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Alarm rung in the room. But it still didn't quietened the sound of Yoongi and Jimin's moaning. "Oh it's 5.30 already", Jimin said as he still slammed into Yoongi beneath him. "S-Stop s-sle-eep. Want t-to slee-sleep", Yoongi stuttered out as Jimin placed his own swollen lips to Yoongi's abused one's.

"Just this last......... TiME!!!", Jimin said as he released his seed once again in Yoongi. "M-My be-bellyAhh~ is too~ full. En-enougaah~", Yoongi moaned out as he also released on his bloated belly.

"Hah it felt, hah awesome", Jimin breathed heavily as he fell on top of his fiance. Finally adjusting their breath Jimin got up. And took his cock out of Yoongi. "Put on a butt plug. I don't want my semen leaking outta you", He said as he touched Yoongi's swollen belly. He looked up as he got no reply and saw Yoongi passed out on bed. "So cute", He said as he took a grey butt plug out of the drawer and pushed it inside Yoongi. Jimin also laid down next to his fiance and spooned his in him arms deciding to take the shower in the morning.


"PAPA, DAD!!!! OPEN THE DOOR!", A loud knocking sound filled the room. "PAPA!!!!", Hyesung shouted from the front door. I moved in Jimin's arms as I heard the noise and moaned lightly as I felt something inside my hole, I checked finding a dildo shoved inside me. I let out a moan as I took it out and threw it under the bed. "Jiminie the door", I mumbled hiding his face in Jimin's chest trying to block my ear from anymore noise. "Hmmmm", Jimin's annoying ass didn't got up but just hmmed loudly. I frowned in my sleep as the loud shouting outside didn't stopped and punched Jimin's chest. Of course I was half asleep.

"Wake up you asshole. Open the door", I mumbled as I bit him as well, half asleep of course. Jimin yelped and got up looking around like a lost child. "What happened?", I chuckled and turned around hiding myself in my blanket. "The door", I mumbled giggling lightly. Jimin looked at me confused at first. But then sighed and shook his head before getting up.

"Hyesung-ah why are you shouting so much and so damn early in the morning", Jimin said annoyed. "Boooo~ you both left me alone last night. Not fair you slept with dad alone last night", Hyesung complained and Jimin scoffed at that. "Whatever boy, come in it's cold", Hyesung hurried entered the room.

"Dad!!!", He smiled as he ran up to me. "Aw my cute baby come her-", I felt as my hips cracked just as Hyesung jumped to hug me. I let out a loud yelp and both Hyesung and Jimin tensed. "Daddy are you OK!??! I-I'm so sorry", Hyesung asked as he backed away and teared up a bit. "I-I'm ok baby", I said as i tried to massage my aching back with on hand and ruffled his hair with other. "You monster what did you do to me", I glared at Jimin who smirked and sent a flying kiss in my direction.

"Hyesung-ah, baby wait outside me and your dad will be there in a minute", Jimin said, Hyesung looked at him with suspicious eyes but ran out shouting, 'Just Hurry' on his way. Jimin turned around and looked at me smiling, "Where did the butt plug go?", I pouted and whined, turned my head away from him and kept calling him names like, 'You damn monster', Jimin approached me and kissed my forehead. "Aww don't be mad my baby, you're the one who aroused me so much to this point", He said as he placed an arm under my knees and one arm under my arms and lifted me bridal style before carrying me to the bathroom.

"I told you to stop so many times", I huffed as he placed my of the close toilet seat and started filling the bathtub. "Come here", I got up and winced at the sudden burn I felt in my lower back. I checked the temperature of the water before sating down in the bathtub sighing at the sudden relief that ran through me.

"Aw my baby, should I wash your back~?", Jimin asked causing me to give him a death glare. He chuckled and went out. "Love, I'll leave your clothes on the sink. OK", I blushed at the nickname before shouting a quick 'Ok' to my fiance.


"Dad, you okay? You look tired", Hyesung asked as he ate the breakfast, to Yoongi who kept yawning. "Yeah baby I'm good. Just tired", Hyesung hmmed before nodding. "Papa where will we go today?", Jimin looked at his watch. "We'll go out in the town tonight. To see fireworks, and to shrine then we'll leave Japan tomorrow", Jimin replied as he got up and gave his plates to Yoongi who was washing the dishes before pecking his cheek. "Then what will we do in the morning?", "Rest?", Jimin replied, more like questioned looking at Yoongi who nodded lightly looking back at him.

"Sure~", Hyesung sang as he ran out, "I'm going to Jungyeom's", Hyesung shouted. "Okay, don't irritate Ms. Yoon too much", "I won't!", And he left. "You feeling okay now", Jimin immediately back hugged Yoongi as Hyesung left. "Yup I'm fine now", Yoongi replied as he leaned against Jimin's chest while wiping his wet hands with a towel. "Hah~ we're leaving tomorrow", Jimin sighed as he left small pecks o. yoongi's neck. "Hmm......... It was fun... The trip....... With my family", Yoongi said with a sweet smile dancing on his lips. "Baby, thank you", "Hmm? For?", "For allowing me to make love to you, for trusting me", Yoongi turned around and faced Jimin, "Of course I trust my soon to be husband. My beautiful fiance. And thank you too, for still loving me even after sex", "Of course you're my soulmate. I'll love you till the death himself do us apart", Yoongi giggled. "It sounds like a marriage vow", "Well, you can call it my advance wedding vow", Jimin chuckled as he pressed his plump lips on kitten ones. "I love you", "Yeah, me too, I love you".

OK so I don't have any excuse for such a late update. I just forgot........ I love y'all bless you 💞💞💞💞

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