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Third person POV:
"Just give us a picture and name, your work will be done", "Good, name is Min Yoongi, and here is the pic", The unknown yakuza looking man grabbed the photo and whistled before throwing it at his men, "Such a pretty face, what do you say can we have our way with him before giving him to you, we'll give you a discount for that", The bulky man said with a smirk on his face. "No thank you, don't dare touch him", "Oh come on Seungjoon-ssi just one round with me, or us won't kill him would it?", He said pointing at his men behind him who literally were eyeraping Yoongi's pic.

"Like I said Mr. Lee, do. Not. Touch. Him", Seungjoon said in a threatening voice. "Ohk okay", Mr. Lee said lifting his hands up in surrender. And started walking away, "We'll see bout that", He mumbled with a dirty grin on his face. "Come on my men, let's get to work", "YES SIR!", The voice echoed in the whole warehouse before there were only sound of footsteps leaving the dark place.

Jimin's POV:
"Jimin-ah I kind of feel weird. Like I feels chills and kind of scared. Bad gut feelings", Yoongi exclaimed as he got in the blanket with me, I immediately wrapped an arm around him. "Why?", I asked kind of worried, "I don't know it's just, I got goosebumps while I was taking a shower. Like something.......... Really bad is going to happen", He said quietly. "Don't worry love I will always be there to protect both you and my son", I said as I pecked Yoongi's hair and caressed Hyesung's hair as well who was asleep between us. "I won't let anyone hurt you two", I said still feeling really worried.

"Happy new year!", Yoongi said excitedly shocking both Jimin and Hyesung. "Woah Baby you okay?", "YES! I'm just so excited,  it's been so long since my new year is with someone precious, Oh my god", Yoongi jumped and hugged Jimin and Hyesung as the fireworks for new years started. Jimin and Hyesung looked at each other and then at the angel hugging them. "Yeah Happy New Year", They replied before hugging Yoongi back with a soft expression.

"Ah it's already 2019", Yoongi said as he walked to the other side of the park to throw the trash. They were on a picnic. Well kind of, cuz it was 12.30 now and they were here cuz they wanted to see new year's fireworks. "Yoongi", Hearing a familiar voice Yoongi turned around. "W-What are you doing here Se-Seungjoon", Seungjoon chuckled. "You're seriously enjoying your life like this knowing I'm still waiting for you?", Seungjoon pointed at Yoongi's ring finger and started walking toward Yoongi who backed up at every step of Seungjoon, Yoongi had really bad feelings about this.

"I never told you to wait for me", "You know what I'm tired to being polite already, I tried to be kind but you fucking went and got engaged", Seungjoon said with dark expressions as he kept walking closer to Yoongi who took steps back at every step Seungjoon took closer to him, "This finger", He said as he grabbed Yoongi's ring finger, "Fucking belongs to me. I don't wanna see any other person's named ring in here or I'm gonna bite this finger off", Yoongi struggled but couldn't free his hand just as he took another step back and his back collided with a hard gigantic chest.

"SEUNGJOON WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING, JIM!-", Suddenly a clothed hand made its way to Yoongi's mouth preventing him from shouting, As Yoongi accidentally inhaled a large amount of chloroform his face had a serious horror on it. "Shhhhh baby boy it will be over soon", Yoongi struggled but couldn't help but inhale more chloroform and just as his vision turned dark after almost 3 minutes the last thing he saw was Seungjoon taking off his ring throwing it away.

Jimin POV:
"Papa why is Dad still not back", Hyesung asked me as I also looked around for any traces of Yoongi. It's almost 10 minutes till he's gone. "I don't know let's just go and find him", I got up and walked to where Yoongi had gone to, "Yoongi-ah why are you taking so long", when I looked closely there was no one anywhere near where Yoongi had gone to.

"Jimin-ah I kind of feel weird. Like I feels chills and kind of scared. Bad gut feelings", Suddenly the incident of last night came to my mind and my worries rose up  'Fuck, Where is he?', My guts started twisting and turning as I knew something was wrong. I looked over toward Hyesung with a worried look as he picked up something from the ground, "Pap-".

"Jimin?", I looked back finding the person I seriously didn't wanted to see, ever. "What are you doing here?", "What do you want Shin Seohee?", I asked ignoring her stupid question in a cold voice and Hyesung hid himself behind my legs. While I held his shoulder. "I am your wife", "Ex, ex wife", "Why are you so cold to me", "Look Miss what the hell do you want, I'm in a hurry", "Why? did something happen, Hyesung-ah come and meet you Mommy, don't you miss me?", Hyesung grip on my jeans tightened. "Keep your dirty eyes and hands to yourself, don't come near 'my' son, and what I'm busy about is none of your buss-, Wait a minutes, it is of your business. We never ran into each other before, and it can't be a coincidence suddenly now, So tell me Seohee, Where the fuck is my Yoongi", my voice thickened as my anger raised.

"What? How would I know where that guy is?", she said innocently proving me 100% right about my guess. "Seohee you have lived with me for 26 damn years and you still don't know me?", I smirked and walked closer to her. "You know it very well that I'm not stupid. And also that the evil one is always the best at innocent acting", I grasped the top of her head and held it straight to make eye contact with her which she was avoiding. "Tell me you bitch, Where. The. Fuck. Is. My. Yoongi", I used my dominant voice as she started trembling.

"You really are misund-", She voice got stuck in her throat as her eyes met mine, "You totally know the power I have. I'm gonna ruin you in a snap and this is not a warning. This is on your waiting list now. I know who the other person is, with you in this as well so just fucking wait and see how I ruin both your and Seungjoon's life. You took me too lightly", I said as I released her head with a jerk and walked away after I snapped in front of her.

Seungjoon's POV:
"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE YOU TOOK JIMIN TOO LIGHTLY, HE'S GONNA RUIN BOTH OF US AND THE GANG YOU HIRED", I laughed "Well here he is taking us too lightly. I'm gonna ruin him totally, no one can't do anything to me now that I have my Yoongi back after all. And that's all I wanted. As long as I have him I have power. I'm stronger", I said before I hung up the phone before she could utter another word.

"How are you feeling my dear?", I asked as I walked toward a tied up struggling Yoongi. A gag in his mouth, black blindfold on his eyes. Hands tied up behind his back. And his feet handcuffed with each of chair's first two legs. He only had his boxers and half sleeved shirt on. "Awww stop crying your pretty face is totally damp now", He tried to scream or say something but couldn't as the mouth gag had blocked his voice. "So cute", I said as I took off the gag and slammed my lips on his salivary ones before he could say anything.

Ufffffff what is gonna happen I seriously don't know😭😭
And I'm sorry for laaaaaate update I was out of ideas for a while lol.

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