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Jimin gently pushed his lips on mine. I, at first froze but eventually closed my eyes and moved my lips in sync with his. The kiss was innocent no tongue or saliva involved. After we separated from each other, we just stood there close to each other with our heads against each other. "We should go to sleep now, we both have work tomorrow", I said. Jimin, whose hands were on my waist slid around it and hugged my waist. "Yeah", he breathed.

We both returned to our rooms and fell asleep. The morning was like last time. I woke up earlier then both father and son. And started preparing the breakfast like last week but this time the difference was I heard one of the door open and close assuming that Jimin or Hyesung woke up. "You're early", I heard Jimin voice from behind. "Well that should be my line cuz I always wake up early"(A/N I just noticed how wrong it sounds for actual Yoongi character but well....... Whatever XD). "True but I also don't know how I woke up this early", I felt him walking closer behind me, When he was real close to my back he gently put one hand on my waist massaging it. "Maybe....... It was a message by fate to wake up early today", 'What does that even mean', I chuckled, "And why would you say that?", I asked still doing my work(preparing breakfast), "Uhhhh cuz Hyesung is still asleep?", I laughed at his reply, "Jimin, I like you", Jimin's hand that was gently caressing my waist stopped and he used his both hands to turn me around and face him. We stared at each other for a while, I, with and smile but Jimin with a straight serious face. "I...... Like you too...... A lot", Jimin said and again gently pushed his plump lips on my thin ones. His kiss last night and this one are so gentle that I feel like melting away.

Like I was a jelly and Jimin can easily eat and crush me. My arms that were wrapped around Jimin's neck slowly and softly slid down to his well built chest. "Jimin", I whispered against his lips that were not touching mine now but still real close to mine. "Hmm?", he replied with his eyes still close and attached his forehead with mine.

"What will we tell Hyesung", Jimin sighed catching my meaning, "I am sure that he will understand....... He should know that you and him were impossible from the start", Jimin said and I lightly nodded hoping it's true.

"Anyway go wake Hyesung up, Breakfast's almost ready", I pecked Jimin's lips and turned around, Jimin hugged my waist from behind and squeezed it tightly pulling me real close to him and buried his nose in my hairs inhaling my scent. "hOkay", he replied with a sigh.

After I was done with preparing table(putting the food on the table) Jimin and Hyesung walked out. "Yoongi-hyuuung!", Hyesung cheered sleepily from his father's arms. I chuckled and we had our breakfast. After breakfast Jimin went to his work and I, with Hyesung went to the school.

The day went smoothly like usual. "Hyesung-oppa!", I heard the two twins in my class again fighting over Hyesung. I chuckled it's always like that, "What do you girls want?", "Hyesung-oppa which one of us love you more?", they asked in unison. "You know you both are girls, you should not act so immoral and not give your heart to someone so easily. This isn't love, you both should act like elegant ladies and care about this heart", 'Holy Shi-eep', I almost fainted. I couldn't help but imagine Jimin saying all this cuz he was his father and that's also where he got it from right?

Hyesung was too mature for his age. Everything he said to me or to other students I couldn't help but getting my imagination run wild, thinking of Hyesung as Jimin. "You guys shouldn't fight and be good friends instead of fighting over something stupid", I looked over at Hyesung who had his arms folded and was scolding two students for fighting each other over something I don't know about. And again for me Jimin stood there showing off his biseps by folding his arm. I seriously couldn't help but drool.

"Mr. Min are you thinking of some other man again. I let it slide doesn't mean I always will. You should know that you are mine. So I won't bear you thinking and drooling over someone else other than me and more over in front of me", This time Hyesung scolded me. I couldn't help but chuckle. "Okay okay", I said patting his head. But my mind, "Yoongi are you thinking of some other man again. I let it slide doesn't mean I always will. You should know that you are mine. So I won't bear you thinking and drooing over someone else other than me and more over in front of me", There stood Jimin whispered all of this to me who was attached to his firm chest. I rapidly shook my head, Hyesung had ran over to the other students and I laughed at my own stupidity. I am seriously drooling over my own 'Boyfriend'. I blushed hard over the word boyfriend and unconsciously licked my lips wetting them(A/N as a habit only).

The day passed by just like that and it was the off time. Hyesung like usual was the only one left but this time he stayed with me and was happy. I smiled at this evolution. I, after finishing locking the offices and school sat outside with Hyesung.

He was asleep in my lap while I played with his hairs waiting for Jimin. "Yoongi", I heard someone call my name from behind and turned around standing up. My eyes widened as I looked at the owner of the rough voice. My arms unconsciously tightened around the sleeping angel in my arms.

There stood none other then (Nun, Sorry), "Seungj-", "Yoongi?", Jimin appeared at the scene from behind Seungjoon, 'Damn No, they are standing too close if something happens it's a total bad sign'. My mind suddenly stopped working and no words came out of my mouth.

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