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We bought everything that we needed. I brought a lot of green vegetables and beef for healthy food while both of their eyes were on chicken and potatoes and sweets. Really childish. Hyesung's attitude and his behavior all were his father's traits.

They both had the same choice in everything. And what I noticed about Jimin was that also really playful but he was just too much wrapped in business. We placed all the grocery in car's back and again sat in the car the same sequence we were in while coming here. Jimin in the driving seat and me in passenger seat with Hyesung in my lap, like married couple. I blushed hard at my own thought and hid my face behind my hands.

"Mr. Min you okay?", I flinched realizing Hyesung noticed. I removed my hands from my face and nodded smiling and glanced at Jimin who also was looking at me with concern written on his face. I again blushed and hurriedly looked away.

"Are you sure? Your face is red", Hyesung again asked placing his right palm on my forehead and left one on his own. I grabbed his hands and kissed its palm smiling. "Yup I am totally okay just it is a little hot", "What? It's really cold", I nodded, "It's fine now". I looked toward Jimin, "Let's go now shall we", I said smiling sweetly at him. He nodded not really sure but still started the car and drove to their house.

We reached Jimin's and Hyesung's house in half hour. It was not like those mansions. They had a normal house with four bed rooms Jimin's, Hyesung's and other two were guest rooms. I know that Hyesung was too young to sleep alone but he had no choice, and the two punks don't use their rooms at all. Jimin mostly sleep in his office that was also in their house and Hyesung said that he sleep on couch in the living room most of the time. And if Jimin sometime see him sleeping on the coach he shift him to the bedroom. And yeah Hyesung told me all that on our way to their house.

The house aura. It felt really silent and lonely like no one entered it for centuries the only thing was that it didn't looked or felt like a haunted house and was clean. I took off my coat and excused myself because stepping into the house.

"It's still 7 should I prepare dinner now or later? Are you both hungry?", I asked them, they both looked at each other and shook their head, " Later", they replied in unison. Jimin took out his phone and started walking toward his office before I grabbed him by his shoulder. "Going somewhere?", I asked smiling sweetly at him.

"Uh yeah to my o-", "Ahan and?", I nodded and snatched his cell phone from his hand and turned it off. "Listen here young man. Today no work, you need a break and Hyesung need his father. I will punch you 'again'. If Hyesung ever cried on my shoulder again. And yes he cried in the kindergarten when you were really late. But you refused to listen so shut up", I said and kicked Jimin lightly pushing him.

"Now go and change into something comfortable, it looks like you are having trouble breathing", he clearly scared, ran toward his room. He opened the door and went inside locking the door, his cell phone was still with me so it's fine. I smirked and went toward the living room.

"Hey baby, what are you doing", "Ah, Mr. Min-", "Call me Yoongi Hyung outside of kindergartner", Hyesung smiled widely at that, "So Yoongi hyung since you are here and we still have time let's watch something", Hyesung said and ran toward me and pulled me to the couch and turned on the TV. "What do you want to watch", "Hmmm?", I thought for a while not knowing what to watch. "What are you two doing", "Ah papa let's all watch TV together, remmend something to watch", Jimin looked at Hyesung confused. I chuckled and ruffled Hyesung's hairs who looked at me clueless, 'little baby trying to talk like an adult', I shook my head. "He meant recommend us something to watch", I said, Hyesung pouted at realizing his mistake.

"Ooooohhh is that so let's watch a movie then, it's Saturday tomorrow anyway so Hyesung can sleep in the morning", Jimin said sitting on the other side of Hyesung who snuggled in him. I smiled at the sweet scene, "Ok so which movie?", " AVENGERS!", both kids shouted in unison. I chuckled nervously and shook my head, 'like father like son'.

We played Captain America: The First Avenger, because the kids wanted to start Marvel marathon. I didn't mind because I like Avengers too a lot, (A/N aye I use my favorite thing a lot ᕕ( ՞ ᗜ ՞ )ᕗ). When the movie ended it was already 9 so I got up to prepare dinner. The kitchen was clean cuz apparently Jimin kept a cleaning lady to clean the house once in a while.

I turned on the gas to check if it works and thanks the Holy God it did. I started preparing chicken and Vegetable soup and rice with kimchi Stew. And some other side dishes, I could hear Jimin and Hyesung talking in the back cuz it was open kitchen so the living room is just next to it.

They were still babbling about Captain America. "Papa did he really died, but he was alive in Avengers", Hyesung never watched their individual movies so it was his first time. "No little man he will stay frozen for 70 years. And Avengers is like 70 years after Captain America, so he will wake up in Avengers", "Ehhhh Papa no spilers", "Spoilers* baby and Haha sorry", Hyesung pouted, "So the credit scene was after 70 years not before?", "No", I smiled hearing the Father son chat. It was their bonding moment and I somehow felt proud, I don't know why.

"Okay straighten up, food is here", I said and placed the pots on the table in the living room". "Papa look, Rice, they are so white", Hyesung said looking at the rice excitedly and I gave Jimin a death glare, as he avoided eye contact again, like who can't cook or don't have the time to cook rice now.

After everything was placed we played next Marvel movie and ate. Jimin and Hyesung took the first bite and moaned in pleasure. "Didn't your wife cooked for you?", I asked amused by their reaction, "Mama was mostly out and whenever she cooked her cooking was not so good", "Oh", I felt a little angry, she was saying that all to Jimin but not for Hyesung but for herself. So selfish.

I looked at Jimin and he was looking down at the soup in guilt. "Uhm, now you have me, just tell me and I will cook for you whenever you would want", I said and Jimin looked at me shocked while Hyesung cheered. I gave Jimin a soft smile telling him that its okay and softly whispered for him to eat. He returned the smile with his own soft one and started eating. Now they looked like a family. But me as a part of it. I blushed at the thought and started eating myself as we watch the movie.

A/N I cringe. I love Avengers ok😆

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