Take 32

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Namjoon Kim in mm

Sometimes, Namjoon wondered how long him and Christen will be together. Was it gonna end soon or were they gonna be together until they both were in diapers, he didn't know, but sitting here, at a table in a Italian restaurant, with Christen, her mom, and her two brothers, he knew that he would die if he had to give her up. If he had to miss out on family dinners like this, it would tear him apart.

"So, Namjoon, what's it like being with Christen all the time? Does she get on your nerves?" Cameron asked.

"Of course," everyone laughed, "no, but seriously I love her and I honestly don't know what it would be like if I wasn't around her all the time. She's my other half." Christen smiled and kissed his lips.

"Aw, you guys are so cute. Namjoon, I really love that you make Christen so happy and I'm happy you're apart of this family. I can't wait for you guys to get married and have kids, but no rush. Christen needs to finish school and you guys are still young." Her mom explained and Namjoon didn't know what to say. He sat there trying to comprehend if she actually wanted them to get married and have kids soon or not.

Christen on the other hand, being as so she was the only one who knew she was pregnant, well except for Angela and Vanessa, she sat there with a smile on her face. She wasn't sure what she waiting for, and why she didn't tell Namjoon as soon as she found out. Actually, she did know, she didn't want to jinx anything. She wanted this pregnancy to actually fall through. Even though they didn't know last time, she still wanted to have some precaution.

"So, hows everything back in New York?"

"Things are good, but guess who got married?"

"Who?" Christen took a bite of her pasta.


Christen nearly choked on her food, "What? Aunt Miranda got married? To who?"

"A guy she met in Vegas. His name Calvin, last name I do not know, and they met each other twenty four hours before they got married, so you know, healthy relationship. Both were drunk and Elvis married them."

"Have you met the guy?" Christen observed her brothers' faces and they seemed unfazed by the news

Her mom nodded, "She brought him to the house and I met him. He's filthy rich though, him and Miranda are thinking about moving to Texas."

"To buy a big ass house with a shit ton of land." Corey said as he took a big bite out of his bread.

"Corey," Their mother warned and Corey held his hand up in surrender, "but yes, that's pretty much what's happening."

"She got married and didn't tell me, that sucks." Christen frowned. Namjoon rested a reassuring hand on her thigh under the table

"Give her a call and I'm sure she can explain everything." Her mom said and she started to dig into her food.

Christen and Namjoon arrived home after dropping her mom and brother off at their hotel, agreeing to hang out tomorrow. They now sat in the bathtub, surrounded by bubbles, and facing each other.

Christen looked at Namjoon and figured she should tell him. Right here, right now. They both were relaxed, no bad vibes, and they both were at peace with everything in their life.

"Joonie, I have something to tell you." A worried look came around his face, "Don't worry, it's nothing bad." She reassured.

"What is it?"

She grabbed his hand under the water and gave it a squeeze, "I'm pregnant."

"I know." He smiled.

"What? How?" She thought she did a great job hiding her pregnancy.

"Your stomach is growing a little and you've been having weird ass cravings, so I put two and two together, but I wanted you to tell me first before I said anything." Namjoon lifted her hands up out of the water and kissed each knuckle, "I'm happy."

"I love you, Joon."

"Not as much as I love you."

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