Take 51

703 31 2

Nasir Joon Kim in mm

"Look at those chunky legs. Yes, you do have chunky legs. Oh you're so cute my baby." Christen spoke in baby talk to him.

It was a beautiful morning. Everyone in the house woke up in a good mood, Namjoon was cleaning around the house to prepare for the arrival of his dad, Christen didn't have class today, and Nasir sat up on his own today, so Christen was excited and sad because her baby was growing up so fast.

The sound of a knock on the door made Christen walk out the room with Nasir in her arms. Namjoon was already at the door and she just stood back and waited for him to open it.

"Anytime now, babe. We can't keep him waiting outside forever." She said referring to his dad.

"Just give me a minute. I haven't seen him in awhile and I need time to collect myself." He whispered.

After another few seconds, he finally put his hand on the doorknob and opened the door.

"Nice to see you dad." Namjoon said and was soon pulled into a hug. Christen took a step closer to see the interaction and was close to tears.

"I missed you son. It's really good to see you." His dad spoke and pulled him closer.

They finally pulled apart and Christen and Nasir was acknowledged. He hugged Christen before taking Nasir out of her arms.

"This is him? He looks just like you, Namjoon." His dad complimented.

They all took a seat on the couch, but Christen sat further, so she would interrupt their father- son time. Namjoon wasn't having that and pulled her close to his side.

"He's six months?"

"No, five." Christen corrected.

"He looks like Namjoon when he was a baby. Chunky legs and all." He chuckled and lifted Nasir up so that they were face to face. "neo hal-abeoji ya neoleul mannaseo bangawo." I'm your grandpa, nice to meet you.

"What did he say?" Christen whispered to Namjoon.

"He was just introducing himself." Namjoon smiled.

Nasir places his hands on his grandpa's face and cooed. He leaned down and slobbered over his face. Namjoon thought his father would get mad, but instead he laughed and wiped it off.

"How long are you staying in North Carolina?" Namjoon asked. Christen took this as her opportunity to try and leave, but Namjoon tightened his grip on her thigh. Christen gave him a look, but his back was to her, so he didn't see it.

"For a week, the building that I have down here, they have no idea what they're doing, so I'm here to guide." he explained.

Christen's phone started ringing and she looked at the caller idea and instantly smiled.

"I'll be right back, I gotta take this."

Namjoon silently begged her to stay, but Christen mouthed that it was okay before going into the bedroom.

"Hello sister in law, how's everything?"
"Nara, it's so good to hear your voice. Your dad is here and Namjoon is basically freaking out."
"Yea, he's weird like that. When are you guys coming back up here to New York?"
"I don't know, but hopefully soon. I miss the streets of New York and I'm stuck in the house most of the time here. Even before Nasir was born."
"You and my brother just need a baecation. I would love to meet Nasir and so would William."
"I would love that, I'll talk to Joonie about it, but speaking of William, how is he adjusting to the whole living in two places thing."
"Well, he's still young so I don't think he has caught on, but Chad and I are coparenting well."
"That's good. Even if you guys didn't work out, it's good that you both are being cordial for the sake of William."
"We are and I'm much happier. We still have sex though, so it's not all bad."
"Jesus Christ! I did not need to know that."
"Oh please, you're my sister. I'm suppose to tell you these things."
Christen chuckled, "so does that mean I can tell you about my sex life."
"Ew no, your sex life is with my brother and I do not need to know those details."

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