gaze. It wasn't lust nor anger, it was a mysterious look in the eyes that I couldn't name right now. He observed my whole like a hawk, smirked and slowly started leaning down.

A/N Thank me later ⊃ο<*

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