Take 27

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Christen Raines in mm

They've been in LA for two days now and Namjoon's birthday was tomorrow. Christen wanted to do something special for him, being as so Namjoon planned this trip for the both of them.

Christen was currently in bed, in their hotel room, looking up places to go while Namjoon slept. It was going twelve in the afternoon and she didn't know why Namjoon was sleeping so late, but he deserved it.

After finding the perfect place for Namjoon and her, she got out of bed to talk a quick shower and then she went into the small living room to call her mom.

"Hello mother, what are you doing?"
"I'm on my lunch break at work, how are you? How's Cali?"
"It's so beautiful here. Me and Namjoon are really enjoying ourselves, I even met his mom yesterday."
"Really? Is she nice?"
"She is and she loves me. I didn't even know we were coming here mom, he surprised me with the trip to LA and meeting his mom."
"Well at least you're enjoying yourself."
"So, you know tomorrow is Namjoon's birthday and I was thinking about going to a private beach and setting up like a date thing, you know? Candles, roses, and champagne."
"Champagne? You're still eighteen Christen."
"Fine, apple cider than."
"Much better."
She sighed and chuckled, "so do you think he'll like it?"
"I'm sure he'll love it."

Christen talked to her mom a little more before hanging up. Christen needed to get away early, tomorrow, so she could set up. She didn't know how she was gonna do that, but she had to try.

"Morning baby." Christen looked up at the sound of Namjoon's groggy voice. She quickly shut the computer and smiled innocently up at her man.

"It's not morning anymore baby," Christen chuckled and stood up, wrapping her arms around his neck, and placed a kiss on his lips, "you slept a long time."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I want you to be well rested." She smirked.

"Really? What for?"

Christen bit her lip and looked up at him with puppy eyes, "I don't know, but I know it has something to do with me and you, in bed, having a grand old time." She whispered and pulled Namjoon closer.

Namjoon smiled down at her, making his dimples show, "I think I like the sound of that." Namjoon picked her up and her legs wrapped his waist. He blew on her neck which made her laugh at he took them into the bedroom.

Later on that day, Namjoon and Christen visited Santa Monica. They were currently laying on the beach, soaking up the sun, listening to some music.

"I haven't been on a beach in so long, I might not want to leave." Namjoon said.

Christen smiled and shifted closer to him. After a few minutes, she sat up on her elbows and looked over at Namjoon.

"We should move here." She thought out loud.

Namjoon copied her posture and gave her a look, "what are you talking about?"

"I'm just saying, California is beautiful, you can be closer to your mom, and maybe you might even run the company."

"Christen." He warned.

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