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Finally! We're leaving for our trip. We like usual were on the car on our way to airport. We reached airport an hour before our flight. Yoon's were still not here yet. It was kind of awkward cuz we had to cover our faces(y'all know why) and people shamelessly looked at us like we were some kind of creatures. Like just one glance or two are okay. But they just kept staring till the point the person felt like drowning.

I just hope Jimin is not famous in Japan or I'll run away lol. Finally after at least 15 minutes Yoons arrived. And Finally! After 45 more minutes it was our flight time. The security was wow and finally after all the procedure we sat in business class.

Jimin was busy on a phone call right now, Mr. And Mrs. Yoon were asleep, I think. Cuz like they were in front of us with the kids. And both Hyesung and Jungyeom were talking about something. Hyesung was so into him that he even sat with Jungyeom when his seat was with us :').

Everyone was doing their own work and I was bored and just looked out of the window. I don't really know when I fell asleep but I did felt someone brushing my bangs off my eyes lightly. After an hour someone shook me and I look woke up. "Yoongi-hyung", Hyesung called me as I looked up at him and Jungyeom who stood next to him. "Yes?", "Pee", Hyesung replied.

I sighed and stood up and looked at all the three others and they were in deep sleep. I sighed tiredly again and smiled at the kids, "let's go", I took them to the restroom and both kids ran in each stall. I just stood there awkwardly, cuz wow I really feel like a mother. Now I have to take the kids to even the bathroom. After a while they both came out and washed their hands.

It was kind of creepy as we walked back to our seats, like it was so silent. There were not much people in business class and those who were here, were either asleep or just quietly sat on their seats and for a while now I even feel eyes on me. Like it's so creepy and even creepier when you've watched thousands of horror movies in which planes are involved.

"When will we reach Japan?", Jungyeom asked as he and Hyesung again sat down on their seats. "Um an hour or so, cuz it take almost 2 hours to reach Japan from Korea", "So one more hour? OK", they replied and got ready to take a nap, I smiled at them and again went to bathroom to relieve myself now.

After doing my business I was washing my hands and face when a guy, who sat like two rows behind us entered the washroom. It was kind of creepy and I know, suspicious because he kept staring at me and I know I need to get away as soon as possible or things will be bad. He still didn't moved away from the door. His hand was on the handle as he kept staring at my back. Dammit, I'm totally f'ed up.

I slowly walked toward the exit which of course also was the entrance. But when I saw no sign of him moving I entered one of the stall. Before I could close the door a foot stopped it. Dammit I knew it. I still tried to close the door but the creep was too strong. My heart actually felt like it was in my throat. It was the kind of moment when you have no idea what to do. I actually felt like crying.

My phone was with me but he will open the door if I take my phone out. "You know it's no us just open the door", the creep said with his husky voice. 'I'm sorry but my life is still really precious to me'. I thought but didn't replied to the guy as I trembled lightly.

Jimin wake up please I know he was far away but please dammit I need you. "Goddammit stop being so stubborn and get your ass out of this damn stall and I might be gentler", 'thank you but no thanks, Jimiin', I was getting tired, the guy's too strong.

"Well fuck it", He said as the door was suddenly pushed and my back collided the wall. "I told you to be a good boy but you didn't listened", my breathing trembled as I unconsciously hugged myself. He smiled widely at my reaction and grabbed my collar and pulled me toward himself.

I struggled to push him away but couldn't. "Stop-", He grabbed my arms with one hand and pushed me against the wall, "-Struggling", I opened my mouth to scream as I finally found my voice but the jackass closed my mouth with his other hand.

"You know pretty boys like you shouldn't struggle so much, cuz I won't like to scratch this pretty skin of yours", I still struggled as tears started gathering in my eyes. "If you scream I'm gonna kiss you and bite off that pretty tongue of yours", He said as he moved away his hand from my mouth and untied his tie. My eyes widened at this. "NO-", before I could actually scream he actually kissed me. My eyes got even wider if that was even possible. He bite my lip so hard as I closed my mouth and didn't opened them when he asked to, that I'm sure they're bleeding. His hand started touching my body. From my chest to torso to my legs, it felt so disgusting. He finally gave up with a grown and stopped kissing me but he tied my mouth with the tie he just took of.

My face was now totally damp because of my sweat and tears. And I couldn't properly breath cuz of the cloth on my mouth. 'Jimin, Please', I still tried to struggle but it was so hard, so frustrating. The guy took off his belt and tied my hands this time. I wanted to scream and cry out loud but dammit(A/N I'm crying while writing this. I'm so sorry my baby ToT).

This time it was not something of his own he took off, this time he started unbuttoning my shirt and my eyes again shoot open and I started struggling again. The guy started licking my neck and down my collarbone. Tears poured down my eyes as I couldn't do anything. He went down and licked my stomach before getting up again and turned me around. He unbuttoned my jeans from the behind and bit my shoulder, too hard. I clenched my teeth in pain and closed my eyes finally giving up. The guy let out a chuckle, "You did made me work out a lot but good boy", I couldn't control the sobs and sniffles that escaped my throat.

With my hands tied behind me I couldn't even wipe my tears. I heard the guy unbuttoning his own jeans. I feel sick. He slowly grabbed my waist and slid down my jeans lightly before he could slide them down more I heard a furious growl(A/N y'all won't believe how relieved I am. I am totally screaming).

The guy flinched and moved away as someone grabbed him by his collar. I didn't turned around as my legs gave out and I slid down on my knees and sobbed even more. I heard a punch colliding skin and I already knew what was happening. Due to so much disturbance the staff came in and stopped Jimin, yes Jimin from beating up the guy and when after a great struggle he finally stopped he complained about the guy. The whole time I just sat against the wall and trembled furiously. After all that the staff finally left and handcuffed the creep taking him with them. A while later I left a hand on my bleeding shoulder and flinched. "Yoongi?", Jimin said as he sat down behind me and turned me around. His eyes almost teared up when he saw my crying state.

I sobbed harder as I saw him and struggled. Finally getting me he finally untied my mouth and his eyes turned dark with anger as he saw my bleeding lips. "Jimin-ah", I whimpered between my sobs and just as Jimin untied my hands I shoot up and wrapped my hands tightly around his neck. He also immediately caught me and wrapped his arm around me.

AND THAT'S IT. I cried so hard while writing it(not actually). I seriously don't know what just happened in this chapter XD. Anyway do y'all remember the names of my characters like my dumbass always have to open the older chapters to see what the names of the characters are. I also don't remember the name of Yoongi's ex bruh. I even had to open the older chapter to confirm Jungyeom's name and even his surname which was used for his parents.......
And also I'm really sorry for late updates but I'm too busy :'((((((( so I write the chapter when I have time so forgive me.
AND THANK Y'ALL SO MUCH FOR 4K+ VIEW. I'm actually really shocked like wow thank you so much <3<3

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