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Jimin's POV:
It seriously was a messed up situation. Yoongi was still asleep and the media dogs were down there waiting for me to show my face. I rubbed my face frustratedly and massaged my temple. "Dammit", I whispered and called my PA to send security guards to where I was.

I went inside the room, to Yoongi and found him sitting there with his back against the headboard and Hyesung on his side while Yoongi combed his hairs with his fingers as they talked. "Yoongi?", I said, Yoongi and Hyesung looked up. Yoongi smiled when he looked at me. He had obvious lines of tiredness on his face.

I sighed in relief and went to sat on the bed and pulled him to my chest. Wrapping my arms around him, I held him tightly against me. I squeezed him as he wrapped his arms around my waist while he breathed in my scent. I buried my face in his neck and placed light kisses there oblivious to Hyesung.

After our little moment I called the doctor. The doctor asked some questions to Yoongi like, How many hours do you sleep a day? Do you have migraine? And so on. The result was that thankfully nothing was wrong just over thinking and stress caused the fainting. Before going down I whispered most likely growled in Yoongi's ears seriously when Hyesung wasn't looking. "I'll talk to you at home".

My PA called me telling me that my guards are at the front gate of the hospital waiting for me. I explained the whole situation to Yoongi. Yoongi wasn't very comfortable, I could see it. But nodded anyway.

We walked down with Hyesung holding my right hand and Yoongi standing on my other side. I spotted the security guards and nodded at them and they nodded back. "Yoongi?", I whispered. "Hm?", He whispered back nervously.

"The media will know that you're my lover after today, but believe me I'll make sure that they won't be able to see your face. Are you fine with that?", I asked because he wasn't ready to reveal his face to public, I cupped his face in my hands and he smiled, "I do trust you. Okay?", He replied. I smiled and pecked his lips but a gasp entered my ear. I looked at my right and found Hyesung with wide eyes there. 'Shit now I'll have to explain to him when I get back home', I smiled at him nervously and whispered to him that I'll talk to him later, he clearly glared at me but nodded anyway. And we started walking toward the exit.

I turned Yoongi around and pulled him into my chest and hid his face in it, "Just follow my lead", I said and covered his back with the left side of jacket. We walked out and thousands of flash lights blinded my vision. Hyesung hold on my hand tighten and Yoongi's hold on my shirt when I pulled his head onto my chest a little more.

"Park Jimin-ssi who is he!?", "Have you really moved on!?", "Is he really your new lover!?", "Is it really a guy!?",  I was bombarded with millions of questions regarding the person on my chest. I simply ignored them first and walked toward my car as the guards cleared the way for us to walk through. It was too loud. I groaned at the loudness and stroked Yoongi's hairs to calm myself.

I seriously wanted to yell at them to stop bothering me, my lover and child but I have to keep my professional composure. Whatever but I seriously wanted to tell them that he's my lover. I need to show a sign so they will get the hint and quiet down a little bit.

When we finally reached my car I opened the passenger seat door. "PARK JIMIN-SSII!!!!???", Ughhhh the loudness. I growled and turned around. Yoongi back facing the reporter now. Hyesung and Yoongi looked at me confusingly. I grabbed his face and hid it in my hands and smashed my lips on his.

Yoongi froze on his spot because of my surprise. After I passionately kissed him, I hid his face in my neck. "This guy here is my lover. A person whom I actually love. Not someone I'm forced to marry!", I almost growled, Finally everyone was silent, from the shock of course and I pecked Yoongi's head one last time before I sat him in the car. He was still shocked, his cheeks were red and he was breathing heavily. Hyesung got in after him and sat down on his lap. I walked on the opposite side of the car after closing their door. And got in the driver seat not before looking at the cameras in front of me and smirking at them.

I called my PA after to tell him to arrange a press conference for me in a few days receiving an Okay in response.

Inside Yoongi hid his face in the crook of Hyesung's neck. Blushing like a beet red pomegranate. "Oh My God", He whimpered.

A/N I can't believe this fic is at 18th chapter and I still haven't decided or thought of an ending or even ending it yet. Damnn

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