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"You are a really good person. Better than anyone who I have ever met before but of course everyone got a flaw, yours is that you're a man-", "I love you a lot but I can't,  you're a guy-", "I'm sorry I couldn't stay loyal. I do prefer tits over cocks after all-", "Damn, you are so perfect but can you just get a surgery and turn into a woman. I promise I can pay-", "I love you but I can't I want kids and-", "I know you can't help i-", "Don't be dishearted-", "I know it's not your fault bu-", "I'm sorry-", "Hey I'm getting married next week", My head shot up at the man I love more than I love myself coming out of the shower with a towel around his waist, "S-Seungjoon-ah y-you know what you're saying right?"

"Yeah, better then you of course", "Then what do you mean married?", "Yeah I'm getting married as you heard", "W-With whom?", I asked stuttering silently hoping he would say my name and propose. "With a coworker", and the mirror broke, like hell he would propose to me, 'a man', "So it's a female", "Yeah".

"Why are you telling me this now, why not last night before we could do anything", I asked quietly, "Because I wanted to make your last time with me a little worth remembering", "So it was for me?", "Of course", 'Bullshit', "And those I love yous?", He turned around now fully dressed and stared into my eyes with pure truth and no emotions for me in them, "I, of course, had feelings for you at a point", he sighed, "But after all those sexes with you I know I prefer girls more and my reputation's on line", 'right, reputation', "For how long have you been with that girl?", "For an year", this time it was my heart that broke. "So you cheated on us for an year?", I asked in trembling voice but successfully hid it behind my stone face, "No, on you, she asked me out a year ago and I refused saying I was in a relationship, she knew it was you and she asked me to sleep with her once. I did thinking of it as an experience but I loved it. So I kept sleeping with her. And then before I knew I fell for her and started dating her and now we are getting married", I now had tears gathered in my eyes threatening to fall on my cheeks that were red cuz of holding back my breathe. "T-Then why didn't you broke up with me?", "Cuz I loved you too, I couldn't get myself to leave you but now my feelings are clear so....", I finally let out my breath only to take a huge gulp of oxygen and held it again, "So what do you expect me to say now?", "I don't know, break up?", "You already did that", "Oh yeah then accept the break up", I finally tell my tears fall, "You know how selfish you sound right now, talking like you don't care about me at all", "No believe me I did, a lot but now she is the only one in my heart". I stood up from the bed and limped to get to the front door. "Ok stay happy Kim Seungjoon. Bless you and your future wife. We break up today and we're nothing but strangers now, don't ever act like you know me again and enjoy your life. I will be okay and move on...... like I always do", I said coldly looking at the door, walked out and slammed the door shut behind me as I finished.



woke up from the horrible memory. I felt nausea so got up, washed my face and went out of the room to drink water. It is a horrible memory that I hate too much but they keep appearing in dreams now a days. It's been a week since that aquarium Sunday and today's Sunday again so I'm staying over at Jimin and Hyesung's house.

I opened the fridge and took out cold water bottle and drank from it purposely pouring some on myself as well, as I put it back inside. "Yoongi?", I turned and came face to face with Jimin. It was so dark but he was close enough so I could see his face clearly. "Sor-sorry if I woke you up. I wanted water", I said awkwardly. "No it's okay, though I was worried why you didn't turned the lights on so I got out of my room to check", "Ah no it's nothing I just wanted water that's why I didn't turned it on", Jimin suddenly put his hand on my forehead. "It doesn't look like you got a fever but why are you sweating so much?", I whimpered under his touch lightly.

"N-Nothing!", I yelped with a red face. I wished Jimin can't see my face colour right now. "Just some old bad memory", I replied calming down. "Hm? Mind sharing?", Jimin said staring at me. I gently shook my head looking down avoiding eye contact. Jimin stepped forward, 'why the Hell's atmosphere so heavy whenever we're alone', I silently grinded my teeth. Jimin was so close that I could feel his breath on my hairs. "Why?", He breathed, "Is it something perhaps related to your ex", He whispered at which I stiffened. I felt him smirk on my head as he touched my neck and I got goosebumps. He slid his hand down my arm and held my hand.

"Tell me". He ordered in his dominant voice and I again like a machine barfed everything from the start to the end and how I haven't dated for an year since I broke up with him and I'm scared of dating again. By the time I was done I had tears in my eyes.

Jimin pulled me on his chest and slid his arm around my waist. "Jimin please don't", I whispered silently on his chest. "Why?", "Don't get my hopes up please", I sobbed and Jimin lifted my face from my chin with his fore and middle finger. "But what if I want you to get your hopes up?", Jimin whispered and pulled my face closer to his. I could feel his breath and the mint fragrance in it on my face. "B-But I'm scared", "You don't trust me?", "No", I breathed, "It's not you who I don't trust, it me..... I'm scared, scared that I won't be able to fill all your needs too", I said heartbroken. " You don't have to worry about that I will prefer killing myself before hurting you, right now you are more than anything I need. You have already filled all my needs except one...... I don't know when it started maybe the moment you punched me? But I know more then anyone what this feeling is. And the only thing I need and you've left to give me is 'love'. I know you like me your eyes speak out loudly everyday. So please. I swear I will give you everything. My life My mon-", I quickly blocked his lips with my finger. "You, yourself are more than enough", I said as I felt tears sliding down my cheeks. Jimin smiled, his eyes disappeared and he hugged me tightly, squeezing me hard. After a while he pulled away to look at my red face with a small smile and pushed his lips on mine.

Hey again XD I'm sorry for the late update college's been really busy.

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