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Jimin's surgery was a success but he was still not up yet. It's been 3 days since the accident and everything and the things have settled, Seohee and Seungjoon were now in jail paying for their crimes. Seohee for 1 year while Seungjoon time period was longer, it was for 20 years, first for Kidnapping, then he had hired Yakuza and lastly he tried to kill Park Jimin and threatened his fiance.

While Vipers, Lee Yowook's gang had disappeared again while Bangtan gang, well of course everyone knew them but no one had any idea of their identities. So they would always visit Jimin and Yoongi and their son and stay there till they want to.

Yoongi's pretty good friends with the gang now and tries to be as normal as he can but of course he still dead worried on the inside. The gang knew it too but they try their hardest to cheer them up. Hyesung is totally fine because of his dad and his Papa's friends cheering and encouraging him up always that his Papa's totally fine just resting the bruises off.

Like usual the gang had packed up the room and had almost lifted up the whole hospital on their heads(A/N if you don't get it, it's like an idiom which mean making too much noise). Hyesung who was best friend with the baddest influences, Taehyung and Jungkook were planning on going somewhere.

Hoseok being the only one claiming that he's straight in the room kept trying his hardest to flirt with the nurse that was checking on Jimin. Yoongi was waiting for the nurse to go so he can wipe his Jimin's face.

Jin was looking at the three kids with suspicion eyes while Namjoon like a responsible leader he is was on a phone call. Just as the nurse left the whole room that was surprisingly quiet when the nurse was present almost became the reason for the whole noise pollution in the world.

"Yoongi! How can you let your kid hang out with these two idiots, they're gonna ruin Hyesung", Yoongi was too busy wiping Jimin's face with a wet tissue that he didn't heard Jin's complaining.

"Bruh, what can we do if you're a grandma now, at least let us enjoy our childhood", Jungkook whined, "Yeah Grandma, take you teeth off and put em in a glass of water for a while a rest", Taehyung said, "Yeah grandma or they are gonna fall off themselves cuz of dryness", Hyesung squealed like a savage child of Satan he was and this time Jin's eyes widened.

"OH MY GOD, I'M SO DONE WITH YOU GUYS, YOU HAVE NO RESPECT FOR ELDERS", Seokjin complained and scolded the three with a hand on his waist. "Yoongi did you just heard what your kid said? This is how bad of an influence they are", Taekook stuck their tongues at Seokjin and Hyesung looked at them amused before sticking out his tongue at Seokjin as well.

Jin gasped as Taekook laughed and patted the kid on his head. "Such a cutie", They cooed. "Yoongi did you saw that!?", Seokjin finally looked at Yoongi as he kept getting no reply only to find his fondling Jimin's face with affection filled eyes. "YOU! You're just as weird as them, I'm so done, uffffff this much stress is not good for my beautiful body and skin, I'm leaving!", Yoongi finally looked at Seokjin as he left. Then he looked confused toward the only three left in the room except Yoonmin and they shrugged before getting up and leaving. "Hyung, we're taking Hyesung for a walk", "okay", They cheered and left.

Now it was only Yoongi and Jimin left. Yoongi looked at his fiance with so much affection then sighed, "Hah hurry and wake up you bastard, it's not even that serious", Yoongi said and laid his head on Jimin's bicep. Then looked up toward Jimin lifting his head up and pecked his dry and pale lips. "Hurry wake up and kiss me".

After a while Yoongi went out of the room to get something to eat. And walk around the garden outside the hospital. Finally feeling his lungs finally getting all the fresh air they needed he headed back inside only to meet with a rush of nurses outside the room, when the rush finally settled down he stopped a nurse and asked her, "What happened?".

"Sir, Your fiance, Mr. Park has", the nurse started in a panic tune and suddenly Yoongi's face lost its colour, his breathing was rapid, his heart was slamming against his chest and his forehead had started sweating like no tomorrow. "Sir calm down", the nurse chuckled, "Your fiance has woken up", hearing relief finally washed over Yoongi.

Without hearing another word Yoongi ran inside Jimin's room and found him sitting with a doctor checking him up. "Mr. Park you're totally fine now", Jimin smiled at the doctor and then turned toward Yoongi.

"Wow Doctor I gotta admit you've got some fine nurses here", Jimin said as he checked out Yoongi who stood there with confusion written over his face. "Uhh Mr. Park....... That's your fiance", Jimin let out a laughed. "Oh Doctor Ho, he must be good looking but don't joke like this you should know I have a wife, don't you know? Park Seohee? Now that I mention where is she? and Hyesung?", And Yoongi's heart dropped in his stomach.

You guys have no idea how much I wanna end it here, but I'm sad cuz I read a really sad book just now so I'll continue. Don't touch me I'm sensitive.

"Ummmmmm...... I'm out you two settle it yourself", Dr. Ho(A/N I love him lol😂😂) said and left the room with a confused Jimin and a sad looking Yoongi. "Ummm so what's your name? No more importantly where's my wife and kid?", Jimin said and Yoongi walked toward him. "You bastard", He almost shouted and *SLAP!* (A/N Damn I'm lovin' it). Jimin held his cheek as he looked at Yoongi in horror. "In Jail!", Now tears were falling down Yoongi's cheeks as he tried to hold himself. "Wh-What?", Jimin asked in a small scared voice. "I SAID!", Yoongi again launched on Jimin, crying really hard. "SHE IN FUCKING JAIL YOU BASTARD", He said, Jimin put his arms up to protect himself, but instead of a slap this time, thin arms were wrapped around his shoulders and a head snuggled into his neck.

"How dare you forget me you jerk", Yoongi cried as he hugged Jimin tightly. Jimin couldn't contain himself as he looked at the beautiful human hugging him and sighed, "I'm sorry babe", Jimin said as he patted his fiance's head gently. (A/N cuz it is not an Indian drama series😂😂😂😤😤😤(I'm sorry if I offend any of you. It's just a joke no hate, Peace✌💞)️ )

"It was only a joke, a joke", He lightly laughed. Yoongi suddenly stopped weeping and froze. Jimin got worried at the sudden lack of moment but after a while Yoongi's one arm slid down and a hard fist collided Jimin's chest and he let out a painful yelp. Yoongi got away from the hug. "How dare you!?", His cheeks were red from embarrassment and more tears threatened to fall out of his eyes as his lips trembled.

Jimin cooed at the cute being standing in front of him and grabbed Yoongi's wrist before pulling him on himself and Yoongi let out a yelp. "Babe I appreciate you worrying about me and all but please don't hit me so hard after all I just woke up after an accident", Yoongi looked up at Jimin from his lap. "I hate you", He said as he wrapped his arms around Jimin's neck again which forced out another coo from Jimin.

"Babe your cuteness is not good for my health", Jimin chuckled and grabbed Yoongi's chin, "You're so beautiful my love", Yoongi started blushing different shades of red at this and again tried to hide his face by hugging Jimin but Jimin didn't let him instead slammed his now lively again, lips on Yoongi's.

The soft and cute kiss was heated up as Jimin squeezed Yoongi's ass cheek causing him to gasp and giving Jimin a chance to push his tongue inside Yoongi's mouth. The passionate kiss was so long even the couple didn't knew that for how long they kissed, they were just lost in the rhythm of their tongues dancing together and letting no saliva escape tho it slid down the sides of Yoongi's mouth as they continued kissing, and Jimin's hand slowly but sensually started going inside Yoongi's shirt causing a light moan to escape out of Yoongi's already claimed lips, and Jimin swallowed the moan greedily.

Suddenly they were interrupted with multiple gasps and they finally hurriedly pulled apart and Yoongi got up from Jimin's lap only to find the whole gang standing there with their mouths wide open and Jungkook covering Taehyung's eyes who was confused of what just happened and Hyesung's mouth widest of all. "YOU IDIOT! Jungkook why are you covering Tae's eyes when you should be covering Hyesung's", Yoongi shouted and Jin gasped and hurriedly covered Hyesung's eyes. "WHAT'S THE POINT NOW!?!?", Jimin shouted this time.

Yoongi is soooo cute😍😍😍😍😍 UWU. The next chapter will either be the last one or the second last. Should I end it in next chapter??? Or more?

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