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Christen Raines in mm

Christen was currently seven months pregnant and her and Namjoon were finally told their families and friends that they were expecting. They found out the baby's gender yesterday and they were more than excited to welcome their baby boy into the world.

"Babe, can you rub the lotion on my stomach?" Namjoon spooned Christen from behind as she did her online classes. She transferred to online classes a little while ago since Namjoon begged her to stay home and rest as they got closer to the due date which is June twelfth.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked as he rubbed the lotion on her stomach.

"Better, but I think our little boy and tired of being inside and ready to get out here in the world." Christen mumbled as she laid her head back against his chest.

"Two more months and he will be here." He pulled her shirt down once he was done and kissed her shoulder. "What time is it, babe?"

"Eight o'clock. You have to go soon, right?"

"Yea, babe." Namjoon has been working a lot more now to make sure that they were set when the baby came.

"I'm so lonely when you're not here."

"I'll be back in four hours." He got out the bed and changed into his uniform which consisted of a black shirt and black pants. "I love you and I'll see you later." He kissed her forehead before disappearing out the bedroom.

Christen sighed and finished her classes before taking herself a nap. She got woken up by pain in her back and the baby kicking her over and over again. She groaned and sat up in bed, rubbing her stomach to put her son at ease.

She texted Namjoon, letting him know that the baby was kicking her ass and that she was going out to the grocery store to pick up some ice cream. He responded with a laughing emoji and told her to stop by the restaurant instead.

"Looks like we're going to see daddy."

She put on a jean jacket and her sneakers before grabbing her keys and Left Eye. She drove to Namjoon's job and he waited outside for her. She parked in front of the restaurant before getting out with Left Eye in her hands.

"You just missed me so much, mhm?" Namjoon said with a chuckle.

"I just came for the ice cream." She smiled and walked inside the restaurant with Namjoon on her trail. The restaurant was empty and Christen sat at one of the empty booths with Left Eye beside her.

"I'll be back with your ice cream, ma'am." He bowed with a smirk on his face before heading in the back.

Christen pulled out her phone and texted her mom while she waited for Namjoon.

"Thank you, baby." Christen smiled as Namjoon sat a bowl of chocolate ice cream with chocolate syrup and whip cream in front of her.

"I'm only giving you this because I feel bad that you've been having pain. You know you're not supposed to be eating this."

"I can eat what I want. I'm seven months pregnant and crazy hormonal, do you really wanna mess with me?" She questioned as she put a spoonful of whip cream in her mouth.

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