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"Yoongi? You like it?", I asked as we walked hand in hand across the decorated street. Hyesung holding his one hand while my fingers interlinked with his other. "Mhm~ so much", I looked at his loving expression and smiled kissing his hair. "Finally we're here", we sat down on the bench so we can have a clear and full view of the fireworks. Yoon's family were sightseeing on their own today so were we.

"It's starting", Yoongi said with sparkling eyes and the first firework filled the night sky followed by three others and the whole routine repeated again and again. Filling the sky with colorful flowers, that sprinkled our eyes. "Beautiful", Yoongi said totally absorbed in the beauty. Hyesung, who was in his lap too looked at him with a smiled on his lips. "Yeah so beautiful", I said as I slid one arm around Yoongi's waist and pulled his closer.

"Most beautiful and pure of all", hearing this Yoongi looked at me while my eyes were, too still on him. "I love you, So much", I smiled and pressed my lips against his. "I love you too, so much".

After the fireworks we went to the shrine and prayed. And returned home before it was too late.


"Jimin-ah I've packed the luggage", "Thank you so much my baby", Jimin replied as he ate chips leaning against the headboard on the bed. "I seriously can't believe how you have all these packs on you belly when all you do is eat snacks", Yoongi said as he sat on Jimin's stomach.

"Well cuz I'm awesome", "yeah yeah", Yoongi replied sarcastically and pecked his lips. "Asshole", "Hahaha, where's Hyesung?", Jimin asked, "With Jungyeom, I'm sad my baby love Jungyeom more than me now :(", "Aww my love you still have me, and you know what it means?", Yoongi looked at him confused and Jimin pulled his fiance closer from his ass and attached their forehead. "That we're all alone", "Oh no thanks my beautiful asshole is already torn. I need time to heal it", "Oh please baby why not heal it after it's fully destroyed", Jimin said seductively as he massaged Yoongi's asshole through his pajama.

"You know what", Yoongi started as a moan slip out of his lips. "I'll bloody kill you if I see blood on my asshole tomorrow", Jimin smirked and flipped them. "Say no more baby boy", and he attached his lips with Yoongi's.

Ah~ ufff mhm~ mAhhn yanhhhh~, JiminAH~ Mhm~~~~~~~ <3

"I hate you so much, don't talk to me". Yoongi pouted as Jimin tried to apologize to his fiance. "Baby, my sexy baby you know I couldn't control myself", "Bastard", Yoongi muttered as he turned around and tried to stop the smile that tried to appear on his kitten lips. "My cutie", Jimin said as he pecked Yoongi's lips and sat back down on his side of bed and took out his cell phone.



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