Take 2

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Namjoon Kim in mm

Namjoon and Christen were slowly, but surely, becoming friends. It was something about Namjoon that attracted Christen more and more to him and vice versa for him.

They currently were sitting on the hood of Namjoon's car eating burgers and fries and watching the sunset.

"So, Christen, tell me about yourself."

"What do you want to know?"

"Anything, tell me something interesting. I've known you a week and I only know your name and where you live." He took a sip of his drink and looked at her.

"That's more than what most people know, but there's nothing interesting about me. I grew up here and I'm most likely gonna be here for the rest of my life."

"Is that what you wanna do?"

She stared at the sky and leaned back, laying against the window, "no. I want to travel and live in a place that's peaceful as hell. No drama, no stupid shit, just peace, you know?"

Namjoon laid back also and turned to look at her waiting for her to continue.

"I love New York. It's the only place I know, but I know there's more out there in the world and I want to be able to experience it."

"What's stopping you?"

"Myself. Maybe I'm scared of what I might experience."

"You shouldn't be," he sat up and leaned on his elbow, looking down at her, "the world is a beautiful place and yea it has its flaws, but what place doesn't."

"You know you're pretty smart."

He chuckled, "Yea I get that a lot."

Christen laughed and sat up also, turning her body so she was facing Namjoon, "tell me what it was like living in South Korea."

"I don't really remember much since I was so young, but it's different from here. I remember every time I would walk home from school with my mom, she would stop at this food stand and buy us Tteokbokki, which is spicy rice cakes served with fish cakes, and we would eat some there and then save the rest for later. I didn't know why and I still don't know why we went there everyday after school. It was just our thing, you know?"

"That's adorable. Where's your mom now? Did she move here with you?"

"No, she's in California in a retirement home. She loves Cali, I think she loves it more than Korea." Namjoon chuckled.

"Are you the only child?" Christen finished the last of her drink and placed it the bag along with the rest of their trash.

"No, I have an older sister. You seen her, when I came to your job that was her."

Christen's mouth fell open and she felt like such an idiot, "that was your sister?"

Namjoon nodded, "who did you think she was?"

"I feel so dumb, I thought that was your girlfriend." She laughed and smacked her forehead.

"I don't have a girlfriend. I haven't had one in a long time actually." A sad smile came upon his face and Christen returned it.

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