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Christen Raines in mm

At their new place, everything was in order. It's been a couple of weeks since the move and at first Christen thought everything wasn't gonna work and it was gonna be tight, but they've managed to have enough space for extra.

"I want a new job." Christen whined as she bounced Nasir on her lap.

"What's wrong with the one you have now?" Namjoon asked.

"Nothing. It's fine, but I want something more. I want something that's close to what my career is gonna be like."

"Try finding an assistant job then, but keep the restaurant job until then."

"Fine,"Namjoon took Nasir out of her arms as Left Eye hopped on her lap, "Speaking of work, what time are you going in today?"

"Five," he checked his watch and smirked, "I got a couple of hours for some loving." He leaned over and nudged her face with his nose.

"Back up." Christen laughed and pushed him away.

"You hurting my feelings bae." He fake pouted.


While Christen sat at home with Nasir, Namjoon was at work getting hit on by a girl who just wouldn't take no for a answer. No matter how many times he told her that he had a beautiful girlfriend and a awesome child at home, she still continued.

"So like, is the relationship pretty serious or are you guys a short term thing?" She flirted.

Namjoon rolled his eyes and continued to clean the tables. It was almost closing time and Namjoon was trying to get everything finish so he could head out.

"Oh trust me, it's long term."

"Are you sure? Just because y'all have a baby together doesn't mean anything." She sat at the table  Namjoon was cleaning up.

"Listen, you're acting really thirsty and I don't want you nor do I want to get to know you. Please leave me alone."

The girl stared at him before opening her mouth to say, "I'll leave my phone number for you just in case." and smiled and walked away.

Namjoon sighed relief, happy that she was gone, and went back to cleaning up.


"What's been going on? I feel like I haven't seen or talked to you in forever." Jacky pouted slightly.

Christen had invited her over for some quality girl time.

"We just spoke on the phone a couple of days ago." Christen said with a duh tone.

"Yea, a couple a days too long. Girl, you know I don't have any friends." Her and Christen giggled.

"Then what am I?" Christen crossed her arms.

"You're my sister."

"Aww." Christen leaned over and hugged her sister.

"Yea, yea whatever, don't get all mushy on me now." Jacky chuckled and Christen released her from her hold. "I need to talk to you about something though. It's serious."

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