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"Jimin-Ahhhhhh", Yoongi whined loudly as he cried to Jimin who was trying to comfort his fiance. "I told you it's fine", "No it's not! You jerk!!", Jimin gulped, 'Why am I always the jerk?', he thought as he continued comforting his Yoongi. Yoongi finally looked up with a pout and tears damping his whole face and a frowning forehead. 'F-Fuck so cute', Jimin's heart squeezed at the cute sight but he tried to control his hormones as Yoongi was in his lap.

"I-I told you we'll get a new one", Yoongi aggressively shook his head. "NO! It was our engagement ring. I won't let you replace it", Jimin signed. He totally was confused of what to do, just when he returned home from hospital he accidentally brought up the wedding topic and suddenly Yoongi remembered his engagement ring that Seungjoon threw away and started crying.

"It's all my fault!!! (┳Д┳)", Yoongi kept crying as Hyesung came back from Jungyeom's and his peaceful expressions changed to a worried one. "Papa what did you do to Dad!?", "Why would I do something!??", Jimin said in a shocked voice. "Why is he crying then!!", The whole house was a zoo right now. Hyesung accusing his papa, Jimin trying to convince him that he's innocent and Yoongi still crying loudly while hugging his Fiance.

"He's crying because he lost his engagement ring that day in park", Suddenly Hyesung expressions changed to 'Ohhhh' ones and he remembered something. "Wait!", He said and ran inside his room.

Both Yoongi and Jimin looked at him confused. Hyesung came back after a while with Yoongi's ring in his hand. "Here!", He said excitedly. Yoongi's expression lit up as he saw his beautiful ring in Hyesung's hand. "H-How!?", He said as he took the ring from Hyesung.

"That day I saw it and picked it up, I was about to tell Papa but mom appeared suddenly and I put it in my pocket", Yoongi sighed loudly in relief and hugged Hyesung tightly picking him up.

"Thank you so much my baby, I love you so much", Hyesung giggled and left a kiss on Yoongi's cheeks. "I love my dad too". Jimin smiled at the scene and went to hug his family.

"Let's go on a family dinner tonight", Jimin and Hyesung looked at each other. "We would love that but Yoongi I miss you cooking", Hyesung nodded. "I really miss your cooking too dad. The Hospital food was so yuck", Yoongi blushed at this, "UGH I LOVE YOU GUYS", he said happily and be hugged both his fiance and baby tightly and they all ended up falling on bed as they lost balance.

"Well it was fun", Yoongi laughed as both of Jimin's and Hyesung's weights were on him and he was having trouble breathing. "We love you too", They both said as they snuggled their heads in the crook of Yoongi's neck and Yoongi cooed at the cuteness.

The happy family was having the best moments in there lives now without any drama or pain left. Jimin business was still at top as more demands were there cuz of his great act of bringing his male fiance to the top.

Yoongi's work was going great and Hyesung was happily growing in now the love of both parents. Everyday during lunch time Yoongi would go to Jimin's office with Hyesung and they would have family lunch together.

The two fragile hearts were beaten up and brutally broken into pieces cuz they were made for each other. They were broken so then they could meet and heal each other and be with each other. And now there was no space left for anyone in them, to interrupt them or to broke them apart.

They trusted each other fully, and their own fiance was their first priority before anyone else and that's life.

I'm so emotional right now😭😭😭 this story is coming to an end. Next chapter is the epilogue
Also I'm really really sorry but next month my annuals are starting, and I won't update till 6 or 7 of June at all.
And I will only update the epilogue of this story now, but will try my best to update IGMTP as much as I can before my vacations from WP. And of course since I love you guys so much don't take this story out of your library just after the epilogue cuz after my month's vacations I will start posting "Specials of Ours" 💙💙💙💙, so stay with me till then<3 hope you guys the best have a wonderful life, love y'all. <3

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