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Jimin's POV:
The man who stood there before me turned toward me and I frowned at the unfamiliar face. "Yo-", "Who the hell are you?", I asked coldly. "No no let ME ask you, Why does the famous Park Jimin know the common Min Yoongi?", "I don't find the need to answer your question. Now you tell me how do you know Yoongi? Cuz I clearly heard you say his name", I asked and glanced at Yoongi who seemed frozen looking back and forth at me and then at the unfamiliar guy frustratingly.

"Oh me?", The guy smirked and walked closer. "I'm his boyfriend, Kim Seungjoon", I frowned at the word boyfriend which soon turned into an almost laugh when I heard his name. I chuckled evilly and saw Yoongi frowning and almost growling at the guy, Kim Seungjoon.

"Oh the boyfriend from one year ago you mean?", He frowned. "Oh and not to forget the bitch who cheated for a year and got married and then texted Yoongi again after an year like a shameless jerk you look like and of course, Are. The one Yoongi blocked when he texted asking to meet again, right?", I ask, most likely said smirking. He growled and pointed his forefinger at me. "You-", Before he could say another work I grabbed his wrist tightly and he winced. "Be careful of who you point your finger at Mister or next time I would not hesitate to cut it and feed it to you", I said coldly and let his wrist go which now had a hand print pasted on it.

Yoongi walked toward me and stood by my side. "Jim-", I stopped him and smiled at him. "Let me just finish here", "Hah what? So Yoongi you're fucking the Famous Park Jimin now? What did you do to seduce him huh? And don't worry Park Jimin, he is with you only for a while too. After all the little slut can't live without a dick in his hole", The Seungjoon guy said spitting venom in his words. My blood was boiling at his words. How can he fucking say all that about Yoongi. I stepped forward and grabbed his collar tightly pulling him toward myself and lifted my other hand to punch his shitty face, only to have it stopped. 

I turned my head around angrily all I saw was red but the sight cleared the clouds from my eyes. Yoongi held my fist tightly but shakingly with one hand and with still sleeping Hyesung held close to his chest who Yoongi was hugging with one arm dearly. He had slight tears in his eyes but looked at me and lightly shook his head. He hesitated and bit his lips before, to control and trembling voice and lips. "J-Jimin lets just g-go. I seriously d-dont want to be he-here anymore for n-now", He stuttered which broke my heart cuz he was holding back his precious tears.

I sighed and nodded before again turning my head toward the bitch in my hand and pulled the peasant closer to my face. "Listen whatever your name is, it's a warning, Dont-ever-come-near-My-Yoongi-again or I might break you fucking jaw bone or teeth of one side of your mouth. So be careful next time", When I saw fear in his eyes I smirked and pushed him as he fell on his ass on the ground.

I smiled at my work and turned around to face Yoongi and pulled him toward myself kissing his lips deeply making sure Seungjoon see the whole thing. Yoongi's eyes were wide open in shock as well but thankfully didn't pushed me.

I separated myself from Yoongi and placed a hand on his waist as we started walking toward my car. Of course with Yoongi not looking, I turned my face lightly and showed a middle finger and mouthed, 'fuck you he's mine', to Seungjoon who was still on the ground with obvious anger in his eyes. I knew I pissed him off and I loved the feeling.


We entered my house. Yoongi was quiet the whole way and right now too. He went inside Hyesung's room to lay him on his bed while I changed. When I was done I walked out of my room and found Yoongi in his coat.

"Where are you going?", I asked as I walked toward him. He flinched at my voice showing that he was drowned in his thoughts. "I-I'm going home of course", I frowned and placed a hand on his shoulder giving it an encouraging squeeze.

"Why?", I asked frowning. "It's Monday today so of course I need to be home", "No you don't, I need you the most right now", I said pouting wrapping my arms around his waist pulled him on my chest, we stood chest to chest and faces so close to each other that our noses almost touched each other's.

"Theeeennn maybe an hour or two won't hurt right?", Yoongi asked chuckling and wrapped his arms around my neck while I nodded and slid my one hand up and down his waist in a soothing manner.

We stood there close to each other for a while before I walked backward and back jumped on the couch with Yoongi who yelped cutely. I smiled and rolled us over so I was now on top of Yoongi. "Yoongi", I said staring dreamily at the beauty in my arms. "Hmm?", Yoongi replied looking into my eyes with equal affection. "I don't deserve you....... But I'm too stubborn to let go of you now. It's impossible", I stated the truth, "I too! I swear I'm not with you for your wealth or fame I don't know but you gave me a new feeling inside that I have never felt before", He said causing me to chuckle lightly, "I know", I replied, 'I know it really well cuz that's just what you did to me', We both went quiet again, "This feels like a dream", I said breaking the comforting silence. "It's not", Yoongi replied chuckling and pecked my nose lightly. "Did you felt it?", He asked with bright eyes. "Hmm? Don't you think it need to be more aggressive and rough and passionate for me to feel it", I replied, "Hooo? So all the affection I poured in this one meant nothing?", He replied with a light smirk on his thin lips. "Only affection won't work I need everything", I said and licked my lips seductively. "Oh is that so?", Yoongi said and roughly pulled me down and....

Anyway I made a mistake in old chapter. I wrote 'Coach' instead of 'Couch' everywhere lol. I will leave it as it is for now but will make sure to correct it when I will read the story myself after completing it. So Have a good dayy, bless you all~💙

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