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"Papa you have an explanation to do!!", Hyesung literally yelled as he was sitting on Jimin's belly who was laying on the couch. "Of what stanza?", Jimin replied half asleep. "Why did you kissed Yoongi-Hyung", "Hm? Who?", Jimin still replied half asleep or maybe more like he was sleep talking.

"I hwate Pwapa Sho Mawch", Hyesung sniffed causing Jimin to wake up and sat up immediately. "What!? Why? What happened baby?", He asked the kid in his lap who was rubbing his eyes with his small fists now.

"Why Did You Kwished Yoongi-Hyung?" Jimin heart softened at the sight of his cute son. "Baby, I wanted to tell you before........ But I could never find the right time to", meanwhile Yoongi came out of the room after a shower.

He noticed the atmosphere and sat next to Jimin. "Tell me what?", Hyesung asked. "U-Um Uhm Me....... And your Yoongi-Hyung are u-umm....... Like dating", Jimin finally managed stutter out.

He was afraid that he might hurt Hyesung, And it wasn't totally wrong. You could see the look of being hurt in Hyesung's eyes. "Since when?", "3 weeks", Hyesung pouted lightly and looked at Yoongi who was also looking at Hyesung in a somewhat pleading way.

Hyesung got off of Jimin's lap and sat down on the space between Jimin and Yoongi. He suddenly placed both his small palms on Yoongi's cheeks. "Wha-", before Yoongi could finish Hyesung attached his lips with Yoongi's.

Both Jimin and Yoongi had their eyes wide open in shock. After a small innocent kiss Hyesung separated from Yoongi. "Just for now, I'll give you to Papa but just wait, after 10 years I'll make you mine, Yoongi-hyung!", Hyesung shouted as small beads of tears spilled out of his eyes and wetted his cheeks.

Yoongi and Jimin's heart softened at the sight of the(ir) kid rubbing his round eyes with his small fists. Yoongi ruffled his hairs and pulled him into a hug pecking his soft hairs lightly. 'Cute', They thought.

Yoongi again spent that night at Jimin's house. Hyesung had fallen asleep after crying so he was in his room. Jimin and Yoongi were on the couch watching some news channel. The news of Jimin dating a guy was all over the cable now. The responses were different from everyone. Some were happy, some disgusted and some didn't cared.

"Yoongi?", "Hmm?"
"Come live with us, me and Hyesung".
Yoongi suddenly sat up and faced Jimin.
"What!?", "I said come live with me and Hyesung, in this house", Jimin replied also sitting up.
"We make you stay here a lot anyway. And you always come here to cook for us so why not just stay here", Yoongi knew that what Jimin said was making sense. "Bu-", "And now I remember, with that bitc- human of an ex of yours wandering around I can't let you stay alone and with that paparazzi and media now too, so no buts".
"Okay...... Okay Jiminie I would love it, I mean why wouldn't I", Yoongi replied lowering his face while blushing a little.

"B-But don't you think, we're moving too fast", Yoongi looked up again. "Yoongi-ah", Jimin moved closer placing a hand on Yoongi's cheek and other around his waist.
"The stage I'm at right now, I would marry you right now and it still won't be called moving fast, you understand right?", Jimin said looking into Yoongi's eyes.

Yoongi stared back before nodding lightly, "Okay, I'll come live with you both, Both Hyesung and You, Both of my babies", Yoongi replied smiling sweetly showing his pink gums and attached his forehead with Jimin's who smiled in return and sighed in relief. "I love you so much", "I love you too, so Damn much", Jimin replied and pecked Yoongi's thin lips.

"When will you move in?", "Well whenever you want. But let's wait for Hyesung to wake up first, and tomorrow is Sunday so maybe tomorrow?", "Sure". They cuddled until Jimin's phone rang, "Hello?", "Oh okay thanks", "Who was it?", "It was my personal assistant, I had told him to arrange a press conference for me regarding my new lover and he called to inform me that it's in three days", "Hmm? Okay", "Yeah and you'll be going with me", Jimin said pecking Yoongi's hairs, who shivered lightly at the thought of the flash lights but nodded anyway.


It was finally Sunday. And Jimin helped moving Yoongi's things to his, now their house. "You'll be staying in my room", Jimin said on their way to home after moving everything, "What!? No!!", Hyesung whined in Yoongi's lap. "Yoongi-Hyung stay with me", Hyesung pouted to Yoongi, who looked at Jimin for help.

And suddenly Jimin grew devil horns, wings and fangs smiling evilly. "Oh Little brat why in the world would 'My Precious Boyfriend' stay with his 'Future Stepson',", "What!? No Yoongi-Hyung", Hyesung complained to Yoongi who simply chuckled.

"And Mr. Future Husband, who in the world are you to decide where I would stay?", Jimin smirked, "Oh trust me babe, You know damn well", Hyesung pulled Yoongi toward himself wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Oh and son maybe I should make your room soundproof now, don't you think Yoongi? I also still need to give 'it' to you for letting Hyesung kiss you", "Ewwww Papa!!", Yoongi smacked Jimin's head who smirked wider, "Jimin he's five!", "Oh trust me it's just the beginning", at this rate Jimin wings were flapping happily.

Yoongi and Hyesung didn't said a word after that cuz Jimin was a huge jerk who still had a cocky devilish smirk on his plump lips.

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