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Yoongi's POV:
We finally reached home after 30 minutes. Thankfully the paparazzi didn't followed us. Jimin was quiet the whole way and I was embarrassed at first but then it was okay since they won't bother Jimin as much as before now. I was dozing off while Hyesung was asleep and Jimin was too quiet. Like it sent me chills down my spine, that aura he was emitting. Before I knew darkness consumed me.

"-Ongi", "-Yongi", "Mhmmh", "Yoongi", "Yeah?", I heard Jimin waking me up. "We're here", "Yeah?", "I said wake up we're here", "Where?", I asked as I straightened up and rubbed my eyes while Hyesung was still asleep in my lap.

"Of course house, get up now", "Huh? Why your house? Why didn't you dropped me at mine", "Oh I have something very very Important to talk about with you", he said in a dangerous way and I understood what he was talking about.

I nodded swallowing my saliva nervously. I got out of the passenger seat with Hyesung in my arms. We went up stairs and like usual I went to place Hyesung in his own room when I returned to living room I couldn't find Jimin there.

I looked around then just decided to go to his room instead. When I opened the door the lights were on and Jimin was sitting on the bed. He had changed into comfortable clothes and had folded clothes placed on his one side of the bed.

"Take these and go and change", he said darkly. I didn't argued instead just nodded and grabbed the clothes before entering the shower room. I took a light shower and changed in Jimin's clothes that were not really long for me but they sure were really loss on me.

I exited the shower room and stood in front of it's door. "J-Jimin what did you wanted to talk about?", I asked. Jimin just looked up at me and patted his right side on bed. Telling me to 'come and sit here', I lightly nodded and sat next to him.

His eyes were digging holes in my face and I couldn't keep eye contact. "Yoongi", I flinched suddenly but calmed myself and replied, "Yeah?", "I will go straight to the point", he said and I nodded my head still not making eye contact. "Look at me", he ordered after staring at my faces for a good whole minute or two.

I hesitated but looked into his eyes eventually and got lost in the depth of the deepness of his eyes. "What is it that you were so worried about?", he asked, I did knew what he was asking about but I still couldn't answer.

"I-I-", "So-So much, that it caused you to collapse", He said placing his hand on my cheek. His warm hand over my cold cheek felt so good, I closed my eyes for a while to lean on his comfortable hand. "I knew it was related to me when your behavior suddenly changed just after seeing me", "Jimin-ah", "Yeah?"

"Please promise me not to get mad", "I'm sorry, it depends how I'll react", I wanted to oppose but nodded anyway feeling defeated without even arguing, "I had this weight on my chest....... T-That after u-um you know you do it with me........ In your full conscious, y-you'll leave t-", "What did you say!? I'm not that low!", "NO! It's not about being low! I meant you have been straight all your life of course a guy won't satisfy you!", "And you think I'm with you for sex!", "No! Goddammit", I cried.

"Everyone dated me, of course who knows for what at first b-but after sleeping with me once they all broke up with me saying they can't because I'm a guy!", I knew I was crying now, how pathetic, Jimin grasped my shoulders pushing me down climbing on top of me, "Listen here Min Yoongi, once and for all", He said in a low voice and I swallowed the knot forming in my throat, "I am more superior than those low life. Don't compare me with those peasants, those people are just as low as their thinking. If I have fallen for you, it means I have fallen for you. Not your body but you. And if I am dating you means you are mine now, whole mentally and physically.", I just sealed my lips and nodded while ongoing tears slid out of my eyes.

"Remember this Min Yoongi I love you, I love you so damn much I, myself don't know what to do. You have shown me so many new things no could ever", He kept whispering, 'I love you's' while he leaned down and captured my lips in his.

I felt like I was in heaven and closed my eyes, when Jimin separated I wrapped my arms around his neck, "I love you too, so much", I whispered in between my cries and slammed his lips on mine again. We both kissed equally aggressively. I could taste saltiness of my tears on our lips.

"Thank you", My voice cracked but I successfully whispered against his lips. "You too, Thank you", Jimin replied before again kissing me hard. After our long lovely moment Jimin fell on top of me and placed his head under my chin. Placing light kisses on my neck occasionally.

"Yoongi", He said still placing light kisses on my neck, "Hmm?", I replied enjoying the sensation. "I love you", He confessed for thousandth time and bit the skin over my collar bone. I winced lightly but smiled, "I love you more", I said and Jimin looked up right into my eyes trying to find any lie there but sighed in relief and again returned to his previous work after not finding any.

"Stay with me", Jimin whispered against my skin, his warm breath kissing my marked piece of skin. I knew he had left love bites all over my neck and collar bone and I loved it. "Forever", I replied as I laced my fingers in his soft hair and moved them in a soothing way. "Promise?", "Pinky Promise". I replied and intertwined my pinky with his. Jimin brought our hands to his lips and lightly pecked my hand. "Thank you". I smiled and closed my eyes after wrapping my arms totally around Jimin.

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