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Warning: a lot of drama ahead

Jimin's POV:
"You know what he looks like, find his location, I've even told you about the person or people after this. I don't care how just find them, you have so many clues you even know who they are if you still can't find them will you even be able to call yourself a Yakuza?", I finished with a smirk, "I knew it Park Jimin, you seriously know where to rub painfully", the purple head in front of me said. "Anyways, what do we get after we find your fiance and whoever that lame kidnapper of his is", "Wahhhhh you seriously will ask for money from a friend!? I never knew you were this low or was it just me who thought of us as friends, look at your Boyfriend, Kim Seokjin, What a top level asshole", I said in the most hurt sound I could utter out.

"Kim Namjoon, what the hell are you thinking, Jimin is a friend! And Park Jimin we're not dating you top level ex homophobic asshole", Seokjin said glaring at me and Namjoon. I chuckled, "Well what a nice term, ex homophobic asshole. I admit I was an asshole but well what can we say my soulmate happened to be a guy and you don't have to hide it from me anymore, that you two are dating. Or married whatever cuz I already know you are". "Sure sure, and we'll do it, find the guys and bring you to them when we find them", I smiled and stood up and the couple in front of me stood up as well, "I know you will", I grinned and fist bumped Namjoon. And they turned around. "Let's go men, we got some hot fucking stuff to take care of", Namjoon said to the three others that were seated on the couch behind cleaning their hand guns and stood up with a firm 'Yes Sir' at Namjoon's order.

Bangtan gang, is what everyone call them, they're a group of five people, with thousands of members under each five, Kim Namjoon the leader of the well-known gang, me and him were good friends and used to mess around in school and college before my life changed, if what happened to me didn't happened I would as well be a Yakuza now. Every business man have connections of course everyone know it, so these famous bunch of assholes are my gang. And of course now they will be the ones to deal with Seungjoon while I-

"What the fuck are you doing in my office?", "Me?", She replied with the most innocent and fakest voice. "I came to comfort you, cuz I'm your Wife and friend after all, unlike that selfish jerk, ", "Why the hell would I want your comfort for", I replied as her presence angered me, "Oh I think you still didn't saw that picture that's going viral on internet", she said as she fisted out her cell phone and opened a picture. "Look at this, isn't that, that so called Fiance of yours?", She said with so much bitterness in her voice that I here and right now wanted to crush that throat so she won't be able to say another word with her ugly voice. I glared at her before looking at the pic she had opened in front of me, my eyes widened before anger got to me and I snatched her phone slamming it in the wall. "What can't accept reality?", I stood up and turned around with so much force and grasped the bitch's neck squeezing it.

Third person POV:
Of course Jimin knew the reality of the pic. He could see right through it. And the tears in Yoongi's eyes, that would go unnoticed by any other, angered him. "Where is Yoongi!?", He shouted at the girl's face who tried to struggle out of the death grip on her neck. "I *Cough* don't", "Don't finish that fucking lie and tell me Where. The. Fuck. Is. My. Fiance", Seohee tried scratching Jimin's hand that was bleeding now cuz of the scratching but couldn't escape his grip.

Suddenly an uproar was heard outside the building. "Mr. Park Media dogs are out there asking for answers". "I know!", Jimin said before his eyes shifted on the pale girl in front of her. He walked out of his office. "Give me your attention all of you", all the panicked employees stopped rushing and looked at their boss. "First of all who let this bitch inside my office", Jimin said pointing toward Seohee who was now free of his death grip but he still had her neck in his hand from behind. "M-Me sir", a shivering girl lifted her hand up. "Why!?", Jimin roared before his anger suddenly changed. "Well whatever, you just helped me in a way, Now Seohee-ssi you know what to tell to the media people right?", Jimin smiled sweetly, but unfortunately his smile did not reached his eyes. Seohee nodded as she was busy coughing, "Only truth", Jimin said in a threatening voice. "And if you say something wrong you know the circumstances, I'm not a gentleman you know", He whispered into the girl's ear, who nodded while trembling aggressively. "Good girl, now let's go face the media together". Jimin said as he started waking out dragging the messed up girl with him.

Still TP POV:
"Woah baby look at this, the picture is going wild, also look at how considerate I am, I even sent Jimin's wife to comfort him", Seungjoon said with an obsessed expression as he lifted his gaze up from his cell phone and changed his gaze to Yoongi's showing his cell to him as well. "You look so damn beautiful in here", "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!?", The crying boy said as he struggled to get free from the things tying him. "Do you think that fucking CEO will still love you after this. He has a reputation to keep after all, cuz like his fans won't let you and him live after this picture", Seungjoon started as he still stared at the picture of him kissing a naked or shirtless Yoongi, Yoongi's face fully revealed to camera while Seungjoon's face a hidden making the whole picture a misunderstanding.

"He's not like you, he won't leave", "And who told you that? No one can love you like I d-", "YOU DON'T LOVE ME!", Seungjoon sighed and stood up. "Babe I'm being polite, so you better compromise before I get angry", Yoongi chuckles sadly with a hint of anger. "Compromise? With you? Kill me, I don't need this fucking kindness of yours now. Do whatever you want I will not fall for anything of yours anymore I'm just tired of all you fake species", "And who said Jimin is real? Who said he will stay?", "Because after staying with people like you, I've learnt to read fakeness very well. I know him, he's real And even if you threw my ring away, Jimin's name is already craved on my heart", "Fucking bullshit, You are mine, of course everyone make mistakes, and mine was letting you go but I won't anymore", "I don't need you anymore!", "Who cares what you want now", Yoongi didn't said anything, just tears pouring down his eyes told the whole painful story.

I'm writing drama for the first time, well it's my second story after all, my first one was only "slice of life" genre. I hope I upset none of you and a big CREDIT and THANKS to Taeroll95 for actually and accidentally XD recommending the idea of Bangtan gang to me. And I hope the shitty drama is ok😂

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