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Jimin's POV:
I woke up around 7 and did my morning routine. Last night Yoongi comforted me the whole time and I actually had a really good nap after a long time. I was on the coach when I woke up though. I guess I was too heavy for him or maybe he fell asleep too. Now that I remember where did Yoongi slept last night? Did we both fell asleep on the coach. My cheeks heated up at the image that formed in my mind. Of course it was not a lewd image but just us hugging each other.

But where is Yoongi. I woke Hyesung up and told him to freshen up while I checked if Yoongi was in some room. But instead ended up finding breakfast and a note in the kitchen table. I am sorry but I had to leave early. I had some work to do and for teachers Saturdays are on too for work but I have prepared breakfast. Make sure to feed Hyesung properly and also don't forget his medicines or I won't forgive you :). I smiled at the note but that smiley face looked really threatening.

"Papa where is Yoongi-hyung?", I heard Hyesung voice and looked at him. He had taken shower and changed but was still rubbing his eyes and yawning. I picked him up and sat him on my lap. "He left early before we woke up but left a note saying he had work", I replied pouring juice for Hyesung and spreading the jam on the toast for Hyesung. "Awww but I wanted to spend the day with him", Hyesung whined and puff his cheeks knitting his eyebrows.

"Uh the school is on for teachers on Saturday, is what he said", "Hmm", Hyesung replied still whining but now eating the bread. "Papa do you have work today?", "Yeah baby but I have the whole day off tomorrow so let's go somewhere out?", "Okay", Hyesung replied in a dull voice.

"Wanna come to my office today buddy?", I said trying to lift up his mood, "I can?" Hyesung turned his head toward me and asked with a sparkle in his eyes. "Of course you can", "Yay", Hyesung cheered happily, "Now give Papa a kiss", Hyesung kissed my cheek getting the jam and bread crumbs on it that was on his lips. "No no on the lips, come on", "Eww no way", I looked at him in disbelief, "But you said you want to kiss Yoongi?", "He's a different case", Hyesung replied proudly now facing me on my lap.

"What!? No", I laughed and smooches his plump little lips that he got from me. "Eww Papa noo", he whined playfully covering his mouth, I chuckled and pecked his whole cute face and he let me smiling cutely himself.

"Now go wear something proper, let's go to work shall we?", I said ruffling his hairs. Hyesung cheerfully nodded and got off my lap running to his room. "Ah Hyesung-ah come here your medicine", "Mehh I don't like them they are disgusting", "You're a good kid right? Come and take your medicine or you will again get sick and I won't take you with me", "I'm coming", "Good boy".

Hyesung got off the car, his eyes sparkling as he looked at the building up and down. "Papa this building is yours!?", "Yup, now let's go in", "Woah!!", Hyesung cheered and started walking almost running holding my finger.

On our way to my office that was on the last floor many people awed at Hyesung while greeting me, it was the first time I brought my son to my office. "Waaaahhhh this is your office", Hyesung exclaimed and started running around. I took of my coat and sat down on my chair. "Hyesung-ah do whatever you want just be careful not to get hurt", "Okay".

The day passed pretty fast and me and Hyesung were on our way to home. Hyesung school was on our way to home. "Ah Papa Yoongi-hyung!", Hyesung suddenly exclaimed pointing toward a person who was getting out of the kindergarten.

Yoongi POV:
"Good day Mr. Min", "Thank you", I bowed and walked towards the exit. My body hurts a little from last night cuz Jimin almost slept on me, I blushed at the memory when suddenly a familiar car pulled up in front of me. The door opened and Hyesung jumped out, "Yoongi-hyung!!", He cheered and jumped on me, of course I caught him as he hugged me.

"Hyesung-ah don't just jump on him like that", Jimin exclaimed getting out of the driver seat door. I smiled "It's ok, why are you here though", "Me and Papa were on our way to home, you know Papa took me to his office and it was so awesome and huge", Hyesung cutely told me. "Hmm really, that's a very good thing. Your Papa improved so much in a day, don't you think he deserve a reward", "Yeahh I will give him so many kisses when we get home", I smiled and looked at Jimin who was also smiling at both of us.

"Yoongi-Hyung, Papa said we will go out tomorrow, please come with us too and stay the night too, you left without telling us today, and, and I want to eat your cooking again, it was so good. I never felt so full after eating, and I am not even fully recovered yet", Hyesung said all of that in one breath, now what, how can I reject him he was trying so hard, I chuckled nervously trying to come up with an excuse but all in vain.

I looked at Jimin for help and he also had puppy face on, Damn it, "Sure why not?", I smiled at them and they cheered. We entered the car Hyesung singing lightly in my lap as Jimin started the car.

Hyesung was fast asleep in my lap, he looked like he had a really good day and was tired I smiled and combed his hairs with my fingers, "Yoongi how was your day?", Jimin asked, I was shocked but answered anyway, "Uh nothing special, like usual just some papers", " Oh okay", my phone buzzed in my pocket, I took out my phone and checked the message regretting it instantly. I sighed and closed it again putting it in my pocket. "Something wrong?", Jimin asked as he parked his car. "No everything's fine", I said with a little forced smile.

Heyy I don't know how long has it been since I updated. I had lost some interest in kpop those days. I didn't even remembered what was in the story so I had to read it again myself and I noticed many letter mistakes please forgive my for those XD. Anyway have a good day bless you all <3

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