Take 42

785 35 0

Nasir Joon Kim in mm

They were finally taking Nasir home. After spending a couple of weeks in the hospital, Nasir was already to go home. Namjoon and Christen couldn't stop staring at him. Everything he did, which wasn't much, fascinated them.

Christen and Namjoon sat on the couch while she breast-fed him. The nurses helped her learn how to get him to latch on and such, so everything was going smoothly.

"What do you want to eat, babe?" Namjoon asked as he rubbed her feet.

"It doesn't matter, whatever you eating, I'll eat."


Nasir finished eating and Christen passed him over to Namjoon, so he could be burped. After fixing herself up, she went into the room to shower. By the time she came back out, Namjoon had prepared dinner for them. Nasir was laying in his swing, sleeping peacefully, close to Namjoon.

When Christen came back into the living room, Namjoon took notice to her body. She wore a pink cami and a pair of Namjoon's grey shorts that she rolled up. Her stomach had gone down and she was looking back to her old self, before the baby.

"What did you make, baby?" Christen asked as she sat back down on the couch.

"Ramen with boiled eggs, sliced pork, dried seaweed, menma, and green onions."

"Sounds amazing."

As she sat down, Namjoon couldn't take his eyes off of her. Christen could feel Namjoon staring at her, but she continued to eat like it didn't bother her, but after awhile, Namjoon's stares for too much.

"Joon, why are you staring at me?" She chuckled and shook her head.

"You're just beautiful and I'm in love with you."

Christen blushed and smiled, "thank you."

He leaned over and kissed her lips multiple times. "you're so lucky that we gotta wait for another three weeks." He mumbled.

They stared into each other's eyes before kissing again. Before it got too heated, Nasir woke up and started crying.

"Oh, the life of parents." Namjoon groaned and sat back while Christen put her bowl on the table and picked Nasir up.

"Aw, it's okay baby, you're okay." Christen soothed their son and he stopped crying instantly.

She sat back down on the couch and laid Nasir on her chest. He was wide awake now and watching Namjoon eat.

"You looking at daddy? Mhm?" Christen removed him from her chest and sat him on her lap, making sure to support his head.

"Who do you think he looks like? My mom said he looks like you." Namjoon said after he drunk the soup out the bowl and placed his empty bowl on the table.

"I don't know. Sometimes when I look at him, I see you, but other times it's like looking in a mirror." Namjoon took Nasir out of her hands and kissed all over his face which made Nasir smile.

"Joonie, tonight is gonna be our first night with him full through. Are you ready?"

"As ready as I can be. Goodbye sleep, forever."

Christen chuckled and leaned over to kiss his lips and while she was at it, she gave some kisses to Nasir.

Nightfall came around and Nasir was fast asleep. Namjoon and Christen were tucked in bed and on their way to sleep.

"Babe, I want Nasir to sleep in bed with us. His baby smell is intoxicating." Christen said sleepily as she turned on her side to look at Namjoon. Nasir's basket-net was on Namjoon's side since he was gonna be the first one up with him tonight m.

"No, because then you'll want to do it every night and then he'll get spoiled and not want to sleep in his own bed."

"Please." Christen pouted her lips.

Namjoon sighed and picked Nasir up out of the basket-net. He placed him in the middle of the two of them, which made him fuss a little, but he soon went back to sleep.

"When he's crying because he can't sleep in his own bed, I'm gonna act like I don't hear him and let you do all the work." Namjoon said as he cut off the light and pulled the covers over his body.

"Whatever, Joonie." She chuckled and leaned over their son to kiss his lips. "Good night, babe."

"Night, I love you."

Christen smiled and kissed Nasir's head, "I love you, baby." She spoke to both of her boys.

Parenthood was actually starting for them and it was definitely gonna be a rollercoaster.

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