40. Epilogue💙💙

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"Yoongi-ah", Yoongi turned around hearing a voice he thought he might never even hear again. His breath hitched as he saw two middle aged man and woman with a almost 12 year old girl on their side.

"M-Mom d-dad?", He heart felt heavy as he never expected them to suddenly show up on his wedding. Yes wedding, it was November 2019, the day Yoongi and Jimin first met last year on the cold street at night. It was finally their wedding they waited for, for so long.

And suddenly seeing his parents in front of him Yoongi felt weird. He wasn't angry but he wasn't happy as well. "H-How?", He said as his eyes fell on the girl. "N-No more importantly wh-who is she?", His parents had the clear guilt expressions on their faces.

"Yoongi-ah she's your younger sister, Min Eunhee", Yoongi's world suddenly cracked. But he hid his tears behind the poker face. "O-Oh", and the room fell silent. Yoongi didn't knew what to say anymore. He still had to wear his clothes, tho he couldn't move.

"Eomma Appa why did you never told me I had a brother?", Yoongi's eyes widened as he looked up at his parents. "W-We-", Of course they had no excuse. "Why are you here?", Yoongi asked in a soft voice. He was done, he didn't knew what else to say now.

"We can't appear on our own son's wedding", his father replied, he lightly nodded, "Ye-Yeah, right", Inside Yoongi was only hoping for Jimin to appear. He was hoping that Jimin would appear and rescue him from the suffocating atmosphere. "Why I never met her whenever I used to visit?", Yoongi said pointing at his sister who also was looking at her parents with hurt written in her face.

"She was always in her room and you only visited for a while like 24 hours the most so you could never meet her", "Why did you hid her from me?", "No we didn't hi-", "Please, don't say that, just tell me what did I do so wrong for you to even hide my own sister from me", Yoongi really wanted to pull his sister and embrace her but didn't wanted to, in front of his parents.

"Eomma, Appa why??", Eunhee finally spoke. "Because we didn't wanted your disease to effect your sister too", Now they both were confused. "Wh-what disease?", they both asked. "Yoongi-ah you're gay, what else it was if not a disease, is what we used to think", Yoongi froze at this. He wanted to tell his parents to get out now but he couldn't, he still wanted to be hugged by his parents. He wanted them to give him their blessings for his marriage. He wanted them to show his affection, even if it's for one last time.

"T-Then why are you here now?", His voice had finally started trembling as he couldn't keep his tears in anymore. "Cuz we finally accepted you", Tears started dropping on his cheeks now. "Wh-why now?", "Your husband, well soon to be, called us", Yoongi's eyes widened as he looked up at his parents.

"Wh-What?", his mother nodded, "Park Jimin called us, and he actually made us realize of how much of a blessing you are. And that being gay is not a disease", Yoongi was a little mad at his parents but he was happy, he was happy that his fiance, soon to be husband did it for him.

"So we're sorry Yoongi", Yoongi looked at his parents confused. "We're sorry for neglecting you out of the family like that", Yoongi actually didn't knew what to say so he just simply and lightly nodded. Suddenly his sister walked closer to him and Yoongi looked up at her.

"Can I hug you Yoongi-Oppa?", Yoongi's heart skipped a beat, thinking that how his sister must be feeling. She must have wanted a brother or sister all her life but her parents must have refused. He didn't said another word as he didn't had the courage to and wrapped his warm arms around his little sister.

"Eunhee-yah", Yoongi sighed as his sister snuggled in his arms. "We're really sorry", their parents apologized again as they saw their kids affection for each other, whom they kept away from each other for too long.

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