1.17.1 Solution

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Calum twirls his wine glass expertly in his hand, standing at the back of their living room with everyone seated in rows before him. His mother has the prime spot, just in front of the projector, which she bagged as soon as she walked in earlier this evening.

To Joy's left is Geordie who's bouncing Gus on her knee, at least four seats away from Maddie who's on her right. It pains Joy that the girls haven't resolved their differences but she's determined to remain silent on the issue.

Geordie keeps yawning, Joy can hear her even though she tries to stifle it. She can also hear Maddie keep turning her head to look at Geordie, particularly when a brighter photo pops up on the screen that lights the room up for a second or two whilst Calum describes what was happening.

In front of Geordie and Gus are Corey and Sam. Sam's been fast asleep for a while, snoring gently with his head on Corey's shoulder, although from time to time he does an extra loud one that makes everyone jump.

To Joy's far right is a chair reserved for Stephen but he's not in it much as he wanders around the semi-darkened room making sure that everyone's wine glasses are topped up.

In front of Joy, on a low sofa which gives her a birds eye view of their antics, are Michael and Luke, as usual completely absorbed in each other. They've been kissing for the past twenty minutes non stop.

When she and Luke had first arrived he'd laid down, putting his legs up on the arm of the sofa to get comfy but when Michael had arrived she'd noticed that he'd looked at Luke pointedly, indicating he was going to sit there.

She'd watched as Luke had smiled and blushed, sitting up and moving his legs to make way for Michael and the two of them had got closer and closer to each other all evening until Michael's hand had ended up resting on Luke's knee.

As the photos had gone on and on, and on and on, they'd been flirting the entire time until finally Luke had tipped his head, looking longingly at Michael's lips as he'd whispered something rude about the Eiffel Tower and Michael had HAD to kiss him.

"Here we are in front of the Arc du Triomphe..." Calum informs the room as he clicks to change the slides. "And here we are in front of Sacre Coeur! And here we are in front of Napoleon's Tomb!"

Corey's ears prick up at the mention of a tomb, "Lucky him, he's dead!" he stage whispers to the room, making Maddie snigger. 

Michael and Luke crack a smile too, just before they go back to kissing each other, Michael's tongue sliding easily into Luke's mouth to find his. Luke's been rock hard for ages now, he wouldn't be surprised if the tip of his cock is plastered in pre-cum. It's something to do with how Michael kisses him he's sure of it. And how Michael's eyes become hooded and dark when he looks at him... and how his tongue sweeps confidently into Luke's mouth, like it belongs there...

Joy whacks Luke on the arm making him flinch and pull slightly away from Michael, enough to break their kiss , "Would you two cut it out?!!!"

"Mum you're interrupting!" Calum complains.

"Well I hate it when couples kiss in front of everyone!"

Michael looks up at her in mock disbelief, "It's French." He looks back at Luke again who hasn't moved, and who has this blissed out look on his face watching Michael's lips move as he talks, it makes Michael's dick twitch the way he's looking at him.

"We're Frenching!" Michael explains, opening his mouth to blatantly slide his tongue into Luke's mouth, deliberately not connecting their lips, loving how Luke's breath hitches and he lets out the tiniest of hums that Michael's willing to bet only he can hear.

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