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It's been 2 days since I moved in. For Hyesung, the three of us sleep together in one room. And funny thing is that I'm always in the middle. Every morning both, father and son are totally wrapped around me, preventing me from breathing. But it feels good. Today is the day of press conference that's why Hyesung and I took the day off from the kindergarten.

"So.... Ready?", Jimin asked as he appeared at the front door where me and Hyesung were already present. "Y-Yeah", Of course I was nervous as hell. So, so nervous. Like it's an event that would change my life forever. And it's still not decided that whether that forever will be good or bad.

Jimin softly smiled and placed a hand gently on my shoulder. I stared into his eyes and returned the smile. The three of us walked outside and entered the car that was waiting for us.

Jimin entered the passenger seat while me and Hyesung entered the back seat. The driver started the car, the sound of engine increased the speed of my already racing heart.

I felt a small hand being placed on my veiny one and made eye contact with Hyesung who looked like the exact copy of his father, but younger. I passed an assuring smile to the little man in suit who sighed in relief.

Finally after, like an hour? We reached the Conference house. The outside of the building was loaded with security guards. This time instead of media it was citizens that surrounded the building. There was a sudden roar of noise just as the car pulled up in front of the building.

"Yoongi-ah wear this, so they won't be able to capture your face in their cell phones", I looked at his hand and he was holding a black face mask and a hat to cover my face. I nodded slightly and grabbed them. "But when I call you in the front during the conference make sure to take em off OK?", "Okay", I replied nervously as I put the pieces of clothes on myself.

"Don't worry, you'll be OK", Jimin whispered as he placed a hand on my cheek that was now behind the mask and caressed it gently. I smiled softly and nodded. We heard Hyesung clearing his throat, as we looked at him he pointed out. We chuckled and nodded to the cute boy. He had accepted our relationship and fully supported us now. We were grateful for that but we were seriously needed to go now cuz if we don't we'll be late.

Jimin opened the door of his passenger seat and stepped out. Then opened the door for us. Hyesung jumped out of the car and just as I got out people started almost shouting. It was a chaos. I lowered my head but Jimin encouraged me to keep walking by sliding his arm around my waist.

We finally escaped the flash lights of mobile phones by entering the building but just as we stepped in we were greeted by thousands of lights from camera. Media had already overloaded the area. We kept walking and finally entered a room. Jimin told me to get ready and prepare myself while he himself, in an professional manner climbed the stage.

He was bombarded with thousands of questions and flash lights but the professional look and expression never left his face. I stare at him in awe.

Third person POV:
"Greetings to all of you", Jimin started the press in a calm voice and posture, "Thank you for the time. It's an important matter after all. 'Personal Life Of Park Jimin cuz he can't live his life peacefully', Right?", Jimin said in a pro voice. He looked so calmed yet the whole media stiffened at his sarcastic remark, Yoongi was shocked and Hyesung didn't really knew anything so he just stood there with a poker face.

But after a while the media didn't cared cuz after all Jimin was famous for his sarcastic comments and open foul language on every interview. "The thing that all of you are so worried about is me dating someone. I don't really care what people would think after this. But yes, I am dating right now. It's only been a few months but they have been the best months of my life from the time I couldn't even talk till now. Everyone know that I was forced into the first marriage. It was only for an heir. It's been five year since the new heir of Park Inc was born so it doesn't matter now that I'm single again so I have to date or marry a girl again, does it? . Answer is, It doesn't matter now either I date a girl or a guy. So here I am, with someone, who after all these hellish years of my life, fixed me. They totally changed me, that even my parents failed to do. It was just like they brought me up again from the depth I was drowning into. CPRed me and the taught me how to swim. And if you're still wondering let me confirm it to you. That, 'They' are a, 'He' indeed. His name is Min Yoongi. He is..... ", Jimin looked on his right side down the stage and gestured Yoongi to come up and bring Hyesung with him.

Yoongi gulped nervously, slightly trembling, nodded. He picked up Hyesung and started walking up the stage slowly. Finally as he reached the top and stood next to Jimin he was bombarded with flash lights and question. Like? 'Who are you to Jimin? How did you two met? Why are you dating Jimin? Etc etc.

Jimin slid an arm around Yoongi's slim waist. "He is Hyesung's teacher in KG", "Isn't this wrong he is so much younger than you?", "He is actually older then me", Many load gasps were heard from the staff. "What about Seohee do you not talk to her anymore?", "She divorced me is there a reason I need to talk to her ever again? If there is then give the reason with the question too please", "Will you be happy with a guy?", "We can leave, 'Will' to the future and just pay attention to, 'Are', but don't worry right now I'm more happier then ever so thanks for your concern",

Like this thousands of Questions were thrown toward them, whom Jimin easily replied to professionally. Sometimes Yoongi would make a remark or two. Finally the press ended. Jimin sighed in relief and stretched his arms a little.

Everything was solved today. yoongi's face was revealed and everything. Now they only had to wait because even after the problems were gone, you never know what the future holds.

Jimin slid his arm around Yoongi's waist while walking toward the car. Yoongi looked up at the angel who looked back at him. They made eye content and Jimin leaned down to peck Yoongi's lips .

After entering the car now all three of them on the back seat, Jimin almost threw himself in the seat after the long talking and tiredness, He placed his head on Yoongi's Shoulder who simply combed his hair with his fingers. Hyesung also was tired and leaned against Yoongi's chest. Yoongi chuckled at them and sighed leaning against the back of the seat himself.

I'm sorry for the late update(and not to forget I'm totally not satisfied with this chapter, it's really bad). I couldn't find the time these days. Seriously the day went away even before we could realise, 'Ah it's this day', anyway I'm also sorry for the mistakes in this chapter. I wrote it when my eyelids kept on shutting down and I almost fell asleep ten times during typing it, 
So.......  Have a nice day. God bless you💙

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