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I was spacing out as I sat on the kid's chairs in the classroom still thinking of that news in the morning. I sighed, 'hah I broke a marriage, I feel horrible', I combed a hand through my hairs before grabbing my hairs from both hands.

"Did someone hurt you? I told you to choose me instead", I looked up to see one the kids, Park Hyesung, standing next to me with his usual expressionless face.

I laughed nervously, 'This kid, he is only 5 and he keep asking me to date him that he loves me'. "I will treat you like no one else. I will do anything for you and will never hurt you", I laughed nervously, 'I can't believe they are words coming from a kid'. "Hyesung-ah you're just a baby, you shouldn't talk like this", I said laughing lightly and ruffled his hairs.

He grabbed my hand from his head, "Mr. Min do you think I am joking? Just wait for next 10 years, I will show you how great I am", he said as he brought my hand to his face and kissed it. I chuckled lightly at what he said, "Ok ok, you're so cute".

"I am not cute I am handsome", he said puffing his cheek. I giggled at his cuteness and pinched his cheek, "Haha Ok Ok".

Finally the parents started to come for their kids. After I was free I walked out of the office locking the door. I went to see if all the students had left, I looked in the playground to find it empty.

I sighed, "So everyone left huh?", I whispered before my eyes caught the sight of a boy sitting alone, he surely was my student but I couldn't see who. I walked up to him and looked at his face. He was Hyesung playing with sand, I smiled and sat next to him. "You haven't left yet?", he jumped lightly at my sudden interruption and looked at me with a frown only to change back to being emotionless once he noticed it was me, "Teacher".

"Why are you still here?", "Papa still haven't came to pick me up", "Papa? Isn't it your mother who always pick you up?", I asked as I lightly played with his hairs. "No from today on it would be Papa?", "Hmm?". "Anyway Mr. Min, now that we are alone let's kiss", I chocked, "W-What!?". "Hyesung-ah you're are so cute", I laughed . He looked at me seriously and came closer to me, "Mr. Min I'm serious", he said and as he held my face with his cute small hands. I giggled, "Ok". He sigh, "Mr. Min why do you never take me seriously?", he said as he looked at in my eyes.

"Hye-", "Hyesung", I was about to talk when I was interrupted. We both looked up and I froze. Hyesung left my side and ran to the person, "Papa", he said as he hugged the person's leg. "Y-You", I stuttered, "P-Papa?", 'Don't tell me I broke a family, please', "Park Jimin!". He looked up at me from his son and frowned.

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