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In the cold, dark, gigantic room there was no sound except the sound of soft sobs. Suddenly the taps of footsteps and dangerous whistling was heard. Yoongi looked toward the door with fear in his eyes. But closed them as he heard someone unlocking the door. "Damn that Seungjoon, think he can play us", Two gigantic men entered the room. They stopped walking as their eyes caught Yoongi. "Fuck, it looks like the meal is already prepared", The one in front said as he started walking toward Yoongi who was still acting like he's asleep but was trembling. "Look at him, so fucking pretty", Mr. Lee said as he grabbed Yoongi's face in his hand and pulled him toward himself.

Yoongi still had his eyes tightly shut but seeing his trembling eyelids Lee smirked. "So pretty boy did Seungjoon used you properly yet? Or I'll be the first?"(A/N I hate it so much, My poor baby Yoongi :'((((. )
Hearing this Yoongi's suddenly opened his eyes. Just as he saw the person in front of him fear filled him. He struggled to free himself from the bulgy guy in front of him and tried to scream for help but the tape on his mouth and rope tying his hands didn't helped at all. "Look at this Choi, the little princess is trying to say something", Lee said to the bald bulgy and deadly looking guy behind him.

"Why now hear him then?", Choi said with a smirk and pulled the tape harshly from Yoongi's mouth who couldn't do anything but scream in return. "Such a beauty, dammit I'm gonna take him right here and now", The fear in Yoongi's eyes was visible who started struggling harder. "S-STOP PLEASE", Non stop tear poured out of his now dull eyes due to constant crying. "Let me go please", He whimpered as he felt Lee leaning closer.

Lee suddenly ripped of Yoongi's shirt. The shirt was only ripped halfway when a sudden blast was heard. "What the fuck was that!?", Choi said as he turned around but a bullet came and collided, before entering his thigh, as he kneeled in pain. Lee also turned around but never released Yoongi.

Seeing who had disturbed him made him smirk. "Well well who I see here, the underwater sharks finally made it's way out on the surface", Namjoon smirked, "You got it wrong, not shark it's Megalodon, a very hungry one", He licked his lips as he tilted his head, making the other four behind him come into Lee's vision.

Jungkook was cleaning his gun, who's bullet had just hit Choi, Hoseok looking dead serious. Taehyung having the psycho killer look on his face, looking at Jungkook with amused eyebrows. And Jin who stood closer to his husband with a hand on his shoulder.

"I see so y'all are here", Namjoon smirked again, "Indeed, after all an old friend needed my help", Then his eyes shifted to a crying mess and scared Yoongi in Lee's arms. "He must be Jimin's fiance", He whispered and Jin nodded. "Well we'll help him escape this death hole. This place is totally not for  him", Namjoon waved his hand lightly and Jungkook lifted up his gun and opened fire and hundred if gang members came inside. "You came well prepared I see", Lee said as he also called his people inside. "Oh wait, in case you forgot, the one you came here for is in my hands, I'm not that low to use him as a hostage, but here I have to", Namjoon smirked, "Well you think when finally we're on the surface we've not planned everything, Lee Yowook?", Namjoon said and suddenly Yoongi who was silent and scared the whole time was pulled away from Yowook, who was stunned and failed to understand what happened right away. Just as he turned around. Bangtan gang members opened fire. Lee's gang, vipers also opened fire but Yowook failed to chase after Yoongi as he was caught up in the sudden uproar as well. "Get up Choi", He yelled and Choi stood up with much efforts and took part in the war.

"I need to go back to my gang, tho we'll meet soon again after all this end, escape that way and you'll reach Jimin eventually", Seokjin said as he was able to take Yoongi really far from the warehouse. "Y'all are Jimmie's friends right", Yoongi said in almost a whimper cuz his mouth was still hurt cuz of that tape. "Yes", "Please be safe", Yoongi said as he held Seokjin's face with his both hand and looked in his eyes. "We will be", He said as he patted Yoongi's head and pushed him telling him to run before running back to where he had just came from.

"Please be safe all of you", Yoongi prayed before he started running in the direction Jin had told him to. Yoongi had still not ran too far when he heard a familiar voice calling his name from the front. He looked up and almost felt like his breathing came back. "Jimin", He whimpered as he ran toward Jimin with his full speed and already sweaty Jimin, which told that he had ran here, also started approaching his fiance. But the happiness of 10 seconds ended as, *CRASH*

Jimin's side in TP POV:
"Tell them the truth", Jimin said to Seohee who stood next to him. "Tell them everything from A to Z", The media was completely silent as they stood there in hope to get something really juicy. They were really shocked when Jimin had appeared with his ex wife right next to him. Jimin had also called police, telling them to arrest Seohee right after she spills everything.

Seohee gulped and started telling everything. From when Seongjoon had came to her house. But of course in the story she told, she appeared a lot miserable then actual and Seungjoon was the evilest. Jimin's hands clutched tightly into fists as he heard the whole story himself. "Where is he?", He said in a dark voice. "Wh-What", "I said where is he keeping Yoongi", she again gulped looking at the grim ripper in Jimin's eyes before telling him the location. Jimin without hearing another word ran out and started running not even taking his car. "Ms. Shin, you're under arrest for everything you've done, we're not gonna name them cuz you already did it yourself", Seohee looked scared at the policemen behind her she looked around and found the whole place was packed and surrendered.

Some of the media chased after Jimin, while some stayed to watch the whole drama at Seohee's. After half hour of running Jimin reached an almost empty alley. And his eyes caught a small, with half ripped shirt own, body far away from where he was. After looking at him for a while Jimin finally saw the face. "Yoongi", he whispered feeling the mountain of relief blow inside him. "YOONGI!", َhe shouted gaining Yoongi's attention who looked up and after a while relief was visible on his face.

"Jimin", He said and started running toward Jimin. Jimin also smiled and ran toward toward him. Some of the media had also reached there approached by a police car but Jimin didn't cared what was happening around him cuz all he could see was Yoongi. And that was a mistake, because he didn't payed attention to his surrounding at all and *CRASH*.

Heyyy how're y'all, it's been so long I missed y'all and this story so much😭😭😭 I want them to be happy. I'm so sorry for such a late update but like I told I'm 'I got my teacher pregnant's update there was a personal problem. And thank you all for who actually want d patiently I love y'all😭😭😭💞💞💞💞💞

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