1.2.5 Queer, There and Everywhere

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"I came all the way here just to see him, and he doesn't want anything to do with me," Luke almost wails as he takes his jacket off, lying it on the seat next to him.

He's in some kind of late night cafe, where's everything feels like it's covered in a thin layer of grease. It's like no cafe he's been in before, there's every kind of person in here; from leather daddies to tweaked out twinks and everyone in between. It's warm though and bright, very bright, every colour you could think of decorates the walls and fittings but, even though it hurts his artist's brain, it all seems to work.

It definitely doesn't do anything to cheer up his mood though. Michael's reaction to him tonight was so not what he was expecting. He's thought about him the entire day and this is what it's all been for?

"Yeah, well, the thing you've got to know about Michael is, he's not your boyfriend." Looking at Luke's innocent, young and upset face, Calum knows he needs to at least try to be kind here. "Michael doesn't do boyfriends," he explains.

"Yeah, well, you weren't there while we were doing it," Luke doesn't know whether he's just hurting himself more by remembering it. "You don't know the things we did. How he kissed me," Luke's face softens, thinking back. "You don't know anything," he says, dismissing Calum.

"I know this. Michael is a selfish prick who doesn't care about anyone other than himself. If I were you I'd just forget about him."

Luke knows he's not going to be able to follow Calum's advice. How's he supposed to forget last night? Michael made him feel....god, how does he even start to articulate this? He's never felt anything even close to what he experienced with him. He felt so powerful and yet so completely vulnerable at the same time, and he's never, ever, ever busted a nut quite so explosively as he did last night. My god, he felt like he was coming apart every single time, then remade with Michael's touch, only to be torn apart again and it went on the entire night. He's completely changed for good, he can never go back to how he was. How the hell is he supposed to forget all of that?

"Hi boys, getting any tonight?" The lady who's addressing them is dressed to match the cafe.

Luke's eyes go wide taking in her red wig, the multi-coloured bows in her hair and the mish mash of colours she's wearing. She's even more colourful than the cafe if that's possible, plus he goes goggle-eyed trying to read the rows and rows of pin-on badges on her rainbow waistcoat with amazement. "Haven't seen you around here before?" she asks Luke.

"He's new," Calum interjects.

"And cute! Every guy in the place has his eye on you tonight sweetie." She points out, getting her pad and pen ready to take their order. Luke looks round, it seems to be true, he does seem to be the centre of people's attention.

"Can we order?" Calum's eyes scan the board above her head for the nightly specials.

"Shoot, but it'll be the first time tonight, am I right?" She laughs, a big belly laugh that you have no choice but to smile along with.

"Ha ha ha," Calum deadpans. "I'll have the chicken fried steak, no remarks, and he'll have a bacon cheeseburger."



"You gotta keep your strength up sunshine, you can't cruise all night on an empty stomach." Pinching Luke's cheek and giving him a gentle slap, she laughs before moving off to the kitchen.

"Oh. My. God. What a freak!" Luke's flabbergasted, the woman is a walking cliche, and so fucking loud! He looks round at Calum with wild eyes, expecting him to agree with him.

"Yeah, she takes some getting used to but once you do, you can't help but love her."

"One chicken fried steak with no remarks coming up in a flash." She says coming back and winking at Calum, her eyes twinkling at him.

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